Chapter 7"No One Compares To You"

"Are you sure about this?" NamEun looked at Taehyung who nodded his head.

They both stopped in front of her house as she now gave him a smile.

"Then I guess were official?" She asked again, having him nod once more.

"You're my girlfriend and that's that, ne?" He lightly pinched her nose, making her smile even bigger as he now smiled brightly, "You're mine and only mine."

"Wah, I didn't know Kim Taehyung from 20 years ago had this in him."

"Well, now you know."

They both looked at each other in the eyes, then let out a shy awkward laugh afterwards.

"Uhm..." NamEun said after awhile, "I should go in now. You'll be okay walking home this late, right?"

"Mmm..." He looked around then pulled out his phone to see that it was only 8, yet night overcame them quickly when he walked her home, "I know the usual response to this question is yeah....But," He looked at her with an uneasy face on, "I'm kind of scared to walk home alone at this time."

"So....did you want to-"

The door opened, having NamEun and Taehyung jump back in surprise.

"Oh, just come in." Her aunt said, gesturing for them to enter the house, "I'm pretty sure your group mates won't mind you staying over for one night."

"Uhh..." NamEun blinked at the ground then looked at Taehyung, "You remember my aunt, right?"

"Of course." He smiled and bowed towards the older woman who gave him a welcoming smile, "Nice to see you again, aunty."

"What?!?!!!" Rap Monster yelled on speaker phone.

The whole BTS boys except for Rap Monster began to laugh.

"Yeah...." V said on the other line, "Is it okay if I spend the night at her house tonight?" He repeated once again.

Before Rap Monster can say anything, Jimin interrupted him.

"JUST DON'T DO ANYTHING WEIRD!" He yelled through the speaker, having V pull his phone inches away from his right ear now.

"Make sure to use protection if you-"

"OKAY, YOU CAN STAY!!! BYE BYE, NOW!!!" J-Hope quickly hung on V before Suga could finish that sentence.

V chuckled and ended the call, putting his phone in his pants pocket now.

"So, I'm guessing your staying here, tonight?"

Taehyung looked up to see his girlfriend standing by the bedroom door.

"Ah..." He let out a small grin, "Ne, they don't mind."


NamEun turned around to see her aunt carrying two thick layers of blanket. She went towards the older woman and grabbed for the top blanket as they both entered the younger girls room.

"We don't have a guest room." The aunt placed the blanket onto NamEun's bed as the younger girl did the same, "So, you two will have to sleep in here tonight."

Both their eyes widened, "W-What?" They both said a bit hesitant.

"I'm pretty sure nothing's going to happen." The aunt looked at Taehyung who now looked at her, "Am I right?"

"Ah, ne." He nodded in agreement, having her smile.

"Good night kids." With that, she walked out of the room and closed NamEun's door before going into hers.

"I'll sleep on the floor." NamEun was about to go get something when she felt Taehyung grabbing onto her wrist, turning her around to face him.

"Ani." He looked at her, "Just this once....let me sleep by your side."

It was getting late. After numerous of 'no' and 'yes', the two finally settled down on NamEun's bed. It was especially cold tonight, even the two thick layers of blanket that they were both covering their bodies wasn't enough to keep them warm.

"NamEun-ah?" Taehyung said in the dark, having both their backs on each other. 

It was silent before she finally said something.


"Are you asleep yet?"


He turned to face her who still had her back towards him.

"Pabo....look at me." He scooted closer to her who hesitantly turned around to face him. Taehyung let out a small smile, "You know....I never thought we'll be like this one day."

"Oppa...." She exhaled through her nose then looked at him, "Answer me honestly."


"Why did you want to be with me?" Silence, "Is it out of pity? Do you feel sympathy for me?"

All Taehyung did was let out a smile. She looked at him with sadden eyes.

"If you are then....we shouldn't be-"

"Because, it's you." He interrupted NamEun, "You stayed by my side when I was having a hard time during my pre-debut. I knew somewhere deep down in me....I always had a little thing for you from the start."

"You deserve someone who's twice as prettier than me."

"NamEun...." He interlaced his hand with hers under the blanket, making her surprised at the sudden contact, "I don't care if anyone else is twice as better than you." He leaned in to have both their foreheads touching, "It doesn't feel right if it's not you who's not by my side. Your flaws, the way you make me smile without trying." She couldn't help, but let out a small smile, having him grin, "It makes me fall for you even more. So, don't say that I deserve better. In fact, you're the one that deserves better."

She moved her head away, having their foreheads disconnect now, "Pabo."

He smiled and let go of her hand, now wrapping his hands around her shoulders, "It's you for me. Try to understand that, ne?"

She let out a smile, "Ne."
After awhile, Taehyung finally spoke again.
"Are you still cold?"
"Kind of."
He pulled away from her and sat up.
"I'm gonna.....take off my shirt now."
Her eyes widened and she sat up quickly, "W-W-Why?"
He chuckled and without answering her, he took off his basketball shirt. He remembered learning in health class about body heat, "Because...." Taehyung folded the shirt neatly and set it onto the nightstand that was beside the bed and looked at her who now turned away. He let out a laugh and hugged her waist from behind, making her eyes widen a bit and her body stiff, "haven't you learn about body heat in health, pabo."
"Ya." She pushed him away, making Taehyung laugh, "What if my aunt comes in and sees you with your shirt off? She's going to think that we-"
"Did you wanna?" He tilted his head to the right, having her cheeks burn red. But, he couldn't see since it was dark. Knowing how she was though, he let out a silent laugh, "You're too cute when you're blushing."  Taehyung wrapped his hands around her waist from behind again and smiled as he now buried his face into the back her neck, purposely falling onto the bed, having her fall onto the bed with him also.
"Ya," She turned around and tried to pull away from him, "Hajima-"
"Just sleep, pabo." He managed to take her into his embrace again, "You worry too much." 

"Good night." He kissed her forehead and closed his eyes with a smile on.

"Ne...." She smiled, "Good night....Taehyung-ah..." With that, she fell into a deep sleep.


A/N: Annyeong!!! LDSJKND; Yes, another update has arrived. &&& yes, I added in some fluff, because soon enough problems are  going to start rising. There's a bumpy road ahead of them and it looks like it won't be as pretty as they want it to be. Fighting to Taehyung and NamEun though, right? Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. But, thank you for being patient with me!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO SO MUCH! Whether you believe me or not, it's TRUE. T___T :D   &&& Please leave some comments. Comment's are surely appreciated and loved by me. I hope that's not too much to ask. Once again, thank you so so much for subscribing and updating with me. ^____^


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EXO1127 #1
Chapter 11: sad.. but good..
I have to re-read this so lets begin again. :) !!! ^^ <3
aliahpie #4
Chapter 11: It's so sad omg I'm bawling my eyes out right now. But good story anyways <3 ~
packa_95 #5
Chapter 11: aigoooo, that was so cute, but sad in the same time TT_TT I was thinking that she will stay alive, but i think that with the sad ending you make it to look like in real life, that sometimes in life the the end is not happy, but sad. I really do like it, A LOT ! ^_^
VGuardian #6
Chapter 11: I try not to cry while read the ending cause there's a lot of people around me but i can't I was too sad :(( i love your story so much :D
zarahaha58 #7
Chapter 11: new reader here!(i already subscribed your story tho. but i just can read it..sorry(?);u;) TvT, ah this is so sad you know... i think this story will end cutely, but.... ITS 10000% WRONG TTTTAAATTTT, i'm tearing, really TAT. i'd like if you make sequel :"">
Chapter 11: Omg i literally cried after i put on a sad as song (bk love windstruck)T^T! Omg it was just so sad T^T i know how you feel Taehyung-ah omg T^T. Tears even came down more at the freaken ending of the chapter! :'( Wae Wae! Taehyung i would of want to see her again for last time when they put her coffin down too! :( i will re-read this whole chapter on idk when but yes i will the whole chapter 1-11 idc how long it takes i am going to finish this whole freaken thing! This story went by so fast. My mom came to the living room and i hid my face so she wouldn't be asking me why i was crying -sniffs-. But, yes again thanks for the update you worked very very hard! >< But, before to finish this comment i want a sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OKAY >< PLEASE!!!! BECAUSE I DESERVE TO READ A SEQUEL OF THIS STORY I CRIED FOR A GOOD REASON ! THIS IS JUST SO SAD YOU SHOULD OF BEEN CRYING WHILE WRITING THIS STORY I HOPE YOU WERE! I JUST, I JUST, I JUST REALLY JUST WANT ANOTHER SEQUEL PLEASE THIS STORY IS TOO GOOD! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH THIS STORY YOU PUT IN SUCH A GOOD AS EFFORT! (EVEN THOUGH YOU DO & EVEN ID IT IS IN CAPS LOCK I KNOW THAT). YOU KNOW HOW MUCH EFFORT I PUT INTO READING THIS GOOD AS STORY, AND HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS STORY, HOW MUCH I WANNA BUY THIS BOOK LIKE ACTUAL ONE!, HOW MUCH I WANNA KEEP THIS STORY IN MY WHOLE LIFE, HOW MUCH I KEEP UNTIL I DIE, AND HOW MUCH I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW THIS..! THANKS FOR THE UPDATE! :) SARANGHAE! AND SARANGHAE TO TAEHYUNG, NAMEUN, BTS, AND JUNGHEE FOR MAKING ME LOVE YOU GUYS AND MISS YOU GUYS ALREADY.! BUT NOT AS MUCH AS I LOVE MUSICBELIEVER0493 TO FALL IN LOVE WITH TAEHYUNG THE MOST AS HER FAVORITE ONE IN BTS! :) AND THANKS TO MUSICBELIEVER0493 FOR MAKING THIS STORY AND TO FALL IN LOVE WITH TAEHYUNG I THINK THIS IS THE MOST LOVABLE TAEHYUNG STORY.! I SWEAR IT IS HELLA GOOD THOUGH! BUT, LIKE I SAID THANKS FOR MAKING THIS STORY AND THANKS FOR ALL YOUR EFFORT IN THIS MUUSICBELIEVER0493 OH AND THANKS FOR LOVING MY BESTFRIEND KIM TAEHYUNG!
haseuna #9
Chapter 3: I started to read this fanfic and I couldn't help but getting addicted, so I read all the chapters in a day!! this fanfic is recently added to my favourite list! <33
Chapter 10: What that's it Psh I hate you. OMG I swear I'm going to unscribe to you and delete all my comments OMG I'm so mad and what what!!!!! NamEun is dying does Taehyung really know and is he sure does he REALLY KNOW THAT NAMEUN IS SICK OMG OMG OMG SHE IS SICK MAN AND NO HE LEAVING HER TO JAPAN HE SHOULD JUST CUT IT OFF AND STAY WITH HER OMG man -sigh- ~ OMG I swear... And I wonder what's going to happen this chapter seems so short. But then it seems long at the same time. And and Taehyung TAEHYUNG please please don't go just don't go let the the airplane leave stay with NamEun who cares about the fans (even though you do) you have to care about your girlfriend and did you guys really break up or not I do get it but at the same time I don't get it. But okay thanks for the update!!!!!!! <3 hope the next is BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!