Chapter 4

We party Hard
At the end of the day, Takamina was in the living room with all the girls. They were watching a video for the photoshoot they will do the next day.
« See? » Asked Jessica to Yoona. « This pose is really y… »
« She’s right… » Said Sooyoung.
Sunny sighed. « We did something like that once and it was okay. »
« What do you think Taeyeon? » Asked Tiffany.
All the girls looked at Takamina.
« I think that you would be all very y, but in a good way, not a trashy way you see? » Said Takamina, Hyoyeon told her to act normal and talk only when the other members asked something.
« I agree with you. » Said Tiffany. « We can do a y image for this time plus I like this concept, the photos will be very great. »
When the girls left the living room, Hyoyeon took Takamina by the hand and they left the apartment. She put a cap on Takamina’s head and put her hood on hers.
« Where are we going? » Asked Takamina a little worried.
Hyoyeon stopped at the bus stop and they took the bus. Once they were sitting in  the empty bus Hyoyeon looked at Takamina in the eyes.
« You were good later. I think they forgot about this morning. »
« Eh?! But -»
« I know. » Cut Hyoyeon. « Your not Taeyeon. I can tell that now and I think that the girls know that too. »
« So why nobody listen to me?! » Asked Takamina a little angry.
Hyoyeon smiled. « Calm down little captain. They’re probably not ready to believe something like that… I mean it’s a little crazy. »
« Totally crazy. » Said Takamina.
« But I’m crazy enough to believe you and I want to help you. Okay? »
« Sure! » Said Takamina happy to see that someone was ready to help her.
« So I have an ideal! »
« Really? »
« Yep! » Smiled Hyoyeon. « We will drink till we’re drunk and tomorrow you will probably be back in your body! »
« EEEh?! »
« Think! We we‘re drunk last night and you wake up like that so if we do the same thing it can work! And… you don’t have a choice… »
Takamina frowned but this was the only option right now and Hyoyeon looked like she cared and like the really wanted to help.
« Okay! But I hope for you that it will work! » Said Takamina with a death glare.
Hyoyeon nodded.
Yuko said that she will help Taeyeon, but she played around till the end of the day. 
« Are you sure the real Takamina would do that? » Asked Taeyeon worried.
« Yes. » Said Yuko with a devil glare. « Dance! I‘m recording. And after we will go do some hide pranks, I have the perfect costume for you.»
Yuko made her do a lot of stupid things, but this was really funny. They were watching the videos Yuko had recording when Mariko entered their hotel room.
« Yuko, Takamina?! » Said Mariko looking at the two short girls. « What was that? You pranked almost every girls… and you didn’t even try to prank me?! » Yuko and Takamina laughed very hard. Mariko smiled. « I’m serious you should have called me… »
« But I have recorded everything look! » Said Yuko showing her the videos.
« Great! »
Once Mariko left it was late and Taeyeon turn to Yuko. « So what are we doing now? I need to go back in my body… »
« I know, and I’m still thinking about it. I know a guy…his name is Bibiko, he’s a spiritual healer. »
« He’s what? » Asked Taeyeon.
« I’m 100% sure that he had real power, I will take you to him. » Said Yuko changing cloths. « Put some jogging and sweater we’re going to go out of this hotel! »
Taeyeon looked around and put a black jogging with a banana vest. « Ready »
« You had the Takamina style! » Laughed Yuko. « Go! »
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Chapter 16: dude, this is awesome!!!!

U seriously need to make an epilouge, of takamina and taeyon meeting each other~~
Chapter 16: WAH! Me: despite hanging around here, reading a few K-group related fics here and there, I still have little knowledge bout them... But.. this was great!! Whew...
algaiaknight #3
Chapter 16: Kya~~~~~~i love the ending but then you should make an epilogue how those two kid leader meet up with each other after the switch...oh...i just love this...thank you for the this great fic author-nim =)
thekeytodestiny #4
Chapter 16: They're finally back! Can you make a special chapter, where Takamina and Taeyeon meet each other?
algaiaknight #5
Chapter 11: *sobs*you know...I think somehow I know why those 2 leader switch body...they need to learn about each other life..and...i don't want to surprise me author-nim...and please if you can make Takamina recording with Domoto Kyoudai too would love to see how Taeyeon in Takamina do aegyo to camera 1 ahaha...keep up the good work & can't wait for the next episode >w<
Chapter 8: This is really a good fanfic. I've always seen a lot of comparison between SNSD and AKB48 and I'm glad that through this one, both of them collaborate in a nice way. Keep it up!
algaiaknight #7
Chapter 8: Kya i love this crossover ah how i wish SNSD will help Takamina like how Yuko help Taeyeon huhu poor my Takamina well at least Taeyeon learn how to handle a big group eh instead handle only 8 members ehehe good job and keep up the good work cant wait for the next chapter =)
Chapter 5: Ohman! Bibiko have no idea to help Takamina and Taeyeon. Oh! ('O.O) Hope to see the immovable center's appearance! Can't wait for Atsuko do skinship on Takamina or Taeyeon i should say.. Hehehe XD Uwaaa~ Minami and Hyoyeon planned failed.. And Takamina will do punishment.. Oh! Can't wait what will happen next.. Hope Yuko and Taeyeon find that person.. Thank you for the update m(_ _)m
Chapter 4: Finally! An AKB48 X SNSD fic