Chapter 5

The girl in the book store

The first thing Myungsoo did the next morning was to read Soojung’s diary.

January 1st, 2001

This will be my first diary entry ever. Today, umma cooked for me my favourite dish, ramyun. Umma says that it’s not good for health and therefore, it's my favourite dish. Also, appa bought a new bike for me so I’ve been riding it the whole day. School was fun as I had met up with all my friends and we also learned nursery rhymes today. I'm tired now so I’ll go to bed. Goodnight diary.

Myungsoo smiled the whole time reading that entry. To think that the seven years old Soojung was that bright and happy made him smile.  He had flip past a few pages and stopped at page 21.

January 30th, 2001.

Dear Diary, today was not a good day. I was sick and umma had to bring me to the doctor. He gave me a medicine and asked me to eat it everyday. I hate the taste of medicine but I’ll eat it anyways so that i can get better. goodnight diary.

The more pages Myungsoo turned, the more he sees the word sick, doctor and medicine. When he turned to the last page, his eyes started tearing.

October 24th, 2009.

Dear diary, today, is my birthday. I turn 15 today. But today is a very sad day. I was sick today, so mum brought me to the hospital, again. I don’t know how it’ll last, me going to the hospital. Today, I had to stay a while longer and had to go through some bad news. The nice doctor, doctor kim, had told me that I was diagnosed with leukemia. Leukemia is cancer of the bones. It just means that I have too much blood cells. They say that leukemia is usually diagnosed to adults but I guess it's just different for my case. I'm not going to write anymore because it's useless diary. I can’t show you to my kids when I grow up as I obviously can’t live that long. Thank you for being there for me when no one was. Goodbye, diary.

Myungsoo closed the book, his heart aching. No amount of words could describe how he felt. He reached out for his phone to see that he had gotten a text message.

i'm pretty sure by now, you have read my whole diary. I don’t want you to pity me, therefore, I didn’t tell you that I am leaving today, now to be exact, to go to America to get a surgery. Thank you for being my friend and as much as wanted to avoid you at the bookstore, I couldn't. This will be my last message to you. If you go to my house now, at the porch, you will find all the books that I have read . I know that this is too much to ask for, but since you want to know what my passion is, I will show you. Read one book, each at a time. But only read it when it’s my birthday. 24 October. When you finish the last book, that is when I will meet you again. If i'm not dead that is. Thank you for being my friend. Until we meet again, this is goodbye, Kim Myungsoo. May you chase after your dreams, since I have a feeling I can’t chase after mine.


Myungsoo changed into some decent clothes and went to Soojung’s house. There, he found a box, right where she had told him to look. Inside the box, there were 5 books, and a notebook. Myungsoo sat at the stairs of the porch, and started reading the notebook.

Hey, if youre reading this it means that you have found it, my passion. The books are my favourite books and I know it’s a bit girly and sappy, but I hope that you would still read it either ways.

  1. My sister’s keeper

  2. The Great Gatsby

  3. A Walk To Remember

  4. The fault in our stars

  5. The perks of being a wallflower

These five books are my favourite books. If you look into the box deeper, you’ll find an ipod. That ipod consists of the songs that I usually listen to when I read my books. I hope you enjoy reading the books as much as I did. Till we meet again, Kim Myungsoo.

Myungsoo brought the book home and had put the book to the side, keeping his promise on only reading the books when it was her birthday.



when I had first decided to write this story I didnt think that it would be like this, but I guess the idea just popped up and this happened. THANK YOU FOR SUBSCRIBING AND IM REALLY HAPPY THAT YOU GUYS ENJOY THE STORY!

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2nexo_chandara #1
Chapter 5: Seeing you mention the perks of a wallflower makes me want to read it again oh Charlie
Chapter 10: Daebak! I like your story. Just that the ending is too short. Myungstal forever. Hope you can write another myungstal fanfic. Fighting!^^
AFishandeer #3
Chapter 10: so sweet~ :3
yeah it's too short but still... Awesome!
Make another myungstal fics please?:) fighting!
fxkrystal_kpop123 #4
Chapter 10: yeah they married
sweetie-choco #5
Omg!!! Did Robert really say that ?!? He so sweeeeet!!!!
Chapter 9: BRB. ghad. weeping omfg. this story ;________;
my thoughts are incoherent. I can't even form my sentence I have this feelingit would be sad but then.. OAO IDKANYMORE.

I was thinking what if she never got the chance to contact him again cause.. yeah OTL
anyway I like it I like it I liket it OAO
electricold15 #7
Chapter 8: I love this story :x Myungsoo are so sweet :x
Can't wait for the next chapter :)