
The Beauty and the Wolf
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Luhan padded over to the unconscious Saehee and surveyed her figure. The cut on her cheek had started bleeding again and drops slowly ran down the white of her skin. The cuts on her arm were also red and enflamed, the long strip of fabrice already coming loose and givingno effect. She slumped forward in her sitting position, and Luhan moved so his body supported her torso. She began to fall to the side, so Luhan laid down on the stone floor and curled his body so that she was resting comfortably in the crook of his body. Her head rested peacefully on his ribs and he sighed to see that she began to breath normally. 

He made sure there were no more wolves and let his own mind drift into darkness. 


Saehee was in so much pain. Her shoulders, her cheek, her arm, and her legs, all ached with either muscle pain or bruises and cuts. But the sleep had taken it all away momentarily. She hadn't slept that well in ages; dreamless, just comfortable and peaceful sleep and rest. If this is was heaven feels like, I want to die. She nestled into the soft fur against her left ear and cheek. Wait. Fur? She wrenched awake and let out a scream. 

The red wolf from the other night was laying next to her, and had just woken up to open its eyes and let out a sleepy yawn. Its now brown eyes were almost mocking her as it lay there staring at her. She gaped and scrambled up, forgetting about her shoulder, and used her arm to boost herself up. She only buckled down with a cry, and in a flash, the wolf was there to catch her. She pushed the animal away with the most force she could muster and scrambled back against the stone. 

The sunlight streamed through, the stone ledge not blocking anything. The wolf was beautiful. The sunlight brought out the tinges of black, dark browns, and brugundy furs in his coat, and he stood tall. His eyes were brown, unlike the previous night where they had bruned gold. When Saehee gaped in shock at his eyes, she was surprised to seee that the eyes held intelligence. Bravery. Pain. Understanding. 

Werewolf. Her eyes widened as the word was whispered into her brain. Her sense heightened in a flight or fight response. She was in no state to do either. Her muscles ached and her shoulder had drained her of any energy with the pain that swarmed her senses whenever she made a move. She closed her eyes and breathed out. 

"If you're going to kill me, do it quickly."

She waited for the wolf to attack her. But when there wasn't even a sound in response, she opened her eyes to see the red wolf tilt his head to the side before letting out a small whine. He carefully approached her with slow, calculated steps. She backed away when he made movement and he stopped too. He continued to take steps, stopping every time she backed away. He continued to make eye contact with her and approached her. 

He was so close, so close that she could have reached out and ran her fingers through his fur. But she could only hold her shoulder in shock as he began to open his mouth. She let out a small whimper as she saw the pearl white fangs and teeth that lined his magnificent mouth. She riased her g0od arm in some sort of defense and shut her eyes and prayed a silent prayer as his shadow loomed over her. 

But instead of feeling the claws and fangs of the wolf, she felt his rough tongue sweep over the cut on her arm. Her eyes fluttered open to see that the bandage was loose and that the wolf had the deep cut. The action sent tingles through her spine and a slight twinge of pain that made her knit her eyebrows. 

She lowered the arm and surveyed her cut. The skin and tissue was mending itself before her very eyes. She removed the bandage to see that only the spot the wolf had was affected. The wolf leaned foward and dragged its sand paper tongue quickly over the cut, lapping up any blood that ran from its edges. She felt the slight twinge of pain again, and then gaped as the cut completely closed, leaving a patch of unaffected, clear skin. 

She shakily looked up to see him staring deeply at her. "W-w-what are you doing?!" The wolf leaned forward until its muzzle was inches from her face. It moved its head slightly to slowly her cheek once again. She widened her eyes in shock and raised a hand to her face to feel no cuts or blood there. She scrambled up and ran to a rainwater puddle and stared at her refelection. The cut was gone. 

She shakily turned back to the wolf, supporting her shoulder and asked him the question both of them wanted to hear. "W-what are y-you?" She whispered. She knew he had heard it. When he turned his head and began to walk away, she screamed out. "ANSWER ME!" 

Her sudden outburst put stress on her shoulder and she crumpl

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reached 200 subbies for this! My present to you: an earlier than usual update, i promise it'll live up to your awesome expectations! Stay updated!


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Chapter 15: Yes 2 mates what a plot twist! I can't wait for the next update ^^
Chapter 15: omo! 2 mates!!
Chapter 15: 2 mates, oh my. Thank you for the update! :) looking forward to seeing the story unfold further.
Chapter 15: What????? 2 mates, let's see how this goes..
Yonghyunism #5
Chapter 15: Woohoooo welcome back! Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 14: Thank you for coming back!!!^_^ good luck!
Chapter 14: Woohoo! You're back!
Chapter 13: Waaaahhh ! I spent a full day reading this. Its freaking awesome