Chapter 7: Club Kiss part 1

Warm and Sparks to Cold and Heartless



"Club kiss?" I mumbled, and wait Dara hung up on me. Why did she hung up on me?
I sighed and slumped myself back to bed. I've been crying when Dara called me, and God it took a lot of strength not to burst and tell her about our unfaithfulness.
I mean, I love her. We've been friends since like, forever. And I would never want that to change, it's just that sht happens, we fall in love. I fall in love, and unluckily its with the same man she loves too.
I never, never in my life thought of betraying Dara. But we got caught up.
They're together. We're together. I love Jiyong, God knows how much I do. 
We're together, we planned the wedding while they're still together. I dont know. 
And tonight, earlier he ended it. Everything. I can't believe I betrayed my bestfriend for a man that would just leave me, when things get messy. We were suppose to tell her the truth.
I don't know. All I know is that it's over.
Numb. I'm numb.
If I would be shot by a gun right now, I'd probably be smiling, or maybe not minding it all.'Cause I wont feel anything.
But since I love them both so much. I'm going to let them be happy, with a little twist of course. 
A knock on the door resonated in my ears.
"Come in."
"Ms. Park." Mr. Yang said and bowed.
I looked at him, "Is it ready?"
He nodded, "Your flight is 12 midnight tomorrow. Ms. Park, if you ev--"
"It's okay. I'm going to be fine. Don't worry."
He sighed, "I didn't think that it would come to this point. But whatever happens, I'm hoping it would be all for the best."
"Thank you.." I smiled at him, he bowed and then left.
I looked at the picture in my hand. It was my favorite picture, was. A picture of us three, smiling at each other.
I sighed as I tear it to pieces.
I looked at my phone numbly. Dara was there, she snatched the phone from that rat. Meaning, she heard the conversation. 
That's double sht for me. 
Great, two girls in one night. Worst?
They're fcking bestfriends.
3rd POV
7:30 pm. 
Dara looked at her wristwatch for the nth time. Tonight, everything will be over.
At Club Kiss, how ironic. That's where they met. Where the two of them met. Where she introduced them to each other. Where she introduced the two most important persons in her life.
How ironic, how much they're hurting her right now.
She smiled, now that she thought of it. She isn't crying. She feels pain, yes. But there are no tears, maybe she ran out of it.
She smiled hoping that everithing will go her way tonight.
"Ms. Park."
Dara looked up and saw Mr. Yang bowing at her, "The cars ready?"
"Yes, Miss." 
She stood up, looked at her wristwatch, 15 minutes. "Arasso, let's go."
- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
Bom entered Club Kiss with shaky hands, she doesn't know why. But everything seems very wrong. And she's terrified, terrified of what will happen.
She looked around, but there's no one.
She froze, she know that voice very well. She turned around.
"What are you doing here?" They asked in unison.
Jiyong cleared his throat, "Did.. di--.."
"Dara.." Bom whispered.
Jiyong sighed, she knew. She already knows everything. He facepalmed himself.
Bom choked a sob, "What are we going to do?" She asked as she held onto a chair.
"Nothing." Bom frozed for the second time. Jiyong and her turned to looked at a ... smiling Dara.
She walked her way to them gracefully, no sense of hatred or pain can be seen on her face. She looks.. happy, revive.
"There's nothing you can do.." She said as she took off her coat. She looked at both of them, who looks like they saw a ghost or something, she chuckled "What? Come on, sit. I didn't reserve the whole restaurant for nothing."
Jiyong cleared his throat, "I-uh, I... don't really think-"
"What?" Dara answered sharply. "Come on, you two. Just sit we've known each other for 4 years, but I think we have a lot of catching up to do. Don't we?"
"Why?" Bom asked breathlessly.
"Why what?" Dara raised her brows at her.
"Why do.. we have a lot of catching up to do?"
Dara smirked, "I don't know. It feels like I don't know both of you anymore."
"But.. you know everything.. " Bom answered, looking slightly at Jiyong.
Dara noticed that and she felt her heart crushed into pieces, tears form at the brim of her eyes. And she mentally smacked herself for when she's alone, she never cried. But now, the betraying tears wants to come out.
"Do I, really?" She asked.
Jiyong was silent the whole time. He was weighing his heart, he doesn't know what he feels anymore.
Dara looked at him when Bom didn't answer, "How about you, Ji? Do you have any secrets to share with me?" She asked, coldly.
He massaged the back of his neck, "I don't know.. do I have?"
Dara put her chin on her palm as she rests it on the table looking coldly at Jiyong, "You tell me."
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bubblyluss #1
Chapter 11: Update soon
Ohhh and update soon... i nearly forget about ur story coz u hardly update this story... so must update soon, sooner and soonest... please? XD
Chapter 10: Their betrayal is hard to forgive >.<
parkwon27 #4
Chapter 9: next chapter please i want a new dara....revenge is sweet..
Chapter 9: I want the next chapter!!!
Dara is very 2 let them be Happy even she's hurting(TT)
Chapter 8: Jiyong ! Stop insisting that you're in love with Bom . You will never know what precious untill you lose it . What happen ? Dara got into an accident ?
Chapter 8: What?! Jiyong and Bom are going 2 married?! WTF!!! They make Dara look stupid and they hurt her really really bad. O-M-G!!! I hate them(*`Д´)ノ!!! poor Dara(TT)
parkwon27 #8
Chapter 8: why is it always dara being lonely and sad its not daragon..GBom story..
luilu88 #9
Chapter 7: What a jerk .... way to go for making dara a pathetic b**** here autjornim..y not make this gbom nstead if a daragon???!!!!!
Chapter 7: poor dara T.T i want more authornim, update soon.