
The Beauty and the Wolf
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With a start, Luhan woke up and scrambled to his feet. He winced as the injury on his abdomen screamed out in protest, but he still ran as fast as he could to the hightest point in the woods. 

He could feel something changing in the distance and by the feeling in his heart, he knew it had to do something with his mate. The wind shifted and the faint scent of her hair was gone once again. Discouraged, he sunk down on his knees, and put his face in his hands. If it wasn't for that blasted knife that she cut him with, he would have already rescued her from Kai and she'd be safe in his arms. 

But in the ironic turn of events, she had cut him with silver, and now the reason he couldn't go save her was her own rash action at his protection from Kai. It was a twisted, evil, and unfortunate turn of events. 

But he couldn't lose. The girl was his mate, and all his instincts yearned to protect her, to cherish her, and to love her. He would not stop even if he died. He looked up at the silver moon that stood high and bright in the clear night sky and closed his eyes. Willing his last bit of energy, he channeled his mind into the concentration that it took to transform into a wolf.

With a painful crack of bones and ripping of clothes, finally, the human had dissappeared and a large, but weak, burgundy wolf stood at the boulder. He lifted his head towards the moon, giving one last painful howl and bounded towards his home where he intended to find medical care, backup, and food. As he bounded down the boulder, only one name rang in his mind. Saehee.


Saehee jerked awake, sitting up and surveying her surroundings. She had sworn she heard something like a wolf howling in the distance. It was dark, but the moon spread a misty and cold haze on the ground of the forest. She looked back to see Jongin sprawled on the ground of the cave next to her, his arm jutting out as a reminder of where her head had been. 

He snored, and even when she poked his side, he kept on sleeping. It must have been hard for him to travel so far especially when he was so far from home. She softened and remembered their kiss with a blush. 

She had thought her feelings for Myungsoo were still alive, but spending almost two weeks surviving with this boy alone made her heart flutter and sway. Silently scolding herself for being so easy, she brushed his hair behind his ear. 

As her hand left his face, another piercing shudder went down her back. Instantly, her senses became alert, scouting her surroundings for any danger that lurked in the trees or the darkness. She made sure to conceal the entrance of the cave when she left it and tightened the strap of the knife to her side. Quietly, not even breaking a twi

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reached 200 subbies for this! My present to you: an earlier than usual update, i promise it'll live up to your awesome expectations! Stay updated!


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Chapter 15: Yes 2 mates what a plot twist! I can't wait for the next update ^^
Chapter 15: omo! 2 mates!!
Chapter 15: 2 mates, oh my. Thank you for the update! :) looking forward to seeing the story unfold further.
Chapter 15: What????? 2 mates, let's see how this goes..
Yonghyunism #5
Chapter 15: Woohoooo welcome back! Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 14: Thank you for coming back!!!^_^ good luck!
Chapter 14: Woohoo! You're back!
Chapter 13: Waaaahhh ! I spent a full day reading this. Its freaking awesome