CHAPTER 4 pink scarf-forgiven

Warm and Sparks to Cold and Heartless



one week has passed, and all i did was hide in my room, i go to school everyday but i really tried my best to avoid BOTH of them..the more i saw them the more pain it caused me, so now i decided to help on my mom's botique, 


" where should i put this one" my mom asked me while holding a pink scarf on her hands,i look around and a maniquin of a guy who is dressed only in white shirt and faded jeans caught my attention, i stared for it abit then smile to my mom.



" i think that will really look cool with that thing" i said then pointed the maniquin. my mom looked at the maniquin then to me,

" you sure?, there?, why did you say so?" she said while looking curiously to me..i smiled and get the pink scarf on her hands and walk towards the maniquin and put the pink scarf on its neck 





"because it looks lifeless, it feels sad, thats why we need to put one bright color to him, so that all the negative parts will be ignored and will only focus on the bright one, the pink scarf" i said then looked back to my mom, to my surprise i saw my mom looking at me, teary eyed..



" aigoo, mom, still crying at this age?" i said then wipe the single tear on her cheeks, she stopped me and hold my hand.. 

" Time really do fly so fast...look at you now, you know someghing more than me, aigoo my little princess is grown up, just what you said it needs something bright right?, so just always remember, when there are times that you feel sad, just come to me, i will become the bright one to cover and heal your sadness..mmmm?" she said then kiss my forehead and hugged me. i bit my lips to refrain me fron crying now, i dont want my mom to see me cry, because i know she will feel sad if im sad, and i dont like it. i want my mom to be always happy, i unconsciously looked at my right and saw the pink scarf wrapped on the maniquin's neck. i smiled 



" i guess your the pink scarf on my life now mom.." i said then hugged her tighter




' what flavor of coffee does mr.yang likes? aggh how can i forget it ..ahhh ii know i will order all of them capu--- "AHHHH!!"


the wind suddenly blew, making all papers that im holding fly in every direction that i*t! i put my bag down and pick up all the papers on the ground, aggggh!! why is it so many anyway!!????, aisht! i dont know! mom just asked me to put all of this on her desk!!


after..i dont know many minutes i was picking all the papers, i put it in the folder again and wnt inside the coffee shop and finally sit on the table near the window..



" shoulder hurts" i said then massage my shoulders slighty until i felt someone massaging my shoulder..i look at my back and saw a girl in a unifrom like other waitress here but i notice that her apron  have a big letter "S" printed on it. i looked at her curiously.


" excuse me, why are--

" This is our free customer's service here miss." she said then smile " since you were the 100th customer we have today, we will give you free shoulder massage." she said then smiled and continued massaging my shoulder..



what the? THIS PLACE IS SO COOL! kekekeeke maybe i should tell this to my mon. kkekekee ah! i need to go now! OMO the coffee!!!!!!!!


" sorry miss , bu i really need to go and i need to order first, so if you will excuse me i will just o----- huh??" i was about to stand up when a guy waiter brought many cups of capucino on my table he bowed and go back..



'what's this?, im not ordering yet..'


" hey! it's not mine.." i shouted then the waiter come back to my table while holding two coffee, one each on his hands..


" It''s yours ma----AHHHH!" 

"OMO!!!! are you ok???! he was actually talking but he 'i think' accidentally poured both cups of coffee on his chest, making his apron wet and dirty..



" im okay miss, will you excuse me i will just take off my apron " i smiled and he quicly removed his apron and hold it instead...i looked back to him and was about to say something but stopped when i notices his shirt ' ORR' was written?? what kind of word was that?? ahh maybe acronym of something,,?



" as i was saying miss, this is yours." he said 

"but i didnt order it! i promise!!!!" he chuckled

" you are one lucky customer miss," he said .ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i know it ,

" ahhh, im the 100th customer today right?, aigoo aigoo. im really lucky today!" i looked at my bag..



'this pink scark is really something'   actually i bought one scarf like one awhile ago, and put it inside my bag.





i was now waiting for a taxi since i have many coffee with me, i will  just take taxi for now.,suddenly a white bently car stopped infront of me... my eyes almost jump out of my head at what i saw,..


..theres a big letter 'Y' at the top of the car, and guess what more, inside of the car was filled with my pictures, the sits, its my pictures, the carpet the ceiling of the car. ITS ALL ME!!!!!!!!!!! what the???????suddenly the driver come out and --JIYONG!!!!!!!????!!








okay its awkward...we are just staring at each other now.


"let me help you, babe" i smiled and get the coffee from her hand and out it inside the car.

" what are you doing?"  i heard her speak i quickly turn around only to be welcome by her angry face, 



she's still angry???  "just get in first" i said then open the passenger seat door and guide her inside and finally went to the driver seat..





i decided to stop for a moment at the han river.we just sat there silently..awkward again, until she finally speak

" ahhm..w-whats with a-aall this??" she said while trying her best to avoid my gaze..



"did you get it?" i ask her while smiling, i was anticipating of her answer like ' yes! and your forgiven' ....but that didnt come instead she said 


" what should i get?" Sh*t dont tell me............fck she didnt get it.






" what should i get?" i answered and looked back to him who look dumbfounded.


what? what should i get?????????????? i brainfreeze and try my hardest to remember, i sometimes forgot things you know.until i heardhim sigh and chuckle



" Alright , so what's odd on the waitress unifrom??" he asked me.. odd on the waitress unifrom???

" the letter '"S"' on her apron " i said then he chuckled again, what? whats funny??



"okay whats weird on the waiter?" waiter??????

" are you into waiters now huh?" i said then chuckled,hahaha


" no, just answer it" he said.

" alright the "ORR"on his shirt.. i mean what kind of shirt was that?, was that even an acronym or what, i re----



"and what's on my car?" his car?

" ahhh! theres a big letter "Y" on the top and inside your car was covered with my pictures.." i smiled and looked at him. aigoo okay i mean it, it was REALLY SWEET!!!!!!!!!! just imagine, my pictures is everywhere on his car..




'and what??"


he sigh again and messed his hair. what did i do now??


"now, will you please join all the odd andweird tings together??" he said while his head was bowed..

"ahh okay, S..then, ORR....then, Y, SORRY.- OMO! IT MEANS SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"i looked at him and smiled!


" OMO ! YOUR FORGIVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i said then hug him tight will jumping

, completely forgetting about the fact that he was cheating on her.

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bubblyluss #1
Chapter 11: Update soon
Ohhh and update soon... i nearly forget about ur story coz u hardly update this story... so must update soon, sooner and soonest... please? XD
Chapter 10: Their betrayal is hard to forgive >.<
parkwon27 #4
Chapter 9: next chapter please i want a new dara....revenge is sweet..
Chapter 9: I want the next chapter!!!
Dara is very 2 let them be Happy even she's hurting(TT)
Chapter 8: Jiyong ! Stop insisting that you're in love with Bom . You will never know what precious untill you lose it . What happen ? Dara got into an accident ?
Chapter 8: What?! Jiyong and Bom are going 2 married?! WTF!!! They make Dara look stupid and they hurt her really really bad. O-M-G!!! I hate them(*`Д´)ノ!!! poor Dara(TT)
parkwon27 #8
Chapter 8: why is it always dara being lonely and sad its not daragon..GBom story..
luilu88 #9
Chapter 7: What a jerk .... way to go for making dara a pathetic b**** here autjornim..y not make this gbom nstead if a daragon???!!!!!
Chapter 7: poor dara T.T i want more authornim, update soon.