The Farewell

⚜ To Make or Break Us

"What are you doing here?" Lay asked when a hooded Baekhyun plopped down into one of the chairs in front of him. Baekhyun only stared at the counter blankly, his mind completely elsewhere. Lay knew immediately, but for some reason, he couldn't find it in his heart to give Baekhyun a drink. Usually, he'd whip a drink right up for anyone that needed it, but instead of doing so, he only whispered, "No way." Baekhyun didn't answer and only continued to sit as still as a statue.

                "Sujin didn't show up?" Lay asked softly as he put down his drying towel and passed the cup clean cup over to the other bartender. Baekhyun cringed at her name before shaking his head as Lay frowned, " as in she didn't show up? Or she did?" Lay watched his frozen friend part his lips and crack a small forced smile as he answered softly, "She did."

                "And she still broke up with you?" The question slipped from Lay's tongue before he could stop himself. He knew Sujin and never in a million years did he think that she would actually break up with Baekhyun. He saw the way she looked at Baekhyun. No matter how much of an idiot Baekhyun was sometimes, Lay was so sure that Sujin was the one for Baekhyun.

                "I saw her...and she was coming towards me when two random little heads pulled me aside. I turned to tell them to leave me alone and when I looked up again...she was gone." Baekhyun bit his bottom lip to keep himself from crying out in frustration and quickly buried his head into his arms on the counter as he growled, "She probably thought that I was going to flirt with them or something! I'm so stupid! I should have just pushed them aside or ignored them!"

                "Maybe if you weren't constantly flirting with other girls in front of her she wouldn't have misunderstood so easily. You know how jealous Sujin gets. I'm surprised she even stuck with you for this long." Lay mumbled before Baekhyun slowly looked up and grunted, "Shut up. You know why I do that." Lay only shrugged, "Yeah, but Sujin didn't and she still doesn't know. You should have told her from the start. Maybe then you two wouldn't be..." Lay glanced back at Baekhyun and then shook his head, "I still can't believe it. Did you try calling her at all? Did you even go after her?"

                "I did. I ran after her, but I lost her in the crowd...I even called her too. But after the first call, the rest of the tries just lead me to voicemail. She must have turned off her phone." Baekhyun sighed heavily and then straightened up while making a face, "Dude, are you going to give me a drink or not?" Lay was about to grab a glass, but stopped half way and then turned back to face his friend with an apologetic look, "Sorry, Baekhyun...but not this time."

                "What? Why?" Baekhyun sat up in surprise.

                "I...I honestly don't know, man. I just feel's not really over." Lay sighed, "I think you should head home tonight. It's probably for the best if you didn't drink right now. Because you say some really dumb things when you get loose and you might just end up calling Sujin and leaving dumb messages." Baekhyun grunted and got up from his seat, because as much as he needed that drink right now, he figured that Lay was probably right. Considering that he did remember leaving Sujin some pretty cruel messages the other night when he got totally wasted out of anger.

                "Sending me home without a drink and letting me drown in this ty reality. Thanks, Lay, you owe me a drink." Baekhyun chuckled dryly even though he was already feeling the darkness start to engulf him. Lay bit his bottom lip and only nodded, "I'm sorry. Something...just doesn't feel right tonight. You go home and stay safe." Baekhyun sighed and gave him another nod before leaving the bar and heading back to his empty apartment.




The chilly breeze brushed passes me, tangling its fingers into my messy hair. I sniffed and hugged my knees closer and let the coldness seep into my bones as I held back at the tears. The lights from the buildings reflected on the black water surface and danced along the waves of the river. Not far behind me, I heard a couple giggling amongst themselves on a bench while I sat alone along the riverside. It's funny, because I wasn't really alone. There were plenty of people walking around and riding their bikes, but I still felt isolated.

                My heart hurt. Maybe I had been too brash and misunderstood? I definitely remembered him calling out my name…I just couldn't find the strength to answer. I was so scared. I was too scared that I didn't even try. I just ran away and now I'm here. I didn't want to face the truth. I'm a coward. There was no miscommunication. Anywhere I go, Baekhyun will always be shining and he likes bathing in the attention. It wouldn't be hard for him to find another girl.

                The thought of him belonging to someone else hurt even more, but I couldn't stand it anymore. I didn't like sharing Baekhyun with random girls. I hated the way he flirted with them and how casually they'd brush their arms up against him. Since no guys ever really check me out or hit on me, he'd never know what I felt like watching him. Even if other guys did hit on me, would he even care? I felt the hot tears sting my eyes and sniffed and quickly wiped my cheeks when I felt the tears roll down them. I've dated him for so long and never had I ever seen him ever really care that I was his girlfriend.

                There was a soft rustle that threw me off my train of thoughts before I glanced to my left and saw a figure sit down onto the grass a couple feet away from me. He suddenly looked my way and I swiftly turned back to look at the water surface, gulping in embarrassment when he chuckled lowly, "Let me guess. You got dumped, too?" His question surprised me and I felt a tight squeeze in my heart as I slowly turned to face him again. His eyes were dull as he cracked a small smile while sighing heavily, "Usually I'd dance to release my stress…but watching the lights dance on the water isn't so bad either."

                "I guess…" I mumbled back softly and looked back out to the water. He was right. The lights twinkled and looked as if they were dancing on the soft waves of the river. I bit my bottom lip and leaned my head against my arm when he spoke up again, "I don't usually talk to strangers like this, but maybe it's just because I can't fully grasp onto the fact that I've been dumped by the girl that I've loved since junior high." I blinked and stayed still, listening as he continued on gently, "I'm the stupidest boy on earth, you know that?"

                "No…my boyfriend is way dumber than you are." I grumbled back lightly.

                "Oh, so you're still together? Did you two fight?" He asked curiously.

                "Honestly? I don't know. I love him, but I don't want to be with him anymore." I answered back truthfully and there was a long pause between us until he asked cautiously, "Why's that?" I only stared at the dancing lights on the water surface for a moment longer, contemplating whether or not I really wanted to tell this stranger. But then, what the hell? It wasn't like I was ever going to see him again after this. Plus it was easier to tell someone who didn't care. I let out a huff of breath and turned back to face him, "Because, he makes my heart hurt—" I stopped when I saw how handsome this guy was.

                "Did he cheat on you?" He raised a brow.

                "I…well—he's always flirting with other girls around me and I hate it." I blurted and quickly looked away again as I added, "It makes me insecure about myself and it makes me sad that he'd rather go hang around other girls than me. I feel lonely all the time and I feel like I have to be like all those other girls just so I can be with. I doubt everything I do and I never used to be like this. Before I met Baekhyun, I was a tough and strong headed girl and this relationship made me the complete opposite. Now I'm always scared to say anything that's on my mind because I'm afraid that it'd drive us apart. He's hurt me so much and I still can't even let him go. I'm so stupid, it's like I still have hope that this was all just a stupid joke and that he still really loves me." I stopped to take a deep breath and realized that I was crying. I quickly covered my face because once the tears started rolling, they refused to stop.

                I hiccupped and buried my face into my knees, wanting to disappear. I was so weak and dumb. This guy probably pitied me for being so spineless. I sobbed softly into my knees when I heard him whisper softly, "Could you ever forgive him for being so stupid?" I paused and sniffed, because his question didn't sound like he was really asking me. Turning my head, I slowly looked back to him "Depends on how much he loves me in return." There was a look in his eyes that said he wasn't satisfied with my answer and I let out a small breath before adding, "If he sincerely came back to apologize and explain himself, I probably will."

                Something sparked in his eyes and he suddenly got up, "Thank you—" He turned to leave and halted before turning back around to apologize, "I'm sorry for rushing off. I have to go do something—and um, my name's Jongin, but you can call me Kai. Thanks for hearing me out, maybe we'll run into each other again!" Then he quickly nodded with a little bow of his head and left just as quickly as he had came. I watched him disappear into the night and then in a deep breath before getting up and leaving as well.

                In no time, I was back at our door. It wasn't like I had a choice. Eun Hee had made me drop my stuff off here earlier. I took a deep breath to steady my heart beat and calm my nerves. Then slowly, gently, quietly I slipped the key into the keyhole and twisted to unlock the door. My heart thumped heavily against my chest when I pushed the door open a crack and saw the lights were on. That could only mean one thing. The door was yanked open before I felt my breath caught in my throat as I came face to face with Baekhyun.

                He was still in his hoodie from earlier and I had never seen him so shocked before. We stared at each other for a bit when he surprised me. Baekhyun reached out and before I knew it, I felt his palm against the left side of my cheek. I cringed slightly in surprise and shut my left eye when he ever so gently swiped his thumb under my eye, "Have you been crying?" His voice was soft, softer than I've ever remembered. "Your make's a little smeared." He leaned in for a closer look and I swiftly stepped aside and into the apartment.

                "Don't." I saw the hurt in his eyes and quickly turned my head as I swiftly walked into the living room where my bags still were.

                "Sujin—" He started shakily as I grabbed my duffle bag and suitcase.

                "Baekhyun, I only came back for closure." I swallowed, refusing to let my voice shake as I kept my back to him. I caught a glimpse of him in the reflection of the dark windows and quickly diverted my eyes. I can't look at him. If I do, I'll only end up running back into his arms and then the whole cycle would just start again. I rather hurt now that continue to get played over and over like so many times before. I heard his slow and cautious footsteps as he spoke in a volume that was barely more than an audible whisper, "Please don't do this." I felt a stab at the same time as rage and turned back around to face him in one swift motion.

                "You're right; it's my fault, isn't it?" I snapped back at him and swallowed the lump in my throat, "It's because I'm a jealous no good girlfriend who can't ever give you enough freedom. That's the reason why we're here and that's the reason why we're breaking up." I slung the duffle bag strap over my shoulder and lifted my suitcase. I had barely headed for the door when he stepped in my path. Baekhyun put out his hands as if to block me from leaving as he blurted, "No. We're not breaking up." I glared at him and my heart ached. I didn't want to, but I've made my decision and I wasn't going to change it.

                "You're right." I sighed heavily and I looked up to see the relief in his eyes when I crushed it instantly, "Baekhyun, I am breaking up with you, because I'm done. Now you can go find yourself a better girlfriend to put up with your ." My voice cracked when I saw the damaged that I've done. Baekhyun's face had gone blank and the only thing that reflected in his brown eyes were pain and disbelief. Taking a small breath, I lifted my chin confidently and then pushed pass him to the door when I felt his slender hand suddenly grasp around my elbow.

                "Sujin." He croaked brokenly and I only stopped to glance back at him with another glare. Except, my heart squeezed so hard when I saw the tears in his eyes that I swore I almost had a heart attack. "I'm sorry—please—don't go…" Baekhyun spoke in uneven breaths as he squeezed my arm gently and tugged me back slightly. I felt my eyes get hot as well as I glanced back at his hand around my elbow and then back up at his tear filled eyes. I wanted to turn around right there on the spot and jump back into his arms. I wanted to say that I forgive him. I wanted to cry and hold him close and never let him go.

                "Baby, please. I'm so sorry. Just let me explain." He tugged my arm once more and I yanked myself away. I sniffed and glared back at him with all the anger that I could gather, "You had your time to explain. Now is too late." And just like that, I turned my back to him and left, closing the door behind me. I headed down the hall and heard the door re-open.

                "Sujin—wait—" Baekhyun called out and I heard his running footsteps before I stopped.

                "Stop, right there." I snapped angrily as I turned back around to face him. He stiffened immediately before I took a deep breath, "If you take another step, I swear that I'll completely disappear from your life, Baekhyun." I saw the fear that immediately instilled in his eyes. He knew I wasn't kidding when I said what I did. I bet he was remembering the time when he challenged me and I literally disappeared for a week. No one was able to find me or contact me, except Eun Hee, but I made her swear to keep shut and she did. It wasn't until she called me up and told me that Baekhyun was having a mental breakdown that I actually returned.

                "Sujin—" He started when I shook my head.

                "You broke my heart, Baekhyun." I felt the tears finally slip and fall from my eyes as I choked out, "Over and over. Every time I look at you all I ever think about is how I'm so afraid of losing you and how I'm never good enough. How many times have we had this talk? I can't push all the pain aside and love you again. I can't anymore. I'm hurt and you can't help me, because you're the one that's hurting me. Don't ask me to stay. Don't beg and don't follow me. I need time away from you. I need time to heal. But honestly? I just need time to build up all my walls again so that next time I see you, I won't break again." He was left speechless and I swallowed the last bit of strength that I had left against, "Goodbye, Baekhyun."

                He said nothing as I turned around and headed around the corner for the stairs. My heart was on fire and it burned like hell. I choked back a sob and quickly wiped away my tears. There really was no reason to cry. I was leaving the man who broke my heart and it was the right thing to do. Who cared if I still loved him? I didn't cry until after I had thrown my suitcase and duffle bag into the trunk of my car. I didn't care if anyone heard me. I got into my car and cried as hard as I could because even though it was the right thing to do, it still hurt so much, ripping him away and throwing him out of my life. And that was when it really hit me:

                Byun Baekhyun and I are over.

I've had this done for a long time, but I kept revising it over and over because I didn't like how I ended. I'm finally posting this up because I'm finally satisfied with this scene. Thanks for reading everyone! This is THE END.

사랑합니다 ♥ 은애!

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Thank you all so much! This is an old, but dear story to me. Thank you for helping me get featured! ❤️❤️


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Chapter 4: The problem with good stories is that I never want them to end and this was another good story that I wanted to know more and more about it and the characters
Chapter 4: Umm that’s such a stupid moves but i get it, men’s pride above anything. But well I hope they’ll grow from this >__<
Chapter 3: It’s too painful indeed T__T
Chapter 2: Umm since i have trust issues i will end it too.. and defini couldn’t stay for 2y T__T she’s so strong tho
Chapter 1: The angst on the first chapter hits me badly >__<
Linda89 #6
Chapter 4: I just finished it and more than a story, It looks like a life lesson. Sometimes we need to be lost to find each other again

Thank you a lot for this beautiful story
Chapter 4: i'm so sorry but his reason was so dumb...if he wants to spend more time with her why would he do that?? I was hoping that she will move on but oh well
Chapter 4: Awwwww. Me heart is warmed.
Chapter 3: I mean, Baekhyun is fine, but if you don't have peace of mind, then you have nothing. And I can't imagine what reason he'd have that would justify repeatedly hurting someone whom he claims to love.