The Fanboy's Request Shop | CLOSED

Krissy_ | Written by SOHEESHUSBAND | The Trouble With Love

“Yah! Chansung-ah, come over here!” Chansung turned when he heard one of the girls, Oh Kanghee,  from his literature course call him over.

He looked over at the small group of girls that were crowded around the front door of the literature course room. He had planned on skipping the course today, so he could hang out with some friends, but he knew it was ruined now. Kanghee was so loud that Chansung was sure the professor had heard her.

Chansung sighed, put on a subtly fake smile for the ladies, and walked over with one hand holding the strap of his bag and his other hand in his pocket. "What can I do for you, ladies?" He asked, flashing his signature smile.

The girls giggled and nudged each other before pushing another girl closer to him. Chansung didn't recognize this girl, and he wondered if she was even in the course with them.

"Hi?" He said, unintentionally making it sound like a question.

"Oh!" Kanghee clapped her hands as if she finally remembered that Chansung didn't know the unfamiliar girl standing in front of him. "Chansung-ah, this is our new friend, Lee Minah."

Chansung looked the girl up and down. She was average-sized with dark brown eyes and straight, light brown hair. She was looking up at him with curious eyes, but she still hadn't said anything.

"Oh, I see," he muttered, more to himself than to the girls. He gave Lee Minah a small smile and stuck his hand out toward her. "I'm Hwang Chansung."

Minah took Chansung's hand and shook it slowly. Finally, her face changed from the curious statue it had once been into a friendly expression. "Nice to meet you, Chansung Sunbae."


"She's a year younger than us!" One of the other girls explained.

Chansung closed his fingers around his phone in his pocket, but he hesitated. Most of the girls on the University campus had his phone number. What's one more girl? He grinned and pulled his phone out, handing it to Minah. "Put your number in," was all he said.

"Chansung-ah, that's not fair! You didn't ask for any of our numbers, and we knew you longer!" Kanghee whined, getting closer to him and fake pouting.

Chansung resisted the strong urge to roll his eyes and shook his head. "That's because I've already gotten your numbers a long time ago. Remember? Besides I think Lee Minah needs more friends since she's only in her first year."

Minah quickly put her phone number in his phone, feeling her face turn red. "Thanks," she said, barely audible above the whines of the other girls.

She noticed the time on Chansung's phone as she was handing it back and gasped. "I'm going to be late for my next course! See you guys later," She announced, waving to them as she hurried to her class.

Chansung watched her with an amused smile. He didn't even mind anymore that he had to actually go to class now.

It was Chansung's last day of University in Seoul. He'd made it through 4 long years of studying, partying, and getting a good education. Now that his grades were looking great, his parents planned to send him to America to study more.

Chansung didn't mind because he was looking forward to getting a better education before he began his medical career. The only thing he did mind was leaving behind his friends, especially Lee Minah.

It had only been close to two years, but Chansung and Minah were already considered best friends to themselves and to everyone who knew them.

Friendship hadn't really been what was on Chansung's mind that day they first met, but Minah led the relationship in that way because she knew about Chansung's reputation with girls. She also got a good look at all the female phone numbers stored in his cell phone.

"Chansung-ah! Hwang Chansung! Aren't you ready yet? I told you not to wait until the last week to pack! We have to leave early tomorrow morning, and -"

"Eomma," Chansung said calmly, cutting his mother off.

He was packing his very last bag, the one he'd carry with him on the  plane. His mother was standing in his doorway with her arms folded across her chest, staring at her son with a knowing expression. "I knew you'd wait until the last minute," she started again. "Are you done?"

"Yes, Eomma," He answered with a smile, going over to hug his mother. "I'm done packing. Now I'm going to say bye to some friends."

"Some friends?" She asked him, raising an eyebrow. She knew her son well. "You could have just invited Minah to come see us."

Chansung sighed lightly, smiling again and shaking his head. "We need some alone time."

Chansung slipped past his mother and walked toward the front door.

"Don't spend time with her alone unless you're planning on telling her how you feel," His mother called after him before he left the house.

Chansung knew his parents both knew how he felt about Minah. Almost everyone knew how he felt about Minah except for Minah herself. He sighed. Should he confess to her today? He couldn't. He was leaving tomorrow, and he knew that he'd lose her if he confessed then left.

No, Chansung thought, shaking his head. He'd confess when he came back from the United States. It was only one year. He could do it.

He walked to the cafe where Minah worked during the summer and sat down at his favorite table by the window. He waited a few minutes, staring at the different people walking by. He knew Minah would get off work in a few minutes, so he waited patiently at the table instead of looking for her.

Finally, after about ten minutes, he felt someone's presence across from him. He looked over and saw his best friend grinning.

Minah didn't just smile at anybody. Usually her face was peacefully emotionless, but there were some people who made her beautiful smile set perfectly on her face. Chansung was one of those people, which he was extremely grateful for.

"How long have you been waiting?"

He shrugged. "About an hour, but anything for you."

Minah snorted in amusement and rolled her eyes. "You were not waiting for an hour. Maybe a few minutes! Anyway," she said, her smile disappearing. "What are we doing today? I know your mom will want you back early."

Chansung nodded. "Yeah. She almost killed me when she found me still packing just a while ago."

Minah laughed again and shook her head at him. "Well, she has been telling you to pack all summer. How could you wait until the last day?"

They laughed, but then they were really quiet. Chansung was staring intently at Minah, wanting her to look back at him. She was frowning at her hands in her lap. Minah didn't want him to leave, and she didn't want to have to go through her last year of University without her best friend by her side.

Minah knew Chansung was graduated, but she didn't think he'd be completely leaving the country until his mom accidentally talked about it in front of at Chansung's graduation party.

I'm being selfish, Minah told herself silently, this is a great opportunity for Chansung Oppa, and I should be happy for him. Minah wanted to smile up at him and say something supporting or encouraging, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Minah felt Chansung reach over the table and take one of her hands. "Hey, it's only for a year, Minah-yah. And then I'll be back. Besides, we'll be talking on the phone every day."

"That's not possible," Minah mumbled, holding in her tears. She couldn't cry in front of Chansung or he might just change his mind about leaving. She knew him well enough to know that.

She heard Chansung chuckle. "And why is that?"

"Because there's different time zones. And you'll be learning how to be a doctor, Oppa. It's tedious work. You'll be busy. And I'm sure you're going to be just as much of a player over there like you are here. You'll get a bunch of girlfriends and forget about me."

"Well, I wouldn't get a bunch of girlfriends if you were my girlfriend."

At that, Minah's head popped up. Chansung and Minah stared at each other for a few seconds before Chansung laughed nervously and gently pulled his hand away from hers.

"That was a joke, Minah. You're supposed to laugh."

Minah felt her heart drop, but she didn't know why. She felt...disappointed. What had she been expecting? She forced out her own nervous laugh then frowned back down at her lap again. "Oh."

Chansung stood up, knowing that he'd probably made things awkward and wanting things to return to how they usually were. "Come on! Let's go get some fried pork! You're paying since it's my last fried pork in Korea."

Minah walked into her first course of her last year in University. She was already regretting it. Over the past 3 years, Minah had made the mistake of befriending people mostly in the year above her own. Now all of her friends graduated, and she didn't know many people in the school.

Minah was majoring in creative writing, so the first course she had was Korean Language. Before sitting down, she scanned the room for any familiar faces. Unexpectedly, she actually found one.

Minah hurried over to take the seat beside Oh Kanghee. Kanghee wasn't supposed to be here because she was in the year above Minah, but Minah forgot that Kanghee had skipped many of her courses and had to take some again.

"Unnie! Thank God, I found you here!" Minah happily took the seat beside her older friend.

Kanghee rolled her eyes, still upset that she had to repeat courses. "Yeah, you're happy about it. How do you think I feel?" She pouted.

Minah grimaced and gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry!"

Before the professor started the class, a few more students hurried into the classroom. One was looking very disoriented and lost. He looked all around for an empty seat so the professor wouldn't yell at him, but it was a large class and everyone always wanted to sit with their own friends.

Trying to be nice, Minah waved at him and pointed to the seat in front of her. "There's a seat here," she called to him, smiling.

Kanghee groaned. "Why are you calling new kids over to sit with us, huh?"

Minah pursed her lips and turned to Kanghee. "How do you know that he's new?"

Kanghee rolled her eyes for what felt like the hundredth time that day and sighed. "Because," she droned, "if you ever read the comments written in the girls' bathroom stalls, you'd know something. Anyway, that's Kim Jongdae; his picture was glued onto one of the stalls. He's a total flirt, and he's already gotten with like 5 girls last week when the campus officially opened."

By this time, the guy - Kim Jongdae - had gotten to the seat. He looked over his shoulder and slightly bowed gratefully to Minah. She only smiled back before turning to Kanghee again.

"He looks pretty nice," she whispered as the professor started the class.

Kanghee looked at Minah as if she were dense. "Well, of course he does," she whispered back. "If he didn't look nice, how could he get with 5 girls already?" Kanghee paused, thinking about something, and then she smiled. "He kind of reminds me of Hwang Chansung."

Minah raised her eyebrows at her friend disapprovingly. "I don't know..."

"Not looks-wise. But they certainly do act alike. You should know, you were Chansung's number one girl."

It was Minah's turn to roll her eyes. "I wasn't his girl, Unnie. You know that. We are best friends. That's all. Besides, maybe Oppa was a flirt, but he never dated 5 girls in one week!"

Kanghee snorted, causing the class to look in their direction.

"Is there a problem up there?" The professor asked, looking extremely insulted to be interrupted.

Kanghee smiled sweetly and shook her head. "Not at all. Please continue, Professor." When the old man turned back to his notes on the board, Minah leaned over to Kanghee.

"Chansung Oppa never dated 5 girls in one week," Minah repeated, insisting that she was right. She was sure that she knew her own best friend better than Oh Kanghee.

"Yeah, maybe not while he knew you. But, sweetie, before you joined us, he was worse than New Kid." Kanghee smiled a devious little grin before turning back toward the board.

Minah didn't know why she was so upset by the news, but it distracted her the whole course. She hadn't even heard the professor dismiss them. She only felt Kanghee tap her.

"Are you just gonna sit there, Minah?" She asked. She gathered her things and walked down the stairs to the door. She grinned at Kim Jongdae when she passed him and chuckled. "You take great pictures, New Kid." And with that, Kanghee left.

Kim Jongdae looked confused for a second, but by the time he wanted to say something to Kanghee, she'd already left. He looked back at Minah with a slightly amused expression. "Do you know what she was talking about?"

Minah couldn't help but laugh. "Well, apparently, you're all over the stalls in the girls' bathroom."

His eyes widened before he burst into laughter. "Is that...a good thing?"

They gathered their things and began descending the stairs together. "According to Oh Kanghee it is. You've seemed to have built quite a reputation already. Rumor has it that you've been with 5 girls last week. But I wouldn't let it bother you because - "

"No, it's the truth," he said, grinning. "Wow. All of that was on the bathroom stall?" He didn't seem hurt or embarrassed even a little; he only seemed curious to know more.

Minah stopped walking, and he looked back at her. "What's wrong?"

She hesitated before she answered. "It's remind me of someone I know."

"Someone you like, I hope."

"My best friend, actually," She said, smiling. She began walking again. They weren't walking anywhere really, just wandering around the school.

"Well, can I meet your best friend? If they're like me, then they must be cool, right?" Jongdae joked.

Minah chuckled and nodded. "He is very cool, but he's gone. He's in the States for a year."

"Bummer." He must have remembered that he didn't introduce himself and he suddenly stuck out his hand. "I'm Kim Jongdae, just in case the bathroom stall didn't have my name too."

They laughed, and Minah shook his hand. "It did, but thanks for formally introducing yourself. I'm Lee Minah."

"Well, Minah, would you like to go out with me tonight?" Jongdae asked, still holding onto her hand.

Minah shook her head slowly. "I don't think we should. I don't really feel like being one of the girls you happen to go out with this week." She started to pull away from him, about to find Kanghee again.

However, Jongdae kept her hand in his, smiling nicely. "I meant go out with me as friends. I'm new here, and I just want some new friends to hang out with." Minah must have looked disbelieving because he added, "You can even bring your friend from earlier, so it doesn't even look like a date. Okay?" He smiled at her, a smile that had a certain charm to it.

It reminded Minah a lot of Chansung, so she nodded. "Okay, I'll bring Kanghee, and we'll show you around."

A couple of weeks later, Minah and Jongdae were sitting in a booth in the cafe after her shift ended. They were supposed to be studying, but Jongdae was busy texting someone, and Minah was falling asleep.

When Jongdae noticed her head drooping, he laughed and tapped her with his pencil. "It doesn't really look like you're writing a history essay."

Minah had to admit that she felt a lot happier having Jongdae around then she did being by herself. She tried convincing herself over and over that she wasn't replacing Chansung because that would be wrong. It'd mean that she was only using Jongdae until Chansung returned.

However, something was different with Jongdae. Chansung would subtly flirt with her, but he'd quickly tell her that he was only kidding, getting her heart racing then making it drop. Jongdae would continually ask her out even though she kept rejecting him. In the beginning, it was annoying, but now Minah kept waiting until Jongdae would ask her out again. But her answer wouldn't change, would it?

Her shoulders slumped, and she pouted. "I want to be a creative writer. Not a historian. This is so boring," she groaned, letting her head fall onto the table.

Jongdae put his pencil and his phone down, putting his chin on the table top. "Maybe we should quit pretending to study then. It's wearing me out." They laughed, and he added, "We could go on a date?"

Minah lifted her head up, prepared to turn him down like always, but something stopped her. She stared at Jongdae for a moment then she smiled. "Okay, let's go."

Jongdae's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his face. "Wait. Seriously? You'll seriously go on a date with me?"

Minah laughed at his confusion. She thought about it and nodded again. "But you have to do something for me."

Jongdae grinned happily. "Anything!"

"You have to stop dating all those other girls."

Jongdae put his phone where both he and Minah could see it. One by one, he erased all of the female phone numbers that were in his phone except for Minah's. "Done. I'm all yours."

Minah couldn't keep still. Her foot kept tapping, her hands kept fidgeting, and her eyes were looking everywhere. Finally, Kanghee, who'd been sitting beside her, had enough. She took Minah's arms and looked at her with an annoyed expression.

"Calm. Down. Okay? You seriously need to calm down. Why are you so nervous?" Kanghee asked. They were sitting in the backseat of another friend's car, on their way to the cafe.

Minah knew why she was nervous. She was about to announce to all of her friends and family that she was getting married. Well, not all of her friends. Chansung still wasn't back from the States, and according to his mother, he wouldn't be for another month.

Minah would have told him over the phone, but she wanted to tell him in person.

When they arrived to the cafe, Jongdae was there to help Minah out of the car. No one knew about the engagement except for Kanghee, who was sworn to secrecy by Minah. Everyone else there only thought it was a graduation party for them.

"Should we wait until later to tell everyone or tell them now?" Minah whispered to Jongdae as they walked in.

People were dancing, eating the snacks on the table lined against the back wall, and talking to their friends. It was a good party, and everyone was having fun. Kanghee soon left Minah and Jongdae to go dance with someone.

Jongdae chuckled and led Minah to the dance floor. "Let's let them enjoy the party for a while. We'll tell them when everyone gets settled."

Minah thought that the time would go by extremely slow, but it actually went quite fast. She and Jongdae danced to eight songs, but it felt like two or three. He grasped her hand in his tightly and led her to the front of the cafe. "Now," he whispered in her ear.

"Everyone!" He shouted, getting everyone to quiet down and motioning to the DJ to stop the music. "We have something to say."

Minah took a deep breath and began, "Jongdae and I would just like to thank everybody for coming to the party! We threw this as a graduation party, but there's another reason as well. We - "

Minah stopped in the middle of her sentence, staring at the cafe's front door. Everyone was looking around, confused about why Minah stopped talking all of a sudden. Jongdae looked down at her to see if she was okay.

There was a tall figure walking through the crowd. He had dark brown hair that he let fall messily around his face. He seemed to be looking for someone, but then he looked up at her and he stopped. There was a bright smile on his face, but then he seemed to notice something. Or, actually, he noticed a few things.

Minah's hand enclosed in Jongdae's, the shiny diamond ring that she wore on her left hand, and her stunned expression.

Jongdae seemed to think that Minah was just scared to say anything, so he announced, "We're getting married!"

Minah's vision blurred slightly as everyone started cheering and hugging her and closing in around her. She could no longer see the man's face. She'd lost him among the crowd. She wanted to push through people and find him again, but everything went dark.


"Lee Minah, are you okay?"

"Minah, open your eyes, baby."

"Minah? Minah, what happened?"

She heard different voices around her, and she slowly opened her eyes. She was no longer in the cafe, but she was in her bedroom. Her parents were standing on one side of her with worried expressions. Jongdae was on the other side, holding onto her hand. Kanghee was at the foot of her bed standing beside...

"Chansung," she breathed, as if she had just caught her breath.

His eyes met hers, and the charming smile that she had missed so much appeared on his face. She wanted to jump right out of the bed, but she was suddenly enveloped by Jongdae's arms.

"Baby, you're okay! I was so worried! What happened back there?"

"I...I don't know," she whispered.

The family doctor came for a visit to check up on her, and everyone but Jongdae and Chansung left the room when they were sure that she was okay.

"So this is the famous Hwang Chansung," Jongdae said, smiling.

Chansung laughed and shook his head. "I wouldn't say famous."

"I would. When I first met Minah, you are all she would talk about. The first time I came to her house, I could finally put a face to the name. She many pictures of the two of you." He looked around the bedroom, as if to prove his point.

Minah felt her face turn a bit red. "I didn't talk about him that much," she mumbled.

"Anyway, it's nice to finally meet you."

"You too," Chansung replied, not looking as cheerful as Jongdae was.

Minah stared at him curiously, but he only smiled to her when he caught her watching him. Later, when Jongdae left to go home, Chansung was still sitting in the chair beside Minah's bed. She felt the room tense up instantly, and she knew why.

"So...Kim Jongdae?" He asked, looking at her with pained eyes.

"I was going to tell you about him, Oppa, but I wanted to tell you in person, and -"

"It's fine," he sighed, about to get up.

Minah grabbed his arm, pulling him back down into his seat. She knew that those two words were a lie. It was anything but fine. Chansung was looking at her as if he couldn't trust her anymore.

"Oppa, I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Minah, it seems like you really like this guy. How long...Um, how long have you two been dating?"

"Since the first semester of our last year."

"Right after I left?" He asked, looking even more hurt than before.

Minah didn't know what to do, but she felt like if she said anything else, she'd be losing her best friend. And she couldn't do that. Not when she just got him back.

"Oppa, you were always busy, and -"

Chansung laughed humorlessly and shook his head. "We talked every week, Minah. We sent text messages. There wasn't one time when you could have told me? I spent this whole year, ready to -" He cut himself off, picking up his bag and making his way toward the door.

Minah jumped out of her bed and grabbed his arm again, turning him to face her. "Ready to what?"

"Ready to...see you again. That's it. I'm just jealous because you told Kanghee, and you didn't tell me." He laughed as if he made a joke. "Just being silly because I didn't sleep much on the plane, and the time zones are throwing me off. That's all." He was about to turn away again, but he paused to kiss Minah on her forehead. "Congratulations, Minah." Minah didn't respond, so Chansung walked out, holding in his tears.

Minah was sitting in her living room with Kanghee, gossiping over their friends. Kanghee sighed dramatically. "It's just not fair!" She whined, throwing her head back on the sofa. "How is it that you got married a year ago, you're incredibly in love with Jongdae, you're six months pregnant, and you've got a hot best friend?" Kanghee sighed again. "And what have I got?"

Minah couldn't help but laugh at her friend. "An amazing career! Besides, maybe you'd be married and pregnant too if you would stop breaking up with your boyfriends so fast!"

"There's always something wrong with them!" She insisted. "One didn't make enough money, the other wasn't strong at all, and that last one - Well, he had enough hair on his body to make me two fur coats! Two!"

Minah laughed again at her friend's judgmental personality. "Well, what do you want me to do?"

Kanghee pouted at Minah. "Hook me up with Chansung!"

She rolled her eyes. "Unnie, we've tried this a million times. Either you break it off or he does because you always annoy each other like crazy. Why do you bother keep trying?"

"Because he's so damn y," Kanghee pouted again, throwing a small tantrum.

Before Minah could answer, they heard the front door slam shut. "Honey?" Minah called out, wondering what was wrong.

Jongdae walked into the living with a bad expression on his face. He looked worried and stressed. He waved to his wife and Kanghee. "Kanghee Noona...can you please leave? I'm sorry. I just - I have to talk to Minah alone."

"Uh, sure," she said, slowly getting up after getting her purse. "Call me, Minah," she called out before shutting the door.

Minah stood up, her round belly poking out slightly from under her shirt. She wasn't that big yet, but it was very evident that she was pregnant.

"Honey?" Jongdae didn't answer. He walked into the kitchen to get some water, and Minah followed. "Jongdae, what is going on?" She demanded.

Jongdae poured himself a glass of water and drank it all before answering her. "I lost my job today," was all he said, staring at his empty glass.

"You what?" Minah asked, her eyes widening as she stared at her husband. "I don't understand."

"What don't you understand?" He growled. "I had a job. Now I don't."

"Jongdae, you own the place! How could you have lost your job?" She yelled, wanting him to explain everything to her.

Jongdae exhaled a shaky breath and turned his back to her. "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. We lost one of our best consumers a few months ago, and we started losing more and more ever since. About a month ago, I got a letter saying that the company owed about ten million dollars to the government for late taxes."

"What do you mean -"

"We're in debt!" He yelled, tired of her questions. He turned to her, about to say something, but he just stopped himself and walked out of the kitchen.

Minah followed him to the front door, where he was slipping his shoes back on. "Where are you going?" Jongdae didn't answer, but Minah grabbed his arm before he could walk out. "Jongdae, where are you going?" She repeated, her eyes filling with tears. She'd never seen him this upset before.

"I need a drink," He answered, pulling his arm away and leaving.

"A drink?" Minah said to herself as she stumbled to the couch. "He never drinks," She whispered, feeling her heartbeat accelerate as she thought about what just happened.

If they were in debt, how would they take care of the baby? Minah was only a writer, and although she'd found a publisher, she still hadn't finished her first book. She was taking her time because she thought that Jongdae could handle everything.

Minah began blaming herself for this. If she had a real job, she could be helping right now. And she only had a degree in writing. Minah hurried upstairs to find her old school bag. In there somewhere was the phone number of her old boss, the one who ran the cafe.

Any job was better than none.

A week later, Minah came home late to an obviously drunk Jongdae. She could smell the alcohol from the front door. She walked into the living room to find him lounging on the couch. He hadn't moved from the couch since the night he went out to drink. He wouldn't even speak to Minah. He'd only get up to pee and drink.

She wasn't going to say anything to him, angry that he was drunk once again, and she was angry that he was taking their problems out on her.

"Minah," he groaned. She huffed out a sigh and turned to face him again. "Where the hell have you been?"

Her eyes narrowed at her husband before she rolled them. "If you had listened to me at all when I tried to talk to you this week, you'd know that I got a job."

At this, he sat up. "A job doing what? What can you do besides sit around and talk to Kanghee all day?"

Minah felt her hands ball up into fists by her side. How dare he insult her like this? He was the one who'd told her to just relax when they got married. He was the one who claimed that he would take care of her.

"I got a job at the cafe again. I wanted to help out with the bills -"

Minah was cut off by Jongdae's laughing. "Are you stupid?" He spat at her, making her flinch. "That little cafe job won't make a dent in these debts." He picked up the crumbled up bills on the ground around him and threw them at her.

She flinched back, shocked that Jongdae would even act this way to her. Was it her fault that his company had gone under? Then she thought about the employees. More than one hundred people worked for Jongdae. "Jongdae...what about the company employees?"

Jongdae slowly stood from the couch and glared at his wife. "The employees? We're about to be sleeping on the sidewalk, and you're worried about some stupid employees?" He was close to her now, and Minah had backed herself against the wall.

She had never been scared of Jongdae before, but she was now. "Honey, I was just -"

"Shut up!" He yelled, smacking her across the face. It was so hard that it caused Minah to fall onto the ground. She stared up at Jongdae in fear, holding onto her swollen cheek with her hand.

"What is wrong with you?" She cried, tears falling from her eyes.

She realized that she had made a mistake when she saw the anger flash in his eyes. He kneeled down and proceeded to punch and kick her. She cried, he yelled. She balled herself up to protect her stomach, he kicked and punched. Minah wasn't sure how long it lasted, but when Jongdae finally passed out, she ran upstairs to their bedroom and locked the door.

Only a couple of weeks had passed, but nothing was better. If Minah even muttered a single word, it would set Jongdae off. She had to cover her face in makeup every single morning, she was sore and cramping from all of the blows she'd taken from her husband every night, and she was scared to return home after work.

Jongdae did nothing but get drunk every single day. There were nights, like last night, when he would crawl up to Minah right after he'd just finished beating the hell out of her. He'd caress her face or hold her hand, and he'd apologize for everything he did. He'd cry and promise to change for her and the baby. Minah would just stare at him, saying nothing and wondering if he was telling the truth.

She didn't think he was.

"I have to go in for a check-up," Minah told Jongdae, hoping he'd be better after his load of apologies and kisses the night before.

Just as she expected, he just stared at the TV, sipping his bottle of beer. "Great," he muttered. "Another bill to pay. And that," he pointed at her stomach, "is just gonna make us go broke." His words were slurring, and Minah could see his eyelids drooping.

Which is why she chanced talking back to him. "We're already broke," she told him before defiantly leaving the house without waiting on his response.

She didn't have her own car, so she'd called Chansung to give her a ride. She figured it wouldn't be an inconvenience for him since he worked at the hospital.

When Minah found out that she was pregnant, she wanted Chansung to deliver her baby, but he wasn't that kind of doctor. He was a pediatric, but Minah knew where she'd sent her baby when it was born.

She slid into the car, saying nothing. Chansung knew something wasn't right - he'd known for weeks, but he had to remind himself that he couldn't pry in a married woman's life even if she's his best friend. "Okay, Minah, what's going on?"

"What do you mean?" She asked, feigning cluelessness.

Chansung sighed and gestured to her house. "Why isn't Jongdae taking you? Why isn't he even going with you? You've been acting weird for weeks, and I'm not the only one who's noticed. Even your parents have been asking me and Kanghee if we knew what was wrong. So what is it?"

Minah was quiet for a second, and then she looked over at Chansung with a fake smile. "So where is Kanghee? I heard you two were dating again."

Chansung didn't want to change the subject, but he knew that Minah wouldn't tell him anything. He'd just have to wait until she was ready to talk. He forced a laugh. "Who told you that? I'm done trying to go out with that girl. She's crazy. She's dating one of my co-workers."

They drove to the hospital like that, faking small talk, smiles, and laughs. When Minah was in the doctor's office, prepared to see her ultrasound was when her real smile came.

Chansung was happy to see it again, and he couldn't help but smile himself. The doctor showed them the baby's ultrasound, took pictures for Minah, and asked, "Do you want to know whether your baby is a boy or a girl?"

Minah's eyes widened in excitement. She remembered Jongdae saying only a couple of months ago that they should be surprised and wait to find out when the baby was born. It seemed like a lifetime ago. Still pissed about his absence at the baby's ultrasound, Minah nodded at the doctor. "I'd love to!"

"Well, I'd start buying things for a baby girl," the doctor said, handing over her ultrasound pictures.

"What do you want? A boy or a girl?" Minah asked Jongdae as she laid in between his legs in their bed.

He was softly rubbing her arms, trying to get her to relax after a stressful and uneventful day of trying to write her novel. He grinned. "I want a girl. A baby girl. I'd treat her like a princess. Just like her Mommy."

Minah took the pictures, feeling something wet fall onto her cheeks.

"Minah!" Chansung hurried to her side, taking her hand. "What's the matter?"

Minah forced a smile on her face and shook her head. "N-N-Nothing. I'm just so happy. I'm so happy," she sobbed, falling into Chansung's arms.

When she finally calmed down, Chansung offered to take her back home. He told her that he didn't have to start work until later, so he drove her back home. "Do you want to come inside?" Minah asked, her voice shaking.

She wanted nothing more than for Chansung to accept her invitation inside. She knew that if Chansung was there, Jongdae wouldn't hit her. She'd be safe. Thankfully, Chansung turned the car off and walked with her to the door.

When they got inside the alcohol smell was still strong. Minah would have been embarrassed, but it was more than that. She was livid. She'd forgotten that Jongdae would be laying there on the couch, drunk and disgusting.

He looked up at her and Chansung. "Where have you been?" He asked.

She told herself to behave because Chansung was behind her, but she couldn't help herself. She threw the pictures at Jongdae, causing him to sit up in anger. "It's a girl."

He picked the pictures up and looked over them. Minah could see a smile forming on his face. He seemed to realize the state he was in, and he quickly stood up. "Oh my God. Minah, I'm so -"

"Stop!" Minah yelled, unable to handle it. "Stop lying to me. Stop saying that you're sorry. You always say that, and then the next day I'm covered in bruises again!" She screamed, forgetting about Chansung behind her.

"Bruises?" He repeated, stepping up and looking back and forth between her and Jongdae.

"Wait a second..." Jongdae narrowed his eyes at Minah, completely ignoring Chansung. "You took Chansung to the ultrasound instead of me? Am I even the real father?"

Minah wanted to punch him in the face. How could he accuse her of cheating when she had been nothing but faithful? "I told you this morning that I had an ultrasound! What did you do, Jongdae? You said that this baby was nothing but another bill. What happened to treating her like a princess? What happened to loving her? What happened to loving me, Jongdae?"

Jongdae threw the ultrasound pictures on the ground and took a couple of steps toward Minah. She didn't back up this time. She didn't care. Chansung was here, and he was bigger then Jongdae. He wouldn't let her get hurt.

"Why the hell do you keep bringing up the past? We. Are. In. Debt! Why can't you understand that? And this little job at the cafe won't help anything! If you had gotten a real job after college, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

"If you hadn't ruined your own company, we wouldn't be in this mess!" Minah screamed back.

Jongdae lost it, and he smacked Minah across the face. She was sent falling to the ground, and before Jongdae could move any closer and hit her again, Chansung grabbed him and pushed him back.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Jongdae? Is this how you treat your wife?" Chansung pushed Jongdae back again against the wall, angry that he would even think to hurt Minah after she did nothing but love him.

Jongdae, losing it, punched Chansung in the face. Chansung bounced back quickly and sent Jongdae to the ground with his punch. When Jongdae got up, ready to hit Chansung again, Minah ran over to him and grabbed his arm.

"Jongdae, stop!" She yelled. He was furious though, and he threw Minah against the wall. She wasn't expecting it, and she nearly got a concussion from her head hitting the wall so hard. Her side hit the wall as well, and instantly she felt a horrible pain in her stomach.

Minah cried out in pain, and Chansung ran to her side. Jongdae just stood there, looking shocked. They could both see the blood staining the front of her pants. "What are you doing?" Chansung yelled at Jongdae. "Call the hospital!"

Jongdae and Chansung followed the ambulance in their separate cars, and when they got to the hospital, Minah was still screaming out in pain and seemed to be doing even worse.

"She's going into labor!" One of the doctors called out.

"No! No, she's only 7 months pregnant," Jongdae explained, as if that would change anything.

"What happened?" Another doctor asked. "She is losing blood fast, so did she fall or bump into something hard?

Chansung glared at Jongdae, but before they could say anything, Minah's screaming got louder. "Who's the husband?" One of the doctors asked. "Hold her hand, now!"

Jongdae rushed to Minah's side, but she wouldn't take his hand. "Oppa!" Minah screamed, kicking and yelling to get Jongdae away from her. Chansung went to Minah, making Jongdae step back. He held her hand while the doctors told her to stay calm and keep pushing.

It was obvious that she was going through a lot of pain, and there was nothing but blood between her legs. When the main doctor finally retrieved the baby, it was too late. Minah was breathing deeply, still clutching Chansung's hand.

"My baby," she whimpered, "my baby, please."

The doctors were all quiet in the room, and Chansung knew what that meant. The main doctor carried the baby girl out, and Minah began crying. "No," she cried. "No, Oppa, where are they taking her? Where?"

Chansung had to take a deep breath before turning to his best friend. There were tears in his eyes, and it made Minah panic. "Oppa, where are they taking her?"

Jongdae stood in the doorway, looking after the doctors with the baby. He stood still as ever, completely shocked by what was happening.

Chansung cleared his throat and kissed Minah's hand. "Minah-yah...She's...she's dead."

Minah shook her head, tears falling out of her eyes uncontrollably. She started sobbing, trying to get out of the bed. Another doctor came in to treat Minah, but she began kicking and screaming again.

"No! No! She's my baby! Where are they taking her! No!" Suddenly Minah paused, her tears still flowing, and her head turned slowly to  her husband, still lingering in the doorway. "I will kill you," She screamed, pushing Chansung and the doctor out of her way to get to Jongdae. "You killed her! I'll kill you!" Chansung restrained her, but she was thrashing in his arms. She finally calmed down, but she was still sobbing. "You...killed her. My baby..."

"How's she doing?" Minah's mother asked, sitting next to Minah's father on Chansung's small sofa.

After Minah was treated and discharged, she stayed with Chansung, not even going back to her own home for her clothes. Chansung and Kanghee went to get her stuff. Jongdae helped them wordlessly and guiltily, only asking how Minah was. Kanghee was the one to tell him because Chansung thought he might choke the life out of Jongdae if he spoke to him.

"She's...still not speaking. Barely eating. She doesn't leave the bed, but I think that she might be getting better," Chansung answered truthfully.

Everyone knew what had happened by now, and everyone was shunning Jongdae because of it.

"How do you know?" Her father asked.

"Well, she wouldn't even eat for the first week. I thought she'd starve herself to death. But I got her to eat, and she's been eating since."

When Minah's parents were leaving, Minah's mom took Chansung's hand and gave him a sad smile. "Thank you, Chansung-ah, for always being there for her."

Chansung went into his bedroom to check on Minah. He'd been sleeping on the small sofa ever since she was discharged, but he didn't mind. He only wanted for her to be better.

He sat down beside her on the bed and held her hand. "Your parents left, Minah. They're worried about you. I told them that you started eating again. Now if only we can get you to talk," he joked weakly, not even trying to force a laugh.

Minah hadn't even talked to him, but she was happy that he was there. She couldn't bring herself to speak these past two weeks, but she knew that Chansung cared about her.

When he thought that she was sleep the week before, he talked to her, telling her the truth. He had confessed that he always loved her. He told her that he had planned to confess to her when he returned to Korea, but Jongdae had already won her heart. When Minah heard this, she waited until Chansung left the room and started to cry silently.

Minah's heart beat faster whenever Chansung came into the room, and she knew that she felt the same way about him. She used to love him in the same way. Before Jongdae. Now that she never wanted to see Jongdae again, the feelings were coming back. Fast.

She looked over to Chansung and squeezed his hand softly. Chansung looked up at her with hopeful eyes. She'd never responded before now.

"Minah, I love you, okay? Can you hear me? I'm sorry about Jongdae, I'm sorry about your little girl, and I'm sorry I left you alone that year. I should have stayed. I should have married you myself, and this would have never happened." Chansung was crying now, staring into Minah's eyes, hoping that she'd respond. He'd do anything for her to respond to him.

Minah realized when she felt the tears that she was crying too. "I love you too," she whispered. Her voice was hoarse from all the crying and not speaking for so long.

Chansung laughed and hugged her, holding her tightly in his arms. Minah never felt so loved and protected in her life.

After they stayed like that for a long time, Minah pulled away slightly. "I have to see him again, don't I?"

"I'll be there, if you want me to be. He won't hurt you again, I swear," Chansung promised.

Minah wanted to laugh because she remembered when Jongdae used to promise to protect her like that. The only difference was that Chansung was telling the truth.

Two days later, Minah walked into her house. It felt foreign to her now. She didn't want to walk inside, but she had to get this over with. She held her bag close to her side, took a deep breath, and walked into the living room.

It was a mess. There were beer bottles everywhere, the TV was playing nothing but fuzz, and Jongdae laid half asleep on the couch. Minah wanted to scream. After everything, he was hadn't changed.

When he saw her, he jumped out of his seat. "Minah, baby, you came back. I've missed you so -"

"No. Don't do that," she insisted. "I don't want to hear it. I just came to end this and get the rest of my stuff."

"End this? Minah, we've been married for over a year." Minah could see the tears in Jongdae's eyes, but she didn't care about them.

"And these last few months have been nothing but anger and sadness. I can't live like that. I don't deserve it. I don't deserve you. I did nothing but love you, Jongdae."

"I know that, and I swear I will never touch you in a harmful way again!"

Minah ignored him. She walked up the stairs to collect the rest of her things. She didn't bother to take any of the things that reminded her of Jongdae. She wanted to start again with Chansung.

The whole time, Jongdae followed her, apologizing, crying, and begging for her to come back. "Baby, please I've changed. I won't drink anymore. I only drank because I thought that you weren't coming back. I swear that I can change. We can try for another baby, and -" He stopped when Minah turned to face him.

They were standing before the front door, and Minah had already slipped her shoes back on. She reached into her bag and pulled out the house keys and a vanilla folder.

"These are the house keys. And these are our divorce papers. I need you to sign them and send them to the court by the end of the month. If you don't, I'll have to take legal action and sue you. I just want to end this, so please just sign and send it in."

Minah took a deep breath and glanced around the house once more. "I hate this place," she told him. "So many bad memories." She stared at the living room carpet. "My blood is still stained on the carpet." She stared into his eyes. "It's over, Jongdae."

I hope you liked this rather long one shot! Thank you so much for requesting, and please come again! :)

This story had been reviewed by Cereal Guy Reviews and Shooting Stars!

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Chapter 1: requested a poster

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Chapter 12: thank you for the review! lol i'll make sure to fix my mistakess lol :D
Chapter 11: *dead, just plain dead*
whoa o_o i think you're me in male form
wondergirls was my first too and my bias is sohee :O
Chapter 5: :O your shop is so cool! I'm definitely going to request a review when I have more chapters out :D
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