Chapter 8

Dreams which are made to Come True; Saranghae

(A/N: From now on, i will only update during the weekends cause my typer isn't free on the other days. Kamsahmida for supporting my fic!)

Kyuhyun’s POV

As Krystal, Sungmin and Gi Kwang set off to get the cake, I followed Seohyun to her brother’s room.

This was my first time seeing her brother, so I was pretty nervous and excited.

When we entered the room, I saw a little kid sleeping on a bed (which was way too big for him). He was very pretty- not that I was gay or anything. But really, he was so cute.

Seohyun tore a piece of paper from a notebook and started writing on it:


Noona is going out with my friends. So you won’t be lonely, 3 of my friends volunteered to take you out to play. That’ll be Heechul, Yoona and Taecyeon. Listen to them and be a good boy. I’ll meet you wherever they’re taking you later.



Your noona,



She folded the note and put it on top of the dressing table. Together, we went into my car and set off to the amusement park.

In the car, Seohyun was unexpectedly quiet. I tried to bring up a subject to talk about, but I ended up staring blankly ahead.

After buying tickets to the amusement park, we went to the rollercoaster. The manager reserved seats for us, 9 people at 7:15 p.m. We thanked him and walked back to the car.


Seohyun’s POV

Kyuhyun parked his car quite far, so we had to walk for a while.

That was until Kyuhyun stopped abruptly mid-walk.

“What’s wrong, oppa?”

He walked towards me slowly, and stared at my hands.

“Seohyun, the whole time I spent with you, I fell in love with someone. All my life, I’ve never fallen in love before. But this certain girl changed my way of life. This girl who opened my heart to the you.”

I was stunned. He took my hands and said, “Do you feel the same way about me?”

I froze at that moment. I raise my head and our eyes met. I tried really hard not to blush but it was difficult.

In the end, I nodded.

As soon as I did, it started snowing. It was snowing in mid-Oktober. A miracle.

He let out a small laugh and took my hand. We walked holding hands towards his black accord.

In the car, I called sungmin oppa to check if the cake was ready.

“Sungmin oppa, is the cake ready?”

“Neh. We will meet the others at the mall in 15 minutes. They have your bro with them.” he answered.




“Do you still remember donghae?”


“He’s back. He’s in Seoul right now. And his coming to the party.”

“Really? Ok...ok..” I answered.

After saying goodbye to him, I turned my phone off and laid my head on Kyuhyun’s shoulder.

“What’s wrong?” he asked with concern.

“Just an old friend coming back.” I said. “My best friend,” I added.


“Should we tell the others about us?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Depends. What do you think?”

“Maybe we should wait until they figure it out themselves.”

“Yeah....maybe.” I said.

We met the other is front of McDonald’s. My biggest surprise was that Donghae was there. I ran to him and hugged him tightly.


Donghae’s POV

I was shocked when Seohyun ran towards me and gave me a hug.

“Hey, Seobaby!” I greeted her, hugging her back.

“Yah, oppa! Why did you come without telling me, huh?”


She changed a lot, I thought.

I noticed a guy, her friend I suppose, who was looking at her with.....those eyes. Maybe, after all this while, it was time to let her choose. She deserved a better person anyway. I hurt her, she forgave me. And I will return a favor to her; the chance to be free.


Kyuhyun’s POV

I watched Seohyun reunite with her old friend. Somehow, he looked awfully familiar.

Oh, well!

“Hi, I’m Donghae. Nice to meet you.” He greeted me.

“Hello, I’m Kyuhyun. Nice to meet you too.” I greeted back.

“Take care of my little sis, okay?” he told me.

“What do you mean?” I asked in confusion.

“”I’ve known a lot of friends, Kyuhyun. And the way you look at Seohyun tells me everything that I need to know.” he said with a smile.

I could see Seohyun blushing.

I didn’t realize that the others, including Seohyun’s little brother were all quietly watching what was going on.

At last Heechul spoke, “Kyuhyun and Seohyun, sitting in a tree-“

“K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” The rest said in unison.

We laughed together and enjoyed the rest of the moment.

On the way to the rollercoaster ride, the manager called suddenly saying that the park had to be closed due to the snow.

So, at last, we went back to Seohyun’s house for the party. Taemin was so happy, what with all the presents.

At about 10 0’clock, the others all went home. I helped Seohyun with the cleaning after tucking Taemin to bed.

He told me, “Hyung, this is the best birthday ever! Thank you!” in his sleep. I smiled and left the room.

When we finished cleaning, Seohyun saw me off.

“Thank you oppa, for making this party successful!”

“You’re welcome, Seobaby!” I said and planted a kiss on her cheek.

I went home that night with a smile.


Seohyun’s POV

I changed into my pajamas and went for bed. I took out my diary and wrote:-

I can only describe what today was about with one word, “miracle”!


(A?N: Hope u like this chapter. they finally confess! hehehe!)

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kpop4u #1
loving this ttm!
i love the pairing! <3
update soon!
pls update again :]
DemonAngel_1165 #5
bwohhhh???? <br />
like he nvr existed?!!! <br />
ommgggg... this is getting good >.<<br />
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please update soon ^_^
update soon ^^<br />
Victoria's here. :) OMG, exciting. :D
Argh. Victoria? o_O Update soon, SEOKYU!
MinhoOnewShawol #8
Hey readers! Can u guys help me promote my fic? Kamsahmida!
MinhoOnewShawol #9
@madz67 yeah.... I just can't think of anyone else to put but her.... She just fits the character so much
pls update again :]<br />
<br />
VIC is here too?! o.0<br />
<br />
~Good luck!