Find Me

Baby Baby Baby


Author's POV:


Kris, Luhan, Sehun, Kai and Tao didn't changed back to 12 months old. They wishes to do more rather than just meet with them face to face.


Their brothers starts to get jealous of them being able to walk freely.


'I'll let you guys free when we're done with our part.' That's what Kris had told them. Sick of staying in the craddle, playing with toys which they don't like and acting cute is boring. They want some actions, drama, adventure.


"How can they not noticing that Kris hyung, Luhan hyung, Sehun, Tao and Kai went missing, replacing with a magic that is a fake." Chanyeol whined, he poke Luhan's shadow or doubles. It didn't nudge or move an inch.


They only sigh. Boredom has taken control.


"I wanna walk. And talk, and drive, and drink by my own, eat by my own, bathe by my own, doing all kinds of thing by my OWN!" Baekhyun yelled. He was frustrated.


"Could you guys shut the hell up?" suddenly Kris appeared from the shadow. He was alone. Luhan, Sehun, Kai and Tao weren't in sight.


He walk towards his brother and kneel down. "Hyung..palli do your job. I'm dying to see the outside world. We came not to sit around and doing nothing!" Kyungsoo whined.


Kris told them to keep quiet, then he heard soft footsteps coming. He hide behind the door.


It was a great timing, Taeyeon suddenly walked in. They all turned and look at her. "You guys sound so noisy. Waeyo? Hungry?" she asked with her sleepy tone. She yawns, she came home late. Still wearing her formal outfits she sraight away went and check on them as she heard them making noises.


She didn't scold or yell. Even if she was tired, sleepy, dizzy, she still check on them even if she finds it annoying.


Kris stood silently, not dare to move. He watch as Taeyeon sat on the chair and sang lullaby to them. He know that his brothers love listening to her singing, even him like it.


'She will be a great mother to any child of her future husband.' Kris thought, if he were mortal, he would love to marry her. But since he's not, he have his own future wife in store back in his realm. Which he really don't like it.


"There, all better. I felt like, I'm your mother and you guys are my kids. How funny if it is." she giggles to the cooed Chanyeol on her arms. "Good night boys."


She yawns one last time and retreat back to her room.




Kris heaved a sigh of relief. "Enough with the act guys. She's gone." he claimed, trying to be sure if Taeyeon wouldn't walk in again.


"Man, when she sing that lullaby, I really felt sleepy. Her voice was too gorgeous. How can a human can have such a gorgeous voice. Most of the sirens have those voices." Xiumin said, rubbing his now sleepy eyes.


"Sirens are different, Xiumin. They don't sing lullaby, they sing to seduce us men. They are not nice." Baekhyun said, smacking his head. "Alright thats enough. We'll returned tomorrow night. Anything just inform me."




After Kris went away, that same night the 3 sisters get a strange yet tempting dream. It was weird.


Hyoyeon flutter her eyes open, she find herself lying on a very strange place. She sat up, looking around but to see nothing. It was foggy. She stood up, then look down on what she was wearing. White dress, without shoes.


Its getting weirder, when suddenly the place starts to turn into a bright, green forest.


It was like she was at the open field in the middel of the forest. "What's going on here. Where am I?" she questioned. She have never seen such beautiful forest. It almost as if she weren't on Earth.


'Come.....come to me~' a very faint voice starts calling her. It was pulling her. "Who are you?"


''ll be fun~' again is said. Hyoyeon was tempted by the voice. It was so soothing. Her body starts to move by herself. Whether this is real or not, Kim Hyoyeon was tempted to find the person with the voice.




Yoona also get the same dream as Hyoyeon, but she find herself floating on an open sea. The blue sky shined upon her, she could see the bright sky, the sun and the open space.


Her feet was wet by the ocean water, but its weird that she didn't drowned into the ocean. Plus the ocean was crystal clear. She was astonished to see all the fishes under her. Even seeing some of the whales passing by, sharks, jellyfish and more of the deep ocean creature.


'Come...join us~' the same voice as how Hyoyeon heard calle upon Yoona.


She snapped, looking forward to where the voice came from.


'Come...come..we're waiting for you~" Yoona couldn't registered if the voice was a female or male, it was too faint and soft. Also she felt tempted by it and starts walking spontaneously without her commanding.




Taeyeon found herself floating on air. She screamed since she was afraid of heights. Thought she was falling but she didn't. She look around.


Shes on top of the sky, above the clouds. She could feel the soft touch when her hand rub againts the cloud. It felt almost like cold air hits her.


The clouds were so fluffy. Taeyeon could even see clearly the sun as it shine proudly above the thick clouds.


Amazed, its like she was in heaven, sight seeing from above. Well she wish that she's not dead,there is still much work for her to do back on Earth.


'Come...come...We have been waiting for you~' the voice, Taeyeon glances over her shoulder. "Nugu ya?" she asked, but the voice didn't answer. She try walking and it felt so easy, she floats, like she was on the Moon.


'Come quick....I got a suprise for you~' the voice said,calling Taeyeon. She turned again to other direction.


Even if the owner of voice was nowhere to be found, like Hyoyeon and Yoona, Taeyeon was also tempted. Her body moves. She was hypnotized by the voice.




Whatever happen to the girls. Who was the voice belongs to.


The next morning, the boys woke up. The sun has already rised up high on the sky. Its almost noon. They look at each other. Usually, the 3 girls will walk into their room and wake them up around 9 but now its 1145 am and they didn't see them at all.


"What happen to them? Did they forgot to woke us up and just go to work and college?" Lay asked puzzled.


Suho try to contact with Kris and the rest of them. He is debating to either walk out from the room and go check on them or just stay and wait.


If he chose A, he would get caught and the girls might think that he's not normal, but if he pick B, he could find what happen to the girls. Gosh this is hard.


Suho pick A, he didn't hesitate to use his power and changed himself to normal. The boys look at him, pulling him down. "Yah! What are you doing! They might see you! And think that you're some buglar or something. Quickly change back!" Xiumin yell. Suho smack his hand away.


"I'm doing this to check whether they're fine or not. Isn't it too strange that they don't wake us up like how they usually do? Think hyung." Suho claimed and walked out of the room.


They shrieked, it will be a disaster if they see him.




Suho went into one of the room that belongs to them. Pushing it slowly, he peek in. He thought of seeing someone lying on the bed, he pushed the door wider. As he was about to walk in, Baekhyun suddenly appear and pulled him back. Suho struggles to let go. "Hyung! Please don't!" the normal Baekhyun appear.


He sigh, "Baekhyun. I was just gonna check." "Still, sneaking into the girls room is bad! Do you want to be kill?" Baekhyun shrieked.


Suho smack his head. "They can't kill us idiot. We're immortal remember. Are you alone or everyone else also change?" Suho asked as he look over Baekhyun's shoulder.


"All of us changed." They slowly walked out of the room back into their normal self.


"Great, then go check onto the remaining two." he order. "What no way!" Chanyeol claimed with his deep voice.


"Fine whatever. Just don't interfere." Suho shrugged. He slowly sneak in, making his way to the bed. He thought he saw someone lying but it was just a pillow. Strange. She wasn't around. Before he leave, he spotted a small note lying on the bed. He pick it up and read.


'FIND ME' Suho widen his eyes. "Baekhyun! Go and check on Hyoyeon and Yoona too! NOW!"


Baekhyun obey, he scrambles into the two rooms. They went in and check but find nothing but a small note like Suho.




"Hyung.." Kyungsoo came with a small note in his hand. Suho snatched it and read. 'FIND ME' the same as what he found on Taeyeon's bed.


Chen came and also gave him the same note which also written 'FIND ME'.


He flopped himself on the bed. "Hyung, what is the meaning of this? Where did they go? What does this word mean?" Chanyeole questioned Suho, he just couldn't say a word.


"Contact Kris. He need to know. The girls were taken away." he claimed, they gasp, frowning. "Taken away?"


"By the Dream Catcher." hearing that name, the boys starts contacting their friends. If it is the Dream Catcher, than they have to act fast. Everyone who was taken away by them have never returned safely to their world. If they don't do anything, the girls will remained in the unknown world for the rest of their life.


But what does she want with them? What do they have that she decided to take all three away. Usually, Dream Catcher only haunts for weak beings, and human was never on her list. They have never heard oif the Dream Catcher taking a human away.


But why suddenly she took them away. "We need to go back and open the portal to her world."




To be continued.....



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I don't know what else to say, maybe sorry..







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update soon please, you haven't updated for so long that I almost thought that this is on a hiatus! Anyway, this is getting really exciting^^
typicaltaeyeon #2
Chapter 8: Update soon author-nim this is so interesting. :3 haha, new reader tho.
MzLover #3
Chapter 8: Update Soon
mayanguli #4
Chapter 8: please update soon....
taeyeoppeo #5
Chapter 8: haha..i wonder how tae will react when she realized she's been carrying the babies to her chest hahahaha. anyways..what's with tae, hyo and yoo? why are they the sacrifice?
Chapter 8: Taeyeon know the truth now!!! What will happen next? Can't wait!!
ararearaya #7
Chapter 7: so now the girls are safe and sound. are they not human? so that is why the monsters, or whatever creature that kidnap them, want to eat them?
aaaah, and there's luyoon moment~ and taohyokai~ XD
update soon~
dorkyfish #8
Chapter 7: Ahhhhhhh daebak my KrisTae feels hihi update soon chingu
taeyeoppeo #9
Chapter 7: kristaaaeeeeeee
Chapter 7: kristae♥♥♥♡.♡