Hell Day 4: You're Mine...Only Mine... (Part TWO)

Kim Kibum ~The Only KEY to my Heart~ {HIATUS}


How I wish she was lying at that time, it’s not that I’m jealous but what if she knew about the thing going on between me and Kibum, I bet she’ll be mad at me…


“Yah…what’s wrong? You’ve been spacing out for a while now” I saw Maki waving her hand in front of me.


“Uh. No…It’s nothing…never mind” I just smiled faintly “Anyway, can you tell me the story behind that senior crush of yours?” I am giving her an excited look right now but why am I so scared to know the answer…Do they know each other? What if Kibum likes her? What if she got mad at me? Will she think that I’m keeping secrets from her? I know I’m being such a pessimist but I just can’t do anything about it…


“He doesn’t really know me before but it was that day that I started liking him” seems like she really likes him, her eyes can tell no lies, everything’s real…


“Did something happen that day?” I’m getting more curious than ever that I can’t stop asking her for details.


“It was one afternoon, on my way home I was running sloppily along the road because there’s a dog chasing me and then I tripped over a rock and fell down, the dog was getting nearer when someone came and chase the dog away, that’s the first time I saw him, Kim Kibum, I know him for a very long time, he’s a member of the famous boy band SHINee but that’s my first personal encounter with him, after chasing the dog away, he helped me got up, never thought he’s such a kind guy” she narrated


While she’s narrating the story I feel my heart aching a little? Could it be jealousy? Obviously…yes… Their first meeting was so memorable unlike ours, he didn’t even wanna be friends with me but now I’m pretending to be his girlfriend. He’s honestly kind to her and he’s acting kind to me or else my brother will beat him up.




We both finished our lunch, she headed to our room first since I told her that I still have to do something else, actually I don’t have any plans to cry but I am really confused right now. I headed to the rooftop to calm myself, I sat on the bench and started thinking of ways to solve the problem but nothing comes into my mind…I’m totally mind-blocked this time.


I looked down the school grounds and unexpectedly I saw Kibum with Onew-oppa, seems like they’re also finished eating their lunch. Say what? That handsome dude down there is my boyfriend, try telling that line to Maki, I think she’ll go crazy and faint. *sigh*


I’m really going insane, if this continues they might be surprised seeing me at a mental institution doing such things as cutting my wrist or worst committing suicide. I looked up and the sun is still the same, big, round still shiny and sparkly, the queen of the sky…




The afternoon session will start soon so I decided just to go back to my room before I go crazy worrying about things, our next subject is about…algebra…Gosh I think my mental institution theory will really come true.


The teacher came inside our room and started writing number and letters on the board and on the upper part it’s written there that *Memorize the given formulas to be recited tomorrow, remember to put examples* WHAT THE HELL???!!! I’d rather memorize musical pieces…


I started copying the formulas…*copy*…*coy*…*copy*…UWAAAA! I give up!


I closed my notebook and buried my head on the table, Maki poked me on my arm and I looked at her and saw her giving me a ‘You ok?’ look, I just nodded. Try being in my position I wonder if you’ll survive, I can’t even focus on classes, darn it!


After a while Maki gave me a piece of paper …




M:*Hey can we be pen pals only this time?*

Y: *Sure thing, our teacher is ginna kills us once she caught us talking to each other*

M: *smiley*

Y: *What’s the topic?*

M: *KEY*heart

Y:*Okay, what now?*sad

M:*We’ll be meeting at the park this afternoon<3*


(What the F***?! How come? Why?!!)angry


Y:*Really? He finally asked you out?*

M: *No…not yet <3 Well, I put a paper inside his locker yesterday and I received hi answer today*


(Like he’s gonna ask you out!!!)


Y: *What letter???*

M:*I asked him if we could meet up*


M:*He Said yes*

Y:*lucky you *

M:*I know right!*

Y:*let’s just talk later again*

M:*Okay, thanks for your time!*




My heart just broke into pieces now…Kibum, how can you not notice my feelings for you? What happened this morning…on the way to school…is a big mistake; I’m such an idiot for believing in him…Key you moron…


Hours passed, I studied different subjects, met different teachers but as if learned something…The dismissal bell rang and sure that Kibum is waiting for me outside. I packed my things and headed outside and just right beside the front gate is Kibum waiting for me, I looked around and saw no sign of Maki so it’s safe…


I started walking but I feel like losing my mind, I just continued walking and then someone grabbed my bag and then I saw Kibum…I looked behind and saw Maki going out the building that’s why I grabbed Kibum and we dashed out the school.




Key’s POV


I saw Yui going out of the building, I waved my hand over her and she just smiled faintly…weird indeed…


“Yah! What took you so long?” I told her but she just passed by me…she’s not in herself? I grabbed her bag which causes her to stop walking; she looked at me and blinked continuously.


“Kibum?” she asked…innocently…What’s wrong with her?


“What the hell is wrong with you?” she looked behind and then she grabbed me and pulled me away of the school.


She ran continuously until we are meters away from the school, she’s gasping for air but so as I…


“Yah, are you insane?!” I yelled at her.


“Yes” she answered, God…she is creepy…I tried catching her gaze but she’s doing the opposite, but she is so cheerful this morning, is she bipolar?


She started walking still looking down and I walked behind her, something must’ve happened should I talk to her? But she doesn’t even notice me, I’ll try…


“Yah, wanna talk about something” she continued walking…


“Is something wrong?” still continued walking…


“Yah!” she didn’t even dare look at me…




Yui’s POV


We dashed out the school and now we’re on our way home yet I still don’t know what the hell I’m gonna do, It’s not like I can hide this from Maki the whole time and it’s not like I can tell the whole thing coz’ it’s just a lie and I don’t want to drag her into this mess…Should I put an end to this mess already?


From a distance I can already see the gate to our house; I entered it and headed to my room for rest…




Key’s POV


We reached the house yet she just went inside not even greeting her brother.


“Welcome back Yui” Taemin who is sitting at the sofa greeted but received no answer.


“Love quarrel?” Onew marched out of the kitchen


“No, she’s still cheerful this morning but this afternoon she’s already like that” I answered.


“Do you know what happened?” Onew worriedly asked


“I tried asking her several times but she didn’t even dare answer any of my questions so I just decided to let it be, I’ll just go to my room” I excused myself from everyone and headed to my room.




Yui’s POV


I headed straightly to my room and changed my clothes then I laid flat on the bed, I heard the door opened and Kibum went inside, I closed my eyes and just pretended to be sleeping. As soon as he entered the bathroom I slowly opened my eyes and thought about the same thing, I’m freaking weird today but, I even pretend not to notice his questions a while ago…but I’m scared…totally scared…


Few minutes passed and he went out of the bathroom, I suddenly became curious since he’s wearing a freestyle shirt and pants, seems like he’s going somewhere…uh…yeah…he’s meeting with Maki. Just as soon as I remember that they’ll be meeting, it always feels like a needle pierces through my heart…


“Going somewhere?” I asked him


“Seems like you’re back to yourself now huh? Well…yeah” he smiled at me.


Is he that happy that he’ll be meeting with Maki, I just remained silent as he prepare his self for their FIRST DATE, he was about to leave the room when I found myself holding tight onto his shirt as if I don’t want to let him go, I suddenly freaked out and he gave me a confused look.


“M-Mianhe” I mumbled, he held my hand.


“Your hands are so cold, are you feeling well?” he worriedly asked


I’m feeling nervous on what might happen between them…Are they gonna kiss? Are they gonna confess to each other? Will he leave me for the better? Am I just a no one for him?


“Do you like Maki?” Gosh…my mouth slipped, I can’t take my words back now…He didn’t even know that I know that he’s meeting with Maki…What shall I do…But wait, I don’t want to hear his answer, what is he say yes? What if?!


“It’s getting late you should go now, don’t make her wait, se’ya” I pushed him out of our room and as soon as the door closed I burst in tears holding tight unto the door knob, I feel my heart dying inside as if being stabbed by millions of knives, I continuously cried…




Author’s POV


On the other side of the door is Key, he held the doorknob as he heard the soft sobs of his girlfriend from the inside, but he also let go of the doorknob and walked away feeling all guilty and unworthy of the tears she’s shedding…


He bid his other band mates a goodbye and walked alone under the round moon, passing through the sparkly street lights he clenched his fists, with regret as the only emotion he’s feeling…


“Mianhe” that’s the only word he was able to utter…




Yui’s POV


He’s gone…who knows if once he comes back…he’s still the same Key I met before, what if he suddenly spill everything out and put an end to it soon…Should I be happy or not?


I skipped dinner tonight and just acted to be tired at school and just needing some rest but I just can’t get him out of my mind. I slapped my face slightly as a motivation to forget him but it’s no use I released a heavy sigh lying on my stomach I buried my face on the bed.


The doorknob moves and my brother entered the room.


“Oppa!” I shouted childishly. He sat on the bed and patted my head.


“Did something happen between you and Key-hyung?” he sure has a worried expression traced on his face.


“No…Sorry for not noticing you a while ago, there’s just so many things in my mind that keeps on bugging me, so you don’t really need to worry, me and Key-oppa is doing fine” I smiled at Oppa but it was not a fake smile.


Whenever I’m with him, I always feel so secured no pain and no sorrow, lucky to have him as my brother. He lay beside me on the bed and snatched the pillow from me.


“Yah! That’s mine!” I tried grabbing it back but he’s holding it too tight.


“If you can” he stuck his tongue out.


“Yah! Oppa!!!” he stood up from the bed and run around the room so I ended up chasing him and we run and run around the room till we are catching for our breath.


“See? You’re more lively now” he threw the pillow and it landed straight to my face. I chuckled and hugged the pillow.


“Oppa, thanks” and he just smiled


“I’ll be going to my room now, just call me if you’re looking for a comfort” he headed to his room.


He made me happy once again…About Kibum, I just called him Key-oppa a while ago…kekeke…the name fits him…keke. I shouldn’t worry about him right? Everything’s gonna turn out just fine…to make sure, I’ll go to the park and check it out!


I went to my brother’s room to ask for permission and of course he let me.YAY!...


I started walking and it indeed freaky to walk alone…few meters away from the park, I can already saw the two, I hid behind the bushes refraining from letting them see me…they’re both smiling and Kibum was laughing so as Maki, they’re having fun…and then Kibum hugged Maki…


“Key-oppa” I uttered silently.


I sat at the other side of the park wherein none of them can see me…I cried silently there, thinking that everything is gonna turn out to be just fine…but…it didn’t…I can still hear their laughter, the fun that envelopes them, is incomparable…


“Key-oppa” I keep on uttering his name with tears continuously escaping from my eyes, I’m such an idiot, I tried holding my tears back but it was no use, I’ve been crying a river for a while now…should I go home? Absolutely no, my brother would probably interview me once he saw my swollen eyes.


I stood up to refresh a little when someone grabbed my arm and I suddenly freaked out but he covered my mouth refraining from letting my scream out.


To my dearest readers,

Continuation chapter released!!!

Sorry, it's still incomplete...

Thanks to the storm that classes were canceled and I was able to type the continuation...

Thank you to all the subscribers and to all those who commented!!

Thanks again for your time...






Here's the link:


Thank you!!!!!!!!!

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vikKiBeoMin #1
my first kiss went a little like this!<br />
hahahaha<br />
<br />
update soon!
hyunmi_key #2
woah !! she's not even trying to stop Key.. haha update soon :))
hyunmi_key #3
update soon.. the unknown guy is interesting
vikKiBeoMin #4
okay,who's that? <br />
<br />
update soon!
KYUholic #5
Wow~ Fast update huh. I love it! haha. Hell day? Update soon! DESPITE NUMBER 23 -.-<br />
And to asnwer your question, partly yes. But I still love bling bling! :P Sure, which one is that? <br />
BIOteens is our group. Which is yours?
vikKiBeoMin #6
OMG! she likes Key too! tsk tsk!
KYUholic: Is it because of Shin Sekyung that you no longer like Jonghyun oppa? :)<br />
About the link I messaged to you on fb...what else can you say about it?...:) (PEACE!!!)..I can lend you another book on Monday...the fourth one...:)<br />
BTW...what group are you in Biology?<br />
KYUholic #8
hahaha! I like the last part! TaeMin oppa acting all responsible ( I object! He's my lil baby! xD). Anyway, nice chapter! hahaha. I can almost imagine pictures on my head! xD BTW, thanks for lending the the Wimpy kid! Finished it off so fast and found myself laughing xD Anyway, looking forward for next update! :)
yoonyoon_key #9
kyaaaaaaaaaaa~! SO Cuuute:D Update soon:)
Manduboo #10
Awww!! <33 So cuteeeeeeee~