Chapter 11

We party Hard
It was almost moon and all the girls were at the house. Takamina left her room to ask the girls to come in the living room when she bumped into Tiffany. The dark haired girl was clothed and ready to left.
« You’re leaving? » Asked Takamina.
Tiffany nodded. « I will ask the general manager some days off. » Said Tiffany determined.
« Do you want me to come? » 
Tiffany looked at the short girl. « Why? »
« I don’t know… Taeyeon isn’t the leader? » Asked Takamina.
« Yeah she is… but you’re not. » 
Takamina Smiled. « So you’re okay with me not being Taeyeon? » 
Tiffany sighed. « I didn’t want to believe it but I can’t close my eyes all the time… » Takamina smiled. « You’re happy ? You ruined my vision of the reality. »
Takamina laughed. « I’m sorry, it was not my intention. »
« Yeah I know. » smiled Tiffany. « I miss Taeyeon. » 
« I’m sorry about that too. » Said Takamina. « I’m a leader too, let me come with you But first we all need to talk about me and Taeyeon. Okay? » Asked Takamina offered her hand to Tiffany in sign of friendship. 
Tiffany take her in her arms and nodded. Takamina tensed up but returned the hug. Sooyoung looked at them and laughed. « So? Seohyun said that we all need to talk! Aren’t you coming? »
Takamina blushed and Tiffany let her go. « We’re comming » Said Tiffany.
All the girls were in the living room sitting in a cercle. Yoona,Yuri, Sunny et Sooyoung on the couch, Jessica and Hyoyeon shared a big pillow on the floor, Seohyun was on the floor, Tiffany sat beside the younger and Takamina did the same.
« Okay, so you all believe me now? » Said Takamina. Jessica and Hyoyeon were fighting about who took the most place on the pillow. Takamina looked at them.
« Yeah, I believe you. » Said Hyoyeon who stopped hitting Jessica.
« Me too. » Said Seohyun and Jessica.
Sooyoung smiled. « We believe you. » Yoona, Yuri and Sunny nodded. 
Takamina looked at Tiffany beside her. « I believe you too. »
« Now we need a way to switch back, Taeyeon need to come back to her life and me to mine… » Said Takamina. 
Tiffany nodded. « But why you? Why Taeyeon? I mean, you didn’t even know each other… » 
« That’s what I need to know. » Said Takamina. « I saw that I had a lot in common with her but I need you to tell me a lot about her. I need to know her better to try to understand. »
« We will help you. » Said Sunny.
« Yeah, with all of us you will learn a lot about our kid leader. » Said Yuri.
« But first, you need to make lunch, we will tell you while we eat! » Said Sooyoung drooling thinking about eating.
Tiffany nodded. « And after the lunch you will come with me to talk to the managers. »
Takamina nodded and smiled at the girls.
Taeyeon was eating with Rena. The shy girl took her in a Korean restaurant. Taeyeon liked the Japanese food, but she started missing Korean food… and she was really happy to eat something familiar.
« Thank you Rena. I didn’t know there were so good Korean restaurant here! » said Taeyeon happily.
« You’re welcome. » Said Rena shyly.
They talked a lot, about everything, then Rena frowned. « Will you come to AKBingo? »
« The AKBingo? » Asked Taeyeon.
Rena laughed. « Yeah, we had a shooting the day after tomorrow. »
Taeyeon thought. « I think Yuko tell me about some shooting, but I didn’t know it was AKBingo… »
Rena smiled. « It’s a great Tvshow, we had a lot of fun shooting it during all this time. » She explained. « It’s one of the most funny thing I do! »
Taeyeon thought about it, she remembered looking a some episodes on the internet. This show was really funny, the girls were so innocent and real. But at the beginning she was a little shocked to see how they handled the girls… When they throw pie in their faces or pushed them in the flour, made them eat very spicy things… 
Taeyeon didn’t really understand sometimes. The girls were idols and they just humiliated them on TV… even if it was funny, sometime it was a little hard to imagine what were thinking the girls after receiving this kind of punishment… 
« Really? » Rena nodded. « But they put you in flour, and all the cream pie and other humiliating stuff… »
Rena laughed. « It’s not humiliating, we all have fun, and everyone joke around, really it’s one of the best TVshow we had done. In AKBingo you feel that nobody is here to mock you. They prank us with love. » Smiled Rena. Taeyeon nodded. « Are you physical? »
« Huh? » 
« Are good for sport? » Asked Rena.
« I’m not bad, but I don’t know about that body… » Said Taeyeon.
Rena laughed. « Don’t worry, Takamina is strong and hard wearing. She is never sick, her body is like a rock. » 
« Good to know. » Smiled Taeyeon. « Then I think I will survive AKBingo. »  
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Chapter 16: dude, this is awesome!!!!

U seriously need to make an epilouge, of takamina and taeyon meeting each other~~
Chapter 16: WAH! Me: despite hanging around here, reading a few K-group related fics here and there, I still have little knowledge bout them... But.. this was great!! Whew...
algaiaknight #3
Chapter 16: Kya~~~~~~i love the ending but then you should make an epilogue how those two kid leader meet up with each other after the switch...oh...i just love this...thank you for the this great fic author-nim =)
thekeytodestiny #4
Chapter 16: They're finally back! Can you make a special chapter, where Takamina and Taeyeon meet each other?
algaiaknight #5
Chapter 11: *sobs*you know...I think somehow I know why those 2 leader switch body...they need to learn about each other life..and...i don't want to surprise me author-nim...and please if you can make Takamina recording with Domoto Kyoudai too would love to see how Taeyeon in Takamina do aegyo to camera 1 ahaha...keep up the good work & can't wait for the next episode >w<
Chapter 8: This is really a good fanfic. I've always seen a lot of comparison between SNSD and AKB48 and I'm glad that through this one, both of them collaborate in a nice way. Keep it up!
algaiaknight #7
Chapter 8: Kya i love this crossover ah how i wish SNSD will help Takamina like how Yuko help Taeyeon huhu poor my Takamina well at least Taeyeon learn how to handle a big group eh instead handle only 8 members ehehe good job and keep up the good work cant wait for the next chapter =)
Chapter 5: Ohman! Bibiko have no idea to help Takamina and Taeyeon. Oh! ('O.O) Hope to see the immovable center's appearance! Can't wait for Atsuko do skinship on Takamina or Taeyeon i should say.. Hehehe XD Uwaaa~ Minami and Hyoyeon planned failed.. And Takamina will do punishment.. Oh! Can't wait what will happen next.. Hope Yuko and Taeyeon find that person.. Thank you for the update m(_ _)m
Chapter 4: Finally! An AKB48 X SNSD fic