Exploring Dreams

Baby Baby Baby

Author's POV:


Once Kris, Luhan, Sehun, Kai and Tao cameback after the news of the missing girls, they all straight away open the portals to where they think the girls are.


A realm where all the dreams is being collected. Since they know that 'she' who they said is the Dream itself just haunts weak souls without ever human enlisted. But curious to find out that 'she' suddenly took them humans away, without reasons.


The three sisters was the first humans to ever being haunt by her. She never devour any humans in her life but why them?


Kris and Suho are mostly the incharged or the leaders that lead their friends, so they ordered them to split into three group and search for them in each dreams that is currently being dreamt by the humans, who knows they might be in one of the dreams.




Once you enter the realm of dreams, there is no way for you to exits it if you did not meet with 'her' face to face.


You need to meet her and beg or bribe to be released but for the guys, it will be easy to handle her, after they find them.




Tao, Kai, Suho and Xiumin will be searching for the second eldest of the Kim, Hyoyeon.


Luhan, Sehun, Chen and Baekhyun will be searching for the youngest of the Kim, Yoona.


Kris, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and Lay will be searching for the eldest of the Kim, Taeyeon.




The first dream, it was more of a Candy land. The four of them blinks, looking around the place. Xiumin drools when he sees all that, he wanted to take back almost everything if he could but Suho slapped his hand, telling him to not take anything home.


"Are we somehow, entered a little child's dream? Because, this place is coated with candies or made out of candies." Kai claimed, as he groan to let himself free from some sticky caramel that has caught his shoe. "Yeah, since the child is swallowing everything he could right now." Tao points to where a small little boy, sitting in a pile of candies as he shoved all of it as much as he could into his mouth. The boy look so happy about it. Suho went and give Kai a hand, trying to pull him out from the caramel goo.


They both stumble to a chocolate river that flow behind them. Xiumin and Tao turned when they heard a splashed coming from behind and laugh as they see the two coated with chocolate.


Kai groans, of all the thing in their realms or human world, he hates chocolate the most. "Can I eat you guys up? You look tasty." Xiumin teased as he take some of the chocolate with his finger and it. "Yummy." he said.


Suho shoved him away, "You eat yourself before you eat me, Xiumin." The thin baozi fell into the choc river, and the three laugh when he also covered in chocolate.


"Perfect, Suho ah..Just perfect." he glared at Suho. "Guys come on. We came here not to eat, but to find Hyoyeon." Tao claimed when he sees them busy cleaning themself from the chocolate. "Tao's right." Suho claimed.


After they have finished cleaning themself, they starts the searching again.




Meanwhile on the other side, the other four is searching for Yoona. Now they are currently roaming into a dream of which is only covered with trees and creepily dark, that almost made Sehun cried out loud.


Sehun is always the one who hates dark places, especially when the place is full of tall trees that covers almost every inches of the place. He clings onto Luhan as they walked in deeper into the dream.


Confused of what type of dream this is, they can't really be bother by it and just explore it to find Yoona.


Since Baekhyun is the controller of Light, he used his power to light up every place that they have explored. With his power, Sehun is thankful that he came along with them. At least the light was bright enough for them to see the forest and the path infront of them.


"Hyung, this place creeps me out." Sehun claimed. Luhan chuckles as he pats the youngers hand that is currently on his shoulder. "Relax, Sehun. Its not a scary place at all. This is nature, only that we entered while it was dark. Plus, you have powers, so you shouldn't be afraid of this things. We're immortals, Sehun ah." Luhan try to comfort him, and Chen is helping him too.


"Yup. Luhan's right. We're immortals so basically nothing can stop us." Baekhyun agreed on this. Sehun just pout like a baby.




The third group is having trouble in walking through the dream they are currently in. Blizzards...like a freaking thick blizzards landed on Seoul.


"Now who the is dreaming about this kind of situation!" Kris growls, as he is getting pissed off this hilariously harsh snow that is pushing them back. The snow even covers some of the cars, totally buried it underneath. There isn't any human walking or driving except for them.


It was so hard to walk because of the blizzards and this thick snow underneath them. For the fourth time, Kyungsoo sank into the snow and Chanyeol went to help him out of it.


"Am I too heavy that I could sink into the snow?" he grumbles, after saying thanks to Chanyeol. He brushed off the snow off his body. "Its freezing! Chanyeol, could you create some fire and melt this snow?" Kyungsoo asked.


"Xiumin hyung should have come with us, then he could get rid of this blizzards away." Lay complaining, even he couldn't handle the coldness. It is chaos for them to walk along this worst weather. Kris didn't complained, but he is pissed by it. Sometime he wonders how can a human dream of something so stupid like this.


Kyungsoo then again sank into the snow and again Chanyeol went to help, he even laugh everytime the short guy sanked. "Shut up! Chanyeol!" he exploded.


Chanyeol smile and shook his head. "I can't Kyungsoo.. If I melt it, then it will turn out to be floods, do you want that?" the short boy shake his head.


Kris stop as he try to look further away from his spots, he could see some other portals which mean, its their ticket in to exiting this stupid dream.


"Come on, I see portals up ahead. Move your now!" he snarls, telling his team to move faster for the exits.




Meanwhile, Taeyeon and her two dongsaengs was tied up on a table, wearing only their pajamas. Still unconsciouss of what had happen, they quietly lay on the table.


The place are almost like a castle or just a mansion, but the ugly mansion to be precise.


3 huge chandelier hanging on the ceiling, lighting the hall but it was dim. The thunders outside is making lots of noises, and it has been going around for quite a while still it didn't rain.


As the three tables which the girls is laying on, each of it, down by the floor had a huge symbol, it is almost like a summoning symbols. Having been clearly drawn by someone, the candles is placed on each of the symbols.


Somehow, they wishes to do a rituals to this girls.


"Everything is ready......Ritual...start...now..." said a voice that is very hoarse. He or she didn't show their figures but stood by the dark corners with a big book hold on their hands.


"We....need....blood....to start...the rituals....Get...girls...blood..." the second voice commands, and three figures move forward to the table where they lay. They took out a sharp large knife, on their palm, they cuts it. The three flinched as they felt the pain from the cuts but still they kept sleeping.


Blood starts to pour into the bowl.




"So.....where else are we going? We can't find them in any of the dreams we've had explored. Its wasting out times!" Luhan complains, when the three team has gathered again. Now in the area where the girls are. Only that they didn'y feel it, yet.


"We start here. Somehow, there is lots a powerful energy here. Maybe we'll find something." Suho tried to reassure them as he took the lead, followed by Kris.


The remaining 10 stood watching their leaders already walking away. "I really hope Suho hyung is right. Because I don't want to go into other dreams." Kai claimed and now starts moving.


"I can't agree more." Kyungsoo also walked, thinking back about how he was sunk 8 times in the previous dream.




"The....rituals.....time to...start." the voice said as it starts walking to the table. It bares its fang as it smile down to the three sleeping young girls.


"We.....can finally....wake....our...mistress again....with...their blood."


"And flesh..." said another, also baring it fangs.




Now if the guys didn't move faster, the girls will surely be devour by spells that is being read by the things.


EXO need to move faster to rescue them in time.


What is gonna happen...




To be continued.....



Sorry for the typos...

Ignore them...

Hope you like the update...if its boring, just don't read ^^








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update soon please, you haven't updated for so long that I almost thought that this is on a hiatus! Anyway, this is getting really exciting^^
typicaltaeyeon #2
Chapter 8: Update soon author-nim this is so interesting. :3 haha, new reader tho.
MzLover #3
Chapter 8: Update Soon
mayanguli #4
Chapter 8: please update soon....
taeyeoppeo #5
Chapter 8: haha..i wonder how tae will react when she realized she's been carrying the babies to her chest hahahaha. anyways..what's with tae, hyo and yoo? why are they the sacrifice?
Chapter 8: Taeyeon know the truth now!!! What will happen next? Can't wait!!
ararearaya #7
Chapter 7: so now the girls are safe and sound. are they not human? so that is why the monsters, or whatever creature that kidnap them, want to eat them?
aaaah, and there's luyoon moment~ and taohyokai~ XD
update soon~
dorkyfish #8
Chapter 7: Ahhhhhhh daebak my KrisTae feels hihi update soon chingu
taeyeoppeo #9
Chapter 7: kristaaaeeeeeee
Chapter 7: kristae♥♥♥♡.♡