
The Beauty and the Wolf
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Saehee scrambled into a clearing of trees. Setting her pack down on a rock, she surveyed her surroundings and finally sat down, breathing out a sigh of exhaustion. She had been walking and climbing almost the whole day, until she stumbled into this area. Far back in the corner, there was a small cave, incredibly shallow and not too deep. 

It was safer that way, so she knew that it was completely uninhibited. She sat back against the rocks for a moment, catching her breath and organizing her thoughts. She hadn't seen the red wolf yet. It had dissappeared, but she saw the occasional paw print that told her she was heading in the right direction. She was starving, and needed to eat, but there were no signs of any life here. There was only a small stream to the side with which she filled her first empty bottle with and set it in the clearing where the sun could shine on it in the morning. 

She had finished it on the way here, and half her loaf of bread was also gone. She carefully unwrapped the soggy food and slowly ate half of the remaining food. After wrapping it back up, she took a swig from the new water bottle. She surveyed her new home warily. It was clean, and didn't have signs of any harmful life, big or small. She shoved her pack into a small crevice and took out her knife and her makeshift spear she had made. She was going hunting. 



Saehee squealed in surprise as the arrow shot out of the bow she had just fashioned out of a branch. She carefully took her aim at a small bird. She squinted and carefully drew the string backwards, and released it. The arrow shot straight out, but hit the branch and fell down while the bird gave a squack of alarm and flew away immediately. Saehee sighed and ran over to where the arrow lay. Its sharpened head was dulled, and she pulled out her knife to sharpen it again. 

The sun was setting, the sky a beautiful orange and pink, but she didn't have time to survey her surroundings anymore. Once the sun dissappeared, she would be vulnerable. She needed to get food, fast. 

She aimed at a seemingly drowsy bird and finally peirced it near the head. She silently thanked God and ran over and picked up her meal. Tucking her weapons on her back, she began to swiftly run through the trees back to her home. 

On the way back, a sharp branch stuck onto her dress and tore it. The fabric had ripped from where her knee was down in an ugly jagged line down to the hem. 

Growling in fustration, Saehee used the knife to cut from the staart of the jagged edge and cut off a good foot from the bottom of the skirt. Now, it hung to her knees. Sighing, she tucked back the knife and ran to her cave. Using one of the matches in the pack, she lit a fire and cleaned the bird in the stream. 

Even though she had eaten more in one sitting than she had eaten for days, she was still hungry and haggard. She figured that sleeping would help her momentarily forget about her constant hunger and thirst.

She cleaned her scraps and sat back against the cave wall and let sleep overcome her senses. 


Jongin smirked and watched as her fluttering eyelids came to a stilled stop and she slumped against the wall of the cave. From where he was perched on top of a slim branch of a tree, he could see everything. He nimbly leaped down from the topmost branch halfway down the tree. 

As he perched on that certain branch, he got an idea. Using his claws, he slowly raked his nails across his chest, shredding the fabric of his t shirt and leaving blood gushing out of the streaks. He winced and used the other hand to smear some of the blood on his upper arms and slightly accross his cheek. He pulled his claws back in and stepped out from the branch, letting his body fall to the ground. He fought his instinctive ability to land on silently on his feet and fell to the ground with a loud thud. 

He purposely groaned loudly as he felt his bones constrict at the harsh impact. His senses told him that Saehee had jerked awake and was now staring at him with a shocked and horrified expression. 

He rolled himself around so he was lying on his stomach and put on the most pained expression he could muster before lifting his head and making eyecontact with Saehee. She was

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reached 200 subbies for this! My present to you: an earlier than usual update, i promise it'll live up to your awesome expectations! Stay updated!


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Chapter 15: Yes 2 mates what a plot twist! I can't wait for the next update ^^
Chapter 15: omo! 2 mates!!
Chapter 15: 2 mates, oh my. Thank you for the update! :) looking forward to seeing the story unfold further.
Chapter 15: What????? 2 mates, let's see how this goes..
Yonghyunism #5
Chapter 15: Woohoooo welcome back! Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 14: Thank you for coming back!!!^_^ good luck!
Chapter 14: Woohoo! You're back!
Chapter 13: Waaaahhh ! I spent a full day reading this. Its freaking awesome