CHAPTER 1 happy anniversary gift.

Warm and Sparks to Cold and Heartless





"Ah. Hi, is he already here?" I asked one of the staff.


"He's not h

" no yet, Miss Sandara, he's not here yet.."


aigoo..whats taking him so long?, maybe traffic..or maybe-aack! stop thingking something Sandara! positive thoughts only,postive thoughts..maybe he is still buying me something- KYAAAA! kekeke...


" Miss," one of the staff called me and smiled at me..





oh's showtime






'where is she?, what's taking her so long?' 

i sat at table near the stage..i examine my clothes..perfect. Flower's Check!

i cant wait to see her again..i wait and just look at the door when the music start's to play..




*START PLAYING : A THOUSAND YEARS2  (just imagine dara singing it)



The day we met,

Frozen I held my breath

Right from the start

I knew that I'd found a home for my heart...
... beats fast


   ..i can still remember back then, when we were still on middle school, i saw  him quietly sitting under the tree while reading a book, my heart start to beats fast than it's normal beating, then suddenly i felt my heart escaped my heart when he suddenly looked and smiled at me 'yes, SMILED at me' ..i knew back then , my heart will only belong and will only beat for him..



Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?


  .. and lucky me, he become my bestfriend since then, me, him and bom. i said to myslef back then that im satisfied for being only just his bestfriend. but i think God really love me though..

But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer  

.until one day i found him, standing outside my house, smiling while holding flowers on his hands, at first i think im only dreaming and its not real, but i think reality is really more happier and magical then dreaming. ITS REAL, HE'S REAL, WERE REAL.



oh right, she's really late now, where the hell is she?, maybe something gone wrong..i thought of going out but stopped when i heard someone singing on the stage.. her voice seems really familiar, i was about to turn around when i heard the door suddenly opened and there she is..finally.

i smiled and went to her..then i heard the singer suddenly stopped singing..huh? wha--"jiyong, sorry im late" she said and kissed my cheeks.

" so what take so long?" i said and walked her to our table, completely forgotten about the familar singer who are now staring blankly at them..




'why jiyong? did i do something wrong?'


'am i not good enough?'

'is she more attractive that me?'

i keep asking myself as i stiffly stand the stage while almost all of the customer's stopped eating and just looked at me..and me, staring at them ..i havent even noticed that im crying now..


'am i really that DUMB to not know?'

'am i really STUPID for both of them?'


"why jiyong?, why?' i keep on asking him, as if he can heard my mind right..


it really hurts..the only man that i LOVE, the man that i will LOVE, the man that i plan to LOVE FOR THE REST OF MY now gone.

and i dont even know this really the best way to keep me informed?.. 

seeing him kissing somebody else infront of me feels like someone stabbed my heart continously..

and what makes the pain doubled is that..


he's there kissing my BESTFRIEND....



'why bom?why?' i looked at them one last time and run my way out of the restaurant.

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hi :) just updaed one of mystories:) hope you subscribe and comment too :)


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bubblyluss #1
Chapter 11: Update soon
Ohhh and update soon... i nearly forget about ur story coz u hardly update this story... so must update soon, sooner and soonest... please? XD
Chapter 10: Their betrayal is hard to forgive >.<
parkwon27 #4
Chapter 9: next chapter please i want a new dara....revenge is sweet..
Chapter 9: I want the next chapter!!!
Dara is very 2 let them be Happy even she's hurting(TT)
Chapter 8: Jiyong ! Stop insisting that you're in love with Bom . You will never know what precious untill you lose it . What happen ? Dara got into an accident ?
Chapter 8: What?! Jiyong and Bom are going 2 married?! WTF!!! They make Dara look stupid and they hurt her really really bad. O-M-G!!! I hate them(*`Д´)ノ!!! poor Dara(TT)
parkwon27 #8
Chapter 8: why is it always dara being lonely and sad its not daragon..GBom story..
luilu88 #9
Chapter 7: What a jerk .... way to go for making dara a pathetic b**** here autjornim..y not make this gbom nstead if a daragon???!!!!!
Chapter 7: poor dara T.T i want more authornim, update soon.