Chapter 2

The girl in the book store

Myungsoo had detested the idea of going to university but it was his parents wish, so he had went on with the idea and went to university. Going to uni meant that Myungsoo got to spend lesser time with Soojung. He starts shift at 5pm and closes the shop, missing 4-5 hours of spending time with soojung. But just like their routine, she would wait for him until he closes the shop and sometimes, just sometimes, they would talk. After that, they’ll go their own way, and meeting again, on the next day.

Everynight before Myungsoo falls asleep, he would think of Soojung. He’d learn quite a few things about her through their note writings and he would think of how she’d be in school, how she’d look like with her school uniform, what kind of people does she mix around with, how’s her family like, and almost everything he can think of. He’d learn from her that she was a high school senior, making her a year younger then him. Since it’s the holidays, she spends her time in the bookstore, just to pass time away. He’d also learn that she had one sister, that is staying in America, to pursue her studies. He’d learn that one day, Soojung wants to become a writer, and share to the world her imagination. With little thoughts like this, he would fall asleep, with a small smile on his face.

Myungsoo majored in music, with him being a guitarist and all. After going for school, he had come to a conclusion that he didn’t hate school as much since all he does is play the guitar and get grades based on it. He didn’t have to take math and language, and that to him was a huge relieve. He had been playing the guitar since forever, and it has alway been his dream to make music, play music and entertain people. Music to him was like reading to Soojung, it was their main interest, and what they plan to pursue in the future.

“Myungsoo, would you like to play a gig for a cafe this friday? My friend owns the cafe and he needs someone to play to cover for his usual player. You’ll be paid, so it won’t be a waste of time.” Professor Yoon had asked Myungsoo when he was walking towards the exit of the practice room.

“It’s my pleasure, prof. But why me?” Myungsoo curiously asked. Mr Yoon is known as a strict teacher and that he would never give a chance to any student, ever.

“Its because I see potential in you that I’ve never seen in any student before. So i'm giving you a chance, better don't mess it up.” Mr Yoon said, and then after left the room.

When walking towards the bookstore, Myungsoo had decided to tell Soojung about the great news. He had came to a conclusion that Soojung was the only person that truly cared about what he does and about his passion. It was hard for him to open up to people as he was shy, but with Soojung, he know that he can tell her everything. He knows that she would not judge him, and that she would listen to him ramble on and on, and she wouldn't complain, because she knew, she knew how it felt to be so passionate about something,

He whistled his way to the bookstore to find that she didn't turn up on that day.


Hey guys! I know that this chapter is a tad bit short but as you can see, im new to all these and so please forgive me on all these newbie things!

Im here to ask if anyone is nice enough to help me do up a poster as I have no idea on how to work photoshop and that i'll be really thankful if one of you can help me do one!

Thanks for reading and comments and subscribers are loved! <3


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2nexo_chandara #1
Chapter 5: Seeing you mention the perks of a wallflower makes me want to read it again oh Charlie
Chapter 10: Daebak! I like your story. Just that the ending is too short. Myungstal forever. Hope you can write another myungstal fanfic. Fighting!^^
AFishandeer #3
Chapter 10: so sweet~ :3
yeah it's too short but still... Awesome!
Make another myungstal fics please?:) fighting!
fxkrystal_kpop123 #4
Chapter 10: yeah they married
sweetie-choco #5
Omg!!! Did Robert really say that ?!? He so sweeeeet!!!!
Chapter 9: BRB. ghad. weeping omfg. this story ;________;
my thoughts are incoherent. I can't even form my sentence I have this feelingit would be sad but then.. OAO IDKANYMORE.

I was thinking what if she never got the chance to contact him again cause.. yeah OTL
anyway I like it I like it I liket it OAO
electricold15 #7
Chapter 8: I love this story :x Myungsoo are so sweet :x
Can't wait for the next chapter :)