CHAPTER 2 something's wrong

Warm and Sparks to Cold and Heartless



"have you seen sandara?" i ask bom that was quietly sitting next to me..


"no, i havent..the last time i talk to her yeah right, when we have a date last time.." she said then smile..


i continued on what im doing, writing stories, songs..etc. 


i stared at the paper infront of's completely blank..



'what the ?!'


my mind is completely blank.. i loooked at bom and smiled, but still no thoughts, or even a word entered my mind..

crap..whats happening to me?





" i want that cabinet emptied now." i said and just stared balnkly at the cabinet infront of me. it's a cabinet filled with my memories with jiyong, from his very first gift for me, the butterfly stickers, until to the last one, a that i think of it, maybe the sayings were true, that when a man gives a handkerchief to a girl, he will make cry..i guess that's why he gave me handkerchief last month..


"but Miss Sandara that's all Sir ji--- DONT MENTION HIS NAME INFORNT OF ME.!!!"


" im sorry.. just please take away all things inside that cabinet,,"




"where should we put it?' the maid ask.. can i throw all of them?, all my precious memories..i starts to tear up again..


"you can do what ever you want to them, throw them, burn them, or take them yourselves if you want." i said and went out of the balcony....and almost fall on the ground at what i saw..


' HE'S HERE, OUTSIDE MY HOUSE, JUST LIKE BEFORE WAVING AT ME..but that's before, everythings change now, right jiyong?' as i smirked and laugh bitterly 

i just stare blankly at him..then the rain started to pour..i looked at him again and huriedly went inside my room

'daaaraaaa!!' i heard him shout from outside.




i dont know why but, when i get out of my house, my feet automatically walk its way to her house..i really dont know why though?, i looked up at her balcony then she suddenly appeared.. i wave like a little child..'why am i so happy to see her again?' i ask myself..moment passed and i stopped waving at her but she wasjust still looking down at me..blankly? and now i notice theres something different from her now..i continued to think when the rain started to pour, i looked up and saw that she's gone..


"daaaraaaa!!" i shouted..and i dont know why again..i just stood there for a moment until i felt the rain stopped..i looked around, huh? it still raining..? why am i not drenced??


"paboo im here" i heard someone talk from my back, it's her! she was standing there behind me, while holding an umbrella..

" are you planning on taking a shower in the rain?" she said then chuckled afterwards..i cant help but smile too..i was about to hold her hands when she suddenly step back...? is she scared??


" u-uhmm..i-i...i-..i need to go, here take this" she gave me her umbrella then run inside their house..

why did she run away?





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bubblyluss #1
Chapter 11: Update soon
Ohhh and update soon... i nearly forget about ur story coz u hardly update this story... so must update soon, sooner and soonest... please? XD
Chapter 10: Their betrayal is hard to forgive >.<
parkwon27 #4
Chapter 9: next chapter please i want a new dara....revenge is sweet..
Chapter 9: I want the next chapter!!!
Dara is very 2 let them be Happy even she's hurting(TT)
Chapter 8: Jiyong ! Stop insisting that you're in love with Bom . You will never know what precious untill you lose it . What happen ? Dara got into an accident ?
Chapter 8: What?! Jiyong and Bom are going 2 married?! WTF!!! They make Dara look stupid and they hurt her really really bad. O-M-G!!! I hate them(*`Д´)ノ!!! poor Dara(TT)
parkwon27 #8
Chapter 8: why is it always dara being lonely and sad its not daragon..GBom story..
luilu88 #9
Chapter 7: What a jerk .... way to go for making dara a pathetic b**** here autjornim..y not make this gbom nstead if a daragon???!!!!!
Chapter 7: poor dara T.T i want more authornim, update soon.