Chapter 4"I Want You To"


It's been officially the 3rd day of practice for basketball. Like V wanted, he saw NamEun more often after school. But, the only time they got to see each other was when the team was conditioning outside and that rarely happened. The only time they would practice outside is due to someone's lack of energy or motivation. But, although they sometimes condition on the black top, V didn't mind. He would secretly look at the field besides them where the soccer girls were at and search for NamEun easily.


"Guys, I've made up my mind." V finally said after awhile, making the boys quiet down now, "I'm trying out for the basket ball team."

"BWOH?!" They all said a bit shocked.

"Are you crazy?!" Rap Monster asked in a 'what are you thinking' tone.

"Ani, I think it'll be good for us to join a sport." V smiled at them who gave him the 'what' look, "Come on, guys. It'll be fun. I mean, yeah were idols and all...but, it'll keep us in shape."

"I like the idea." Jimin popped into the conversation, having all eyes on him now, "I mean, how bad can it be? We don't know until we try, right?"

The six boys groaned in frustration and looked at V then Jimin.

"Fine, but if we don't like it by week one. Were not joining anymore." Suga said, having the boys agree with him.

"That's okay with me...but, I'm going all the way no matter what happens." V said, looking at NamEun from afar, "Just so you guys know."


-----FlashBack Ends-----

"Alright, thanks to your friend Taehyung." Coach Yoo said, having all the boys in the gym groan in frustration, "We'll be conditioning on the blacktop. Get all your stuff and get out there."

"Ya, what'd you do now?" BTS asked V who shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know, I don't think I was doing anything wrong." The young boy responded back.

By the time all the basketball boys enter the black top and put their things down on the bench, the regular routine from inside the gym started again. On the other hand, V couldn't help but look at NamEun from afar. The soccer girls were running the track and she seemed to have a good pace going on.

"Taehyung...." No answer, "Kim Taehyung..." Still no answer, "KIM TAEHYUNG!"

V came back to life and saw himself face to face with Coach Yoo. All the other boys were busying themselves with the routine they left off in the gym while he was spacing out.

"Since your not paying attention today, why don't you join the girls on the track. Don't come back here until your done with a mile." With that said, Coach Yoo went towards the boys, "Okay, come over here boys."

V walked towards the track and his eyes immediately went towards her again. Honestly, he was trying to get in trouble on purpose so he could somehow interact with her. It maybe a stupid idea, but not to him when it comes her. Although they only talked once, he wanted to talk to her more than once. He didn't want to be strangers, but become good friends.

Letting out a sigh, V began to jog around the track. The soccer girls were practically screaming and fan girling over him since he was from BTS, the new rookie group that came out well since debut. He politely smiled at them, but in his head he knew he was jogging up to NamEun.

Not knowing what was going on, NamEun continued to jog around the track. Her short hair was tied up again and she felt someone's presence next to her. Unknowingly, her eyes turned to the right to see that it was none other than V jogging with her. Her eyes widened in shock. What was he doing here?

"Annyeong." He said with a smile on his face.

Her trail of thoughts stopped as she now landed her eyes back to it's original position.

"What are you doing here?" She asked a bit confused.

"I got in trouble by Coach Yoo."

"Oh, your trying out for basketball?"


And silence swept the air once again. Honestly, V didn't want that to happen. He wanted the conversation to become endless somehow. He's been waiting for this day to come for so long. He can't practically give it up like this, right?



"I want to meet up with you up on the hilltop again." He asked a bit hesitant now.

"Bwoh?" She asked, not knowing what he was trying to say.

"Hilltop after practice. I'll meet you there."


"I'll be waiting."

Without letting her finish, he got off the track and jogged his way towards the black top, joining the basketball team now. As he made his way to his team, he felt his cheeks redden after what he just asked her. That was honestly the most nerve racking thing that he's done. It was scarier than the time he found out that Big Hit Entertainment wanted him to be in a boy group called 'Bangtan Boys' also known as BTS. Will she meet up with him up on the hilltop or go home?

NamEun let out a small grin and continued to jog around the track by herself again. Why did he want to meet her all of a sudden? Did he have a thing for her? Of course not, this was Kim Taehyung we were talking about. First of all, why would he even like her? They were still practically strangers. Well, to him they were.

V headed up the hilltop to see her standing there already, looking at the city ahead of them. Practice was over and he told the boys to go off without him. He let out a smile, happy that she actually came. He felt his heart beat increase the closer he got to her.

"Nam NamEun."

She turned to look at V who smiled at her. NamEun politely smiled back as he stood next to her now.

The two kept a gap between them while the wind pressed up against their cheeks. The silence once again filled the air. Once in awhile, V would glance at her who was still looking at the city with the same blank expression of hers that he admired for some reason.

"What'd you call me up here for?" She suddenly asked, having V taken aback.

"Uh, I's uhmm...I mean..." He let out a frustrated sigh, making her let out small laugh, "I'm sorry, I'm not good with words when it comes to girls."

"Ani, it's okay." She said, letting out a smile then a sigh, "I got to go." NamEun looked at V who was already looking at her, "It's getting late. I'll be going now."

With that, she walked off. For some odd reason, V stayed at the place she had left him. Why couldn't he just say it? What was so hard about it? All these thoughts ran through his mind and he finally made up his mind. He suddenly turned around and ran after her.

NamEun was making her way down the hilltop until she felt a hand wrapping around her wrist, turning her around. She was again faced to face with V. Her eyes widened in shock and her heart beat increased tremendously. Not in a million years did NamEun  think she would be this close to him again.

"What...are you doing?" She asked, still having her eyes big and round.

"I want you to stay." He said with sincere in his voice, eyes and face.

"W-What?" She said even more shocked.

"I know I may sound crazy right now...but, something about you makes me feel as if we've met before already. I don't know how to feel about it, but I know somewhere inside me feels as if I don't take my chance to get to know you now...then I'll regret it."


"There's something about you that makes me feel as if I can't live without you." He pressed his lips together and looked at her to see her reaction, "I feel that I need you by my side for some odd reason. I feel that if I let you go and don't keep you in my life then that'll be my biggest mistake. So, will you?" He looked at her who let out a small smile, already looking at him in the eyes.

NamEun felt as if she could collapse right in front of him any minute now. Will he remember before its too late or will his memory be erased as if they were nothing? For a second, her heart fell into millions of pieces and she swore he heard it shattering.

"I wanted you to stay too..." She finally said after awhile, having V taken aback with her answer.

Did she just really say what he thought she said? Was he dreaming? No, it can't be. He's been wanting to ask her for so long and today was the day. It couldn't be a dream. It just couldn't.

"Can you and will you stay in my life like how I'll stay in yours?" She asked, waiting for his answer.


A/N: Sorry for taking so long to just update. School just started 2 weeks ago and I have a ton load of homework. I'm sorry, so truly sorry. But, I hope this update makes up for it. What's V going to say to NamEun?! :O Does she know him more than he knows her already? Is she hiding something from V?!!?! Well, we'll just see what happens in the upcoming chapters. Thank you for baring with such a pabo author-nim like me. ^^  &&& Please leave some comments. Comment's are surely appreciated and loved by me. I hope that's not too much to ask. Once again, thank you so so much for subscribing and updating with me. ^____^


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EXO1127 #1
Chapter 11: sad.. but good..
I have to re-read this so lets begin again. :) !!! ^^ <3
aliahpie #4
Chapter 11: It's so sad omg I'm bawling my eyes out right now. But good story anyways <3 ~
packa_95 #5
Chapter 11: aigoooo, that was so cute, but sad in the same time TT_TT I was thinking that she will stay alive, but i think that with the sad ending you make it to look like in real life, that sometimes in life the the end is not happy, but sad. I really do like it, A LOT ! ^_^
VGuardian #6
Chapter 11: I try not to cry while read the ending cause there's a lot of people around me but i can't I was too sad :(( i love your story so much :D
zarahaha58 #7
Chapter 11: new reader here!(i already subscribed your story tho. but i just can read it..sorry(?);u;) TvT, ah this is so sad you know... i think this story will end cutely, but.... ITS 10000% WRONG TTTTAAATTTT, i'm tearing, really TAT. i'd like if you make sequel :"">
Chapter 11: Omg i literally cried after i put on a sad as song (bk love windstruck)T^T! Omg it was just so sad T^T i know how you feel Taehyung-ah omg T^T. Tears even came down more at the freaken ending of the chapter! :'( Wae Wae! Taehyung i would of want to see her again for last time when they put her coffin down too! :( i will re-read this whole chapter on idk when but yes i will the whole chapter 1-11 idc how long it takes i am going to finish this whole freaken thing! This story went by so fast. My mom came to the living room and i hid my face so she wouldn't be asking me why i was crying -sniffs-. But, yes again thanks for the update you worked very very hard! >< But, before to finish this comment i want a sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OKAY >< PLEASE!!!! BECAUSE I DESERVE TO READ A SEQUEL OF THIS STORY I CRIED FOR A GOOD REASON ! THIS IS JUST SO SAD YOU SHOULD OF BEEN CRYING WHILE WRITING THIS STORY I HOPE YOU WERE! I JUST, I JUST, I JUST REALLY JUST WANT ANOTHER SEQUEL PLEASE THIS STORY IS TOO GOOD! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH THIS STORY YOU PUT IN SUCH A GOOD AS EFFORT! (EVEN THOUGH YOU DO & EVEN ID IT IS IN CAPS LOCK I KNOW THAT). YOU KNOW HOW MUCH EFFORT I PUT INTO READING THIS GOOD AS STORY, AND HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS STORY, HOW MUCH I WANNA BUY THIS BOOK LIKE ACTUAL ONE!, HOW MUCH I WANNA KEEP THIS STORY IN MY WHOLE LIFE, HOW MUCH I KEEP UNTIL I DIE, AND HOW MUCH I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW THIS..! THANKS FOR THE UPDATE! :) SARANGHAE! AND SARANGHAE TO TAEHYUNG, NAMEUN, BTS, AND JUNGHEE FOR MAKING ME LOVE YOU GUYS AND MISS YOU GUYS ALREADY.! BUT NOT AS MUCH AS I LOVE MUSICBELIEVER0493 TO FALL IN LOVE WITH TAEHYUNG THE MOST AS HER FAVORITE ONE IN BTS! :) AND THANKS TO MUSICBELIEVER0493 FOR MAKING THIS STORY AND TO FALL IN LOVE WITH TAEHYUNG I THINK THIS IS THE MOST LOVABLE TAEHYUNG STORY.! I SWEAR IT IS HELLA GOOD THOUGH! BUT, LIKE I SAID THANKS FOR MAKING THIS STORY AND THANKS FOR ALL YOUR EFFORT IN THIS MUUSICBELIEVER0493 OH AND THANKS FOR LOVING MY BESTFRIEND KIM TAEHYUNG!
haseuna #9
Chapter 3: I started to read this fanfic and I couldn't help but getting addicted, so I read all the chapters in a day!! this fanfic is recently added to my favourite list! <33
Chapter 10: What that's it Psh I hate you. OMG I swear I'm going to unscribe to you and delete all my comments OMG I'm so mad and what what!!!!! NamEun is dying does Taehyung really know and is he sure does he REALLY KNOW THAT NAMEUN IS SICK OMG OMG OMG SHE IS SICK MAN AND NO HE LEAVING HER TO JAPAN HE SHOULD JUST CUT IT OFF AND STAY WITH HER OMG man -sigh- ~ OMG I swear... And I wonder what's going to happen this chapter seems so short. But then it seems long at the same time. And and Taehyung TAEHYUNG please please don't go just don't go let the the airplane leave stay with NamEun who cares about the fans (even though you do) you have to care about your girlfriend and did you guys really break up or not I do get it but at the same time I don't get it. But okay thanks for the update!!!!!!! <3 hope the next is BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!