Chapter 3

The girl in the book store

To say that Myungsoo was devastated was an understatement. He was frustrated that he couldn't share the news with Soojung and that he had to wait for the next day since he didn't have her number. That night, was the first time he had locked the door all alone, with no one beside him.


He went to the bookstore next to find that she wasn't there again. Where did she go? Was she finally bored of reading? Did something bad happen to her? The questions filled his mind for the rest of the day, and he finds himself staring at the transparent door, hoping for a certain petite young lady to walk in the store with her infamous caramel macchiato in hand. But it did not happen. And it was the second time that week, that Myungsoo had to lock up the bookstore, all by himself.


By the third day, he was sure that he was putting up his hopes for nothing. He walked to the bookstore from school with a slight frown on his face. It's wednesday now and just two more days to his gig, and he still hadn't tell Soojung about it.


What had shocked him that day when he pulled the handle of the transparent door leading into the bookstore is the frail looking girl sitting at her usual spot, reading the book that she had left reading halfway through on monday. He was happy to see her, and he quickly went to the counter to get a pen and a paper, ready to write to her.


Where have you been? Were you sick?


Soojung read the note and she sighed, she was sick alright, but she didn’t know how to tell Myungsoo that. So she sat up and wrote back to him,


Yeah I was sick, sorry for not dropping by.


The note was short but Myungsoo was happy that she wasn’t ignoring him.He decided that he’ll continue writing to her.


What sickness did you get? Was it the flu?


Yeah, I got the flu, but I’m okay now, I guess.

Soojung had replied that note while she sipped on her caramel macchiato, slowly.

You should be careful you know, it might happen the next time. Oh and by the way, I scored a gig this friday at Cafe Wings on Friday, you wanna come?

Myungsoo didn’t know what had came over him, but he wanted Soojung to come and watch him perform, showcase his passion.

I’d love to, text me the time and place.

But I don’t have your number, dummy.”

Again, Myungsoo didn’t know what had came over him, to call her such names.

It’s 90283746921, and I’m no dummy.

Her reply had been simple, and he could see her slightly smiling, when she passed him back the note.

That day, he had locked up the bookstore with her waiting outside. With that, they had gone their separate ways, as usual.

As Myungsoo lay down on his bed that night, he smiled as he thought about today’s events. With that, he had decided to text her,

Goodnight, Soojung

A few seconds later, he got a reply,

Goodnight, dummy

With that, he smiled and closed his eyes, sleep overcoming him.  




Omg hello guys! thanks for subscribing to this story and Im so sorry for the delay of chapter 3!! I hope you enjoy the story as much as I did when i was writing this chapter!

comments and subsribers are loved!





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2nexo_chandara #1
Chapter 5: Seeing you mention the perks of a wallflower makes me want to read it again oh Charlie
Chapter 10: Daebak! I like your story. Just that the ending is too short. Myungstal forever. Hope you can write another myungstal fanfic. Fighting!^^
AFishandeer #3
Chapter 10: so sweet~ :3
yeah it's too short but still... Awesome!
Make another myungstal fics please?:) fighting!
fxkrystal_kpop123 #4
Chapter 10: yeah they married
sweetie-choco #5
Omg!!! Did Robert really say that ?!? He so sweeeeet!!!!
Chapter 9: BRB. ghad. weeping omfg. this story ;________;
my thoughts are incoherent. I can't even form my sentence I have this feelingit would be sad but then.. OAO IDKANYMORE.

I was thinking what if she never got the chance to contact him again cause.. yeah OTL
anyway I like it I like it I liket it OAO
electricold15 #7
Chapter 8: I love this story :x Myungsoo are so sweet :x
Can't wait for the next chapter :)