Chapter 1

The girl in the book store

A book, caramel macchiato and a beautiful girl curled up on the sofa seats in the book store. Myungsoo was used to this scene in front of him and he knew better than to interrupt the girl. She came every day at 12 noon sharp and took the same seat, bringing the same drink with her. She would pick a book and curl up on the seat, reading until the bookstore closes. By the time Myungsoo approaches her to tell that they were closing, should would be halfway through her second book of the day. She would fold the tip of the page and place it at the shelve she got it from. She would pick up her finished caramel macchiato and throw it in the bin near the entrance of the bookstore, standing there while she wait for myungsoo. She would wait for him until he locked the doors of the shop and they would go their separate ways, one to the left, and one to the right.


Myungsoo first realised this routine on his 2nd week of work. Since he just finished high school and was waiting for university to start, he had decided to work for the bookstore nearby his apartment to kill time and earn a decent amount of money. When he first entered the bookstore to apply for the job, he had seen her, the girl. She was curled up on the sofa, reading a book. He remembered clearly the title, ‘A Walk To Remember’. He was enchanted by her beauty, and how unique she was, since girls her age would usually be at the mall, or at the movies. But his attention was diverted when the boss of the shop told him that he got the job. Myungsoo left the bookstore, forgetting about the girl in the bookstore.


Myungsoo didn't know when was the first time the girl waited for him, or when he took notice of what she was doing, what she was reading. The only thing that he knew was that she was lovely, and that he didn't mind her presence. The routine continued until one day, he mustered up the courage to go up to her.


The day that he had went up to her, it was raining. Not the cats and dogs kind, but the kind that  pitter patter softly on your windows, the kind that is great for a cuddle on the huge sofa while drinking hot cocoa. Myungsoo realised that it was exactly what she was drinking. Instead of her usual caramel macchiato, she carried a different type of disposable cup today, and at side it wrote, hot cocoa. From there on, myungsoo had decided that it was on that day, that he would go up to her, to approach her.


He was nervous at first, but he went up to her straight, and placed a note on her table. Then, he left. They didn’t talk, they didn’t make eye contact, but she knew, that he approached her. She placed her book face down on the her lap and took the note that was right in front of her.


I know that this is a little weird but why do you keep waiting for me when i’m closing the store? and what’s your name?



She had smiled when she read the note, and he didn’t know if she smiled because she liked it, or because she found it creepy. but nonetheless, he waited for her reply.


He observed while she took out her pen and wrote back to him. It took her a minute or two, and she was gliding her way up to him, to pass him back her reply. He had been nervous to open up the note, but he did anyways. He was too curious to find out her reply, even if it was bad news.


I wait for you became it’s polite to and my name is soojung, or krystal. either way, its me.


Her reply was short but it made him happy to know that she does not think of him as a creep.

Soon enough, the note writing became a habit of the both of them. He would write to her from when she step into the bookstore in the morning, and she would reply him. Everyday, a question was asked once, and an answer was given back once. After that, he would place the note into a small jar on top of the table and the both of them continued what they were originally came to do. Her reading a book, and him sorting out books and helping customers find books.  

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2nexo_chandara #1
Chapter 5: Seeing you mention the perks of a wallflower makes me want to read it again oh Charlie
Chapter 10: Daebak! I like your story. Just that the ending is too short. Myungstal forever. Hope you can write another myungstal fanfic. Fighting!^^
AFishandeer #3
Chapter 10: so sweet~ :3
yeah it's too short but still... Awesome!
Make another myungstal fics please?:) fighting!
fxkrystal_kpop123 #4
Chapter 10: yeah they married
sweetie-choco #5
Omg!!! Did Robert really say that ?!? He so sweeeeet!!!!
Chapter 9: BRB. ghad. weeping omfg. this story ;________;
my thoughts are incoherent. I can't even form my sentence I have this feelingit would be sad but then.. OAO IDKANYMORE.

I was thinking what if she never got the chance to contact him again cause.. yeah OTL
anyway I like it I like it I liket it OAO
electricold15 #7
Chapter 8: I love this story :x Myungsoo are so sweet :x
Can't wait for the next chapter :)