
Barricades of the Heart

I had my eyes fixed on the giant rock on my finger. It was but a shiny rock; I found it difficult to find it’s worth along with it’s importance to me.


I am an engaged woman. I told myself. But somehow, the label didn’t suit me. I flinched at thought of being called ‘fiance’.


I used to believe in fairytales and then I grew up. I learned that not every man you meet will ever live up to the standards like your typical prince charming. No, he stays in the books. What you get is reality. It’s just that.


Minhyuk says he loves me… Our history dates back to when we were but infants in diapers. To be able to learn to love him should’ve come easily by now. I cannot believe myself when I say that I’m almost there because ‘almost’ is never enough.


It was a new day when I heard a buzz from the door. I was in the kitchen, preparing food so I had to turn off the stove before proceeding to the door.


I opened it and was face to face with someone unexpected. “Mother?” I said surprised. “What brings you here?” I asked since she rarely visits.


“I missed you, sweetheart, and my darling grandson too.” She said as she stepped in. In most cases, she’d call me over to the house. Her eyes wandered the house then made it’s way back to me “Where is he?”


“Oh, uh. He’s gone on a field trip to the zoo.” I semi lied on the spot. I couldn’t even look at her, otherwise I’d be caught. “OH! The food is still on the stove!” I said quickly and made my way back to the kitchen.


I leaned against the counter and inhaled deeply. I trust that Chanyeol is taking good care of Hyunwoo.


“You know, I was surprised that you actually let Hyunwoo go.” I looked up as  I heard my mother’s voice from the entrance on the kitchen.


“Of course, he’s only with the school.” I said.


“Whether it be the school or someone else taking him, you were always so protective over your son. I remember when Hyunwoo was just born, no one, not even the nurse could remove him from your arms.” She smiled to herself as she looked back to the past. “I also remember the day you cried to me and your father saying that no matter how disappointed we were, you didn’t care because you wanted to keep your child. You did indeed, you kept him despite the fact that he’d be fatherless.”


“Why waste a life. I love my child, that’s why I did all of those things.” I told her.


“No, It’s because you love 'him'.” And by ‘him’ I knew exactly who she was talking about.



You have no idea what it took to take this little guy out. It started with Minhee asking me for a ‘tiny favor’.


*flash back* “Chanyeol,are you home?” I heard her voice from the other side of my door followed by a few knocks. I already knew it was Minhee so I wasn’t surprised to see that she was actually at my doorstep.


“Hi, Minhee.” I greeted.


“I really hate having to ask you but… can you do me a ‘tiny favor?” Minhee asked with her hands fidgeting as she spoke. How cute.


“Sure.” I said, beaming a smile.


“Okay, well I have this teacher meeting tomorrow around noon so I need someone to pick Hyunwoo up at school.” Figures, someone had a fight with their bastard fiance anyway.


“Alright. I”ll do it.” I told her.


“Thank you..." She said with a smile. " Well, Goodnight!" Minhee was just about to turn when I  caught her arm.


“Wait.” I said and she looked at my hand under her elbow. I spoke again, “Is it okay if I take him to the zoo afterwards?” Minhee looked up at me and her expression changed. I let go and continued to stare.


“No.”  She said directly.


“What? Come on, it will just be for a little bit. I’m sure he’ll love it.” I said in an attempt to sway her decision.


“Don’t take this the wrong way, Chanyeol. I just… worry for my son. It’s hard for me to trust others with Hyunwoo.”


“You don’t trust me…”


“No, it’s not that… you just don’t know where I’m coming from.” She said.


“Please? One hour tops. I promise that I’ll have him home before two. If something happens to him, you can choose to never speak to me ever again ( though I know that it’s impossible not to).”


“Fine.”  She finally agreed and left. *end of flashback*


I pulled up in front of Hyunwoo's school. Parents were already there waiting to pick up their child. I could feel pairs of eyes on me as I didn't belong. They must've figured that I was a new face, for they were all regulars. At this point, they were already trying to figure out to who's father I am. I would wish them luck because I am a father to none.


Finally the bell rang and small children were running out of their classes and into their parent's arms.

Then there was Hyunwoo. He looked as if he already knew where to go. He didn't bother to look for anyone among the parents, instead, he headed directly for the bench near the gates of the school. Hyunwoo seemed to have grown accustomed to waiting.


I follwed right behind him, surprised that he hadn't noticed a giant shadow creeping by.


"Hyunwoo." I said to get his attention. The little boy turned around and looked up at me. I hovered over him like a skyscraper. Just then he flashed a huge teethy grin.  "Do you remember me?" I asked.


"Yes! Mr. Soldier it's you!" He exhilarated. I chuckled at his excitement. I crouched down to meet his height.


"Yes it's me. Listen, your mommy is going home late so here I am." I told him.


"Yay!" Hyunwoo seemed very happy that he even took me by surprise and suddenly hugged me. It was adorable and it touched my heart.


It was an unexplainable feeling that I felt when he wrapped his tiny arms around my huge neck. I felt the need to hug him back tightly and keep the child there in my arms...


It was strange. But the child wasn't mine.


"Hyunwoo-ah. Would you like to go to the zoo?" I asked and I pulled him in front of me. He nodded continuously in response, I worried that he'd get dizzy. "Alright, let's go?"


We began to walk side by side when I felt small fingers cling to my hand. I smiled to myself for I liked that strange feeling.


I took Hyunwoo to see various animals. He seemed to express his interest in tigers or anything ferocious and then came the bug exhibit...Though I wasn't a big fan of bugs or anything with more than four legs, I figured that Hyunwoo might enjoy it.


We walked into a room filled with aquarium tanks of multiple multi legged creatures. From there, the tiny hairs on my body aroused and I just wanted to get the hell out of there.


Hyunwoo held my hand and he seemed to be walking faster than usual. I thought that he was just getting excited to see more.


Near the exit was a huge fake spider and I didn't see it until we were about a foot away from it. Hyunwoo and I jumped in fear before bolting out of that exhibit.


Hmm... I guess Hyunwoo's sudden speed in pace was because he was afraid...as afraid as I was you can say. But I'd say that our common fear was pure coincidence.


"I'm never going back in there again. I hate bugs." He told me so animatedly, with his hands on his hips in such a way that he reminded me of his mother.


"Me too kid." I responded and patted the top of his head. "Say, would you like some ice cream now?" The child nodded and we proceeded to the food area.


I scanned the menu even though I already had a specific flavor in mind. The worker was waiting so I turned to Hyunwoo was watching some elderly lady her icecream cone dry.


"Hyunwoo, what flav-" I began to ask but I was cut off by his sudden answer.


"I want chocolate." He said suddenly.


"How did..." I wanted to ask but instead I faced the worker to order my own, "Make that two, please." I said.


After getting our cones, we found a bench in front of the giraffe. On the other end of the bench sat the same elderly woman Hyunwoo was looking at earlier. She was finished with her cone and seemed to be watching the giraffes as well but then she turned her head and this time, she watched Hyunwoo eat. A smile formed on her lips and then she looked up at me.


"The eyes are questionable but other than that, your son looks a lot like you." She said.


"Oh, he's not mine. But thank you." I told her.


"Hm, I would not have thought." She responded as if she knew she was right.


From that moment, I could not stop looking at the child especially on the car ride home. He was asleep in the back and the stoplight turned red.


'He's not mine.' I told myself for the third time today.


Pure coincidence... right?


I arrived to the apartment exactly on time and since Hyunwoo was still asleep, I carried him out of the car.I knocked on Minhee's door a few times and buzzed in twice but it took a while to hear footsteps come from the otherside.


The door finally opened but it wasn't Minhee.


"You... what are you doing here?" Minhee's mother 's greeting was quite cold. After she was done glaring at me, she saw that I was carrying her grandson. She reached out to pull him out of my arms.


" I'm just bringing Hyunwoo home." Obviously. Did she not see me holding him?


Then Minhee came out of somewhere and called her mother's attention in attempt to help me out a little. "Mother. Be nice, Chanyeol picked Hyunwoo up while had a school meeting."


"You said that Hyunwoo was at the Zoo." She said.


"Technically, yes?"


"You lied to me." She snapped then she turned to me, " And you, what makes you think it's okay to be here. Do you have any idea what you did to my daughter? She had to"


"Mother, enough!" Minhee yelled. "Chanyeol, just go. We'll talk later." She said.


I left and closed the door behind me, wondering why her mother hated me so much. I guess, my departure could have fueled some steam otherwise, I wouldn't have a damn clue as to why everyone hates me so much.



When he was gone, I took my son from my mother and brought him to his room to tuck him in. I patted the blankets around his sleeping figure then combed my fingers through his shiny dark hair.


"I guess I was right." My mother said behind me.


"Pardon?" I said without looking at her.


"I knew that one day, Chanyeol would come back and you would be weak. You would eventually take him back despite having Minhyuk by your side."


"Minhyuk?" I scoffed at his name.


"Yes.Don't you feel the least pity for him?"


"I did. That's why I said yes to him, mom." I had to look her in the eyes so I faced her with tears their ducts. " Even if it meant that I wouldn't be happy, at least my son would have a father but then Chanyeol shows up ... and he knows nothing. I don't want to be weak anymore." I sobbed.


She came to me and wrapped her arms around me. "Hush, sweetheart. I'm sorry." She said before kissing my forehead. And that's when my mother became a mother. It just took her twenty three years to be there. "You do realize that there will be a day that Chanyeol will see himself in Hyunwoo and when that day comes, he will be hurt." My mother said.




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76 streak #1
Chapter 14: AHHHHH SOOO SWEET!!! Love this ff
76 streak #2
Chapter 13: Omg...Is that minhyuk???
76 streak #3
Chapter 6: stay strong chanyeol
76 streak #4
Chapter 5: Awww gonna miss chanyeol
76 streak #5
Chapter 4: So heartbreaking
Love this fanfic, the ending was sweet! Well Done, author-nim, you did a great job!
Chapter 14: Love this story! And how lovely the ending ended <3
Chapter 13: is that minhyuk?? oh, never mind, take your time dear..
milhaeradcliffe #9
Chapter 12: what a great fanfic authornim..
thanks for write such a great story, really love it..
I'm glad Chanyeol finally figured out that Hyunwoo is his son..
I wonder what will happen next. Minhyuk wont let Minhee back to Chanyeol isn't he..? Minhyuk should have a plan..
Can't wait for the next chapter..
Chapter 12: so, who wrote that break up letter? minhyuk?