Successfully Rescued

Baby Baby Baby

Author's POV:


"What on earth did this mansion doing here?" Chanyeol spoke once they all had exited the horrid forest and came across a huge mansion. It had rain heavily after they fight themself out of the forest.


"And what the hell is that aura...It is so strong and coming from the mansion itself." Kai grumbles, holding his head since the magic aura was too strong and dark. "Also did I hear chanting going on?" Luhan then spoke, he told the guys to keep quiet and starts to focus on the voices.


Its not very audible but the guys do could hear the chanting and its not in any local language but a foreign language.




The people had made a circle and surrounded the girls, with the candles, the circle all readied, they starts to chant.


Taeyeon starts to sweat, her eyes flutter few times, flinching and stirring all over. Her tied hand flinched many times and eventually, she managed to open her eyes but the bright light coming from the chandelier pierce straight into her eyes and making the girl to shut back her eyes.


She slowly open it back and her vision starts try to fix its focused. She still felt her head being so fuzzy and heavy, but Taeyeon could hear the horrid voices chanting all over the place.


She didn't question anything but look around, seeing her sisters lying on both side, on a table in a white dress, tied up and unconscious. Taeyeon tried to sat up but she couldn't, looking to both side, she find herself also being tied up and laid on the table.


"Wha...huh..Where am I? Why am I tied up this table and wear this dress...Wait, whats going on here. This isn't my room, and why am I bleeding?" now she starts to get panicked, Taeyeon struggles to let herself free, seeing blood dripping from her palm is making her think some horrible thing had happen.


And with the chanting, its making it worse.




She shot her head up looking to all directions, her eyes were wide since she sees many people kneel down and do nothing but chants.


Taeyeon look closely, and gasped. "Its not a human...This must be a joke. This is a dream, no I am not being tied up and being a sacrifice to some demons! Wake me up from this nightmare! Somebody help!!! Hyoyeon ah!! Yoona ah!!! Wake up!!! Help!!"




The guys keeps on listening to the chants and peek in through the window, but the thick dust is blocking their view. Until they heard a loud screaming coming from the inside of the mansion.


"Help!! Anybody!! Hyoyeon!! Yoona!! Wake up!!" 12 of them shot their heads up. "The girls!!"


One of the thing stood and walk towards Taeyeon, she had already cried and struggles to release herself, but nothing happen. The thing swing its hand up and slapped Taeyeon so hard, that made her cried harder. The idea was to knock her back to sleep but it didn't work.


"Ahhhhhh!!!!!" she cried harder when another of the thing came and slit her palm, collecting yet another bowl of blood. Taeyeon try to pull her hand away but the tight grip won't let her pull it away. The long nail from the thing starts to digged its nail into her hand since it was holding her. Taeyeon shrieked.


At that moment her sisters starts to regain their consciousness. But what easily make them snapped into reality is because of Taeyeon's cried. The two look to their side where Taeyeon is placed on the center. Seeing that their sister is crying and all the blood flowing down from both her palm make the two scream for her name.




"Taeyeon eonnie!!" "Eonnie!!" the two younger Kim sister shouts.


They can't go any further since they were also being surrounded by those thing just like their sister is. Taeyeon flutter her eyes open when she heard her name was called by her sisters. So weak, her blood are almost being drained out completely. Its not only a bowl but almost more than 5 bowls.


She was gasping and turning whiter and whiter. "Hyo...yeon ah." she trembles, her voice is getting weaker and weaker.


They didn't only cut her palm, but even poking sharp needles into her veins and it out. Somehow, they only need their blood.




"Enough!!!" the big door burst open, the guys walked in but since they see Taeyeon is getting pale and her sisters are also being in the same position as she is, they make a run for it.


The things stop and hissed. Oddly enough, they could only see 6 of them by the door, so where is the other 6 of them go.


Tao, being a gatekeeper and time controller, make an ambus by open up a gate where the girls are. 6 of them walked out of the gate and starts to be in a battle trances around the girls.


Taeyeon sees Kris face before her vision became blurry and dark, the next thing she knew, Taeyeon fainted due to the massive blood loss. Her hands limp on both side. "Eonnie!!!" the two screamed as they see their sister fainted, thought she died at first.  Luhan and Sehun who stood at Yoona's table released her from being tied up. So does Tao and Kai to Hyoyeon.


Kris and Baekhyun help in untying the chain on Taeyeon's. When the two was released, they jump off the table and ran to their pale sister.




Kris and Baekhyun step aside. "Taeyeon....Taeyeon eonnie!" Hyoyeon took her sister, by placing her head on her lap, she cradle her body and her hair. Yoona was crying, holding the bloody hand of her sister.


They ignore the pain from their own palm that was also cut by those things.


Lay ran to their side and starts chant some spell. Since he is a master healer, he could easily healed any wound and illness with the spell that he had mastered.


Hyoyeon and Yoona watches as Taeyeon's body glow brightly, all the cuts, blood stained on her dress vanished once Lay finished his spell. The girls examined their onw hand and the slit that was on their palm had gone and Taeyeon's colour is getting back to normal. "I have replaced back her blood lost with a new one. She will be fine now." Lay claimed with a smile.




Kris and Suho is currently facing with the dream catcher, not satisfied with why they had taken the girls away. Lay and Kyungsoo stay with the girls while they keep their sharp hearing on them.


Hyoyeon and Yoon still sobs, but since Taeyeon is finally getting better, they were happy and watched the guys. They don't have sharp hearing like Kyungsoo and Lay does so they just watch what this strangers and apparently heroes doing to the thing.




"They.....are be....meals....for our....King..." one of them spoke. "Meal?! Those girls are humans! They are not some magical being that your king had once eaten! Humans are never to be involved in your realm! Not once had your ancestors or any other kinds of had kidnapped a human and try to make them a sacrifice to your king!" Kris growled, anger by the actions the dream catcher has made.


"Our kind will punished you for doing such cruelty towards humans. The punishment will be descended upon you." Suho claimed, just like Tao, he could also open up a gate, which is actually their realm.


Some of creature walked out of the gate. Chains was tied up around the dream catchers, dragged in to the realm where they will be punished.




After some hours later, they were back into the mansion, but before they leave the place. Suho had told Lay to cast away their memories and put them into sleep. So he did, and the two girls fall asleep and got their memories erased by Lay.


Luhan carries Yoona bridal style, he gently placed her into her bed and tucked her in. "Please have a sweet dream. When you wake up, all the memories of us and the thing being cover in blood will vanished." he smile at the sleeping Yoona, before he leave her room, he look around and lean down to place a light chaste kiss on her forehead.




Kai and Tao had placed Hyoyeon in her own bed and cover her with the blanket, tucking her in. When they were satisfied, both of them kissed her cheek in unison. "What are you doing?" Kai questioned when they shot their heads up from after kissing her. "What are you doing?" Tao questioned him back.


Lastly, Kris carried Taeyeon bridal style, heading towards her room. He laid her into her bed, pulling the blanket up to cover her fully. He her hair gently and smile down on the peaceful sleepy Taeyeon. Baekhyun stood by the door, watching his hyung tucking her in. "I hope Lay did his job right. We don't want them to still have that memory." he spoked, the tall blonde could on sigh.


"It did work, Baekhyun. Lay are a master healer, he had never once failed in anything. Besides, he showed us the memories of the girls just now, didn't he. Is that not enough proof to you?" he questioned the younger male.


Baekhyun rub his back of neck, "Its enough...I'm sorry." "Its alright. At least now the girls are safe and is back in their own bed. Tomorrow, we need to be babies again. Lets get some sleep in the cradle."


"Okay.." Baekhyun obediently nods, before he exited Taeyeon's room, he glanced over his shoulder for one more time. "
Sweet dream, Taeyeon." and closed the door behind him.




The guys turned themself back into a babies and sleep.




To be continued.....


Sorry for the typos...

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Ah sarangahaeyo~~





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update soon please, you haven't updated for so long that I almost thought that this is on a hiatus! Anyway, this is getting really exciting^^
typicaltaeyeon #2
Chapter 8: Update soon author-nim this is so interesting. :3 haha, new reader tho.
MzLover #3
Chapter 8: Update Soon
mayanguli #4
Chapter 8: please update soon....
taeyeoppeo #5
Chapter 8: haha..i wonder how tae will react when she realized she's been carrying the babies to her chest hahahaha. anyways..what's with tae, hyo and yoo? why are they the sacrifice?
Chapter 8: Taeyeon know the truth now!!! What will happen next? Can't wait!!
ararearaya #7
Chapter 7: so now the girls are safe and sound. are they not human? so that is why the monsters, or whatever creature that kidnap them, want to eat them?
aaaah, and there's luyoon moment~ and taohyokai~ XD
update soon~
dorkyfish #8
Chapter 7: Ahhhhhhh daebak my KrisTae feels hihi update soon chingu
taeyeoppeo #9
Chapter 7: kristaaaeeeeeee
Chapter 7: kristae♥♥♥♡.♡