Chapter 8

Forbidden Love
"Wait, so you're trying to tell me that Sehun walked you home?" Victoria asked again for the fifth time. We were walking to school like the usual and I told her about Sehun walking me home, and that didn't quite sink in her head. Is it that big of a deal? I mean, Sehun is human like the rest of us, I don't see how him walking me home is crazy to believe. I nodded again and sighed.
"Yes Vic, he did that." I said, a bit annoyed that I had to say it again.
Victoria cracked a smile." that is something you don't see everyday."
I rolled my eyes as we walked passed the gates of our school. We saw Minah on the same old bench, with the same guy we saw last time. Of course, why am I not surprised. Victoria looked my way."Can we not go over there? I don't want to ruin their fun." I nodded, I didn't want to go over there either. "So what are we going to do now?" She asked.
I gripped the strap of my back pack tighter. "I'll just go to my class early. I still need to answer a few questions on my homework." I said.
Victoria flicked my forehead and laughed."Okay you little nerd, you go do that."
We said our goodbyes and headed to different directions. I walked into the school building, seeing a bit of students relaxing and lingering around the hallways. I turned the corner and reached my locker, taking a few books from inside into my bag. As I shut my locker, I saw some of the EXO boys turn the corner, laughing loudly and and pushing each other playfully.
As they were getting nearer, Kai saw me and smirked. He stopped and so did the others, looking back at Kai asking him what's wrong. One of them, I assumed his name was Luhan, punched his shoulder lightly. "Why did you suddenly stop?"
Kai glanced at him and looked back at me. He leaned towards him and whispered something in his ear. Luhan followed his gaze, now he looked at me and smirked as well. I looked down and I started walking by them as quickly as I could, but Luhan managed to get in front of me, blocking me from going any further. I looked up at him hesitantly as he had to look down at me."Your name is Minhee, right?"
I stared at him for a few seconds before nodding slightly."Yeah..."
LuHan continued staring at me, his smirk never leaving his face. Now, Kai and his other friend surrounded me. The tall one crossed his arms and bent down so we can be at eye level. He spoke in a deep voice and smiled brightly."It's nice to finally meet you Minhee. My name's Chanyeol, that's Kai and Luhan." He said, nodding towards the both of them.
Kai leaned against the lockers, a small smile formed onto his lips."She already knows who I am. We have the same class together right now."
Luhan and Chanyeol looked at each other for a second, then back at me. I was beginning to get a bit uncomfortable since I hate it when people stare at me for too long."Look, can you move so I can go to class."
Luhan chuckled, yet he was still blocking me."Looks like Sehun choose well." He said to himself in a whisper. I caught what he had said and frowned to myself.
"What do you mean?" I asked slowly.
"Yeah Luhan, what do you mean?" A voice said yet neither Luhan or the other boys had to look to see who it was. I, however, had to make sure it was who I thought it was.
Luhan rolled his eyes as Sehun stood next to him, clenching his jaw from time to time. The boys remained silent, and I was awkwardly in the middle of this. Finally, Luhan cleared his throat and looked over at Sehun."No need to be so stiff, we were just having a little chat, right Minhee?" Both of the boys looked at me now, which caused me to look down at my feet. I should be in class right now working on my homework, but no. I should've stayed with Victoria.
"Yeah, I guess." I said meekly.
"You see." I heard Luhan say. The bell rung, making me and only me jump. Saved by the bell. I looked up and was going to say goodbye, but before I knew it, Sehun grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from them. I tried to get out of his grip but he was stronger than I thought.
"Hey! Let go!"
He continued holding onto my wrist as we reached the stairs, dragging me up there too. I almost tripped a few times here and there but he still didn't slow down. Some of the girls stared at us, others whispered to each other. Great, here comes the rumors I bet. We finally reached the second floor where our classroom is at and he released his grip on me. I rubbed my wrist which now had red marks thanks to Sehun. I glared at him and held onto the strap of my backpack."You didn't have to hold on so tightly."
He shrugged and walked in the classroom. Fine don't say sorry, I said to myself. I entered the classroom and saw on the chalkboard that Mr. Kim will be a few minutes late. I sighed in relief
I walked down the aisle towards my desk, passing through some girls trying to talk to Sehun. I sat in my desk while opening my bag to pull out my unfinished homework. While I was doing that, I heard someone sigh behind me. "Didn't finish it again?"
I knew it was Krystal immediately so I nodded. I pulled out a pencil and then dropped my bag on the floor. I smiled at her."What? Not like you forget to do homework too."
Krystal shrugged and reached to grab her bag, pulling out her sheet of homework. She handed it over to me, giving me a small smile."Here, copy whatever you need before Mr. Kim comes in."
I grabbed the paper and gave her a small "thank you". It didn't take me long, I just needed to finish three or four questions. As I was writing down the answer for the last question, I heard someone pull the chair in front of me and sat down. I wanted to finish this last question that I didn't look up to see who it was.
"That answer is wrong."
I flinched and slowly looked up to see Sehun staring at my paper.
Krystal make a 'tch' sound."Excuse me, but that answer is not wrong." She said confidently.
Sehun glanced at her then back at my paper."Yet I still wonder why you're one of the top students." He said in a low tone. I heard Krystal say something under her breath but I couldn't quite catch what she said. Although, I knew it was something bad. I sighed and finished writing, it's all I've got so might as well finish. I handed Krystal back her homework and I leaned back in my seat again.
Sehun was resting his head on his hand."So, have the cuts healed?" He asked. I pulled up both my sleeves and examined my arms for a few seconds, which had healed completely thankfully.
"Yeah." I mumbled and pulled down the sleeves. He nodded and his bottom lip. We remained silent for a moment, both of us in own world. Here I am again, thinking the same questions over and over again about this boy.
"Why are you talking to me?" I asked out loud, which I didn't intend to. My eyes widened, Sehun on the other hand snapped out of his own world and gave me a small frown. "Um," I started."I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that."
Sehun tried to keep a straight face but failed eventually. I knew he wanted to laugh, and I wouldn't blame him. He shook his head, a smirk forming on his lips."It's alright. I guess I'm trying to make up for being so...rude, if that's the right word."
Rude? More like confusing. I raised an eyebrow slightly."Not worried about your reputation?"
"What do you mean?"
I sighed and crossed my arms."You know, Oh Sehun the 'Ice Prince' or 'Cold Guy'. The guy who doesn't talk to anyone and ignores everyone."
He shook his head and gave out a small laugh."Not every guy cares about their reputation ." Sehun stood up from his seat then looked down at me."And also, don't listen to what Luhan says."
"I'll keep that in mind." I said. I heard the door open thinking it was the substitute, but it was Kai, who seemed as if he got in some sort of fight. He had a few scratches on his cheek and one on the corner of his lip. He strides his way to Sehun, gripped his arm tightly, and pulled him out of the class room.
Everyone watched Kai and Sehun silently, including me. It happened so quickly. And what exactly happened to Kai? I wonder if everyone else is thinking the same thing. But before anybody could say anything, Mr. Kim walked in this time, quickly giving us instructions.
Sehun's POV
Kai dragged me out of the classroom suddenly to another hallway where we couldn't be seen by our teacher. He finally let me go and started pacing back and forth. "Kai, what happened to you?" I asked, finally being able to.
He didn't look at me when he answered me."It's them. We found them." He said quickly. He started biting his nail, which is a habit of him whenever he's nervous.
"Them? Kai, be more specific."
"The rogue wolves Kyungsoo and Kris told us about." He said in a harsh whisper, trying not to be too loud so nobody else would hear. He stopped and finally looked at me seriously."They're in this school. When we saw them; Luhan, Chanyeol, and I started following them. They went to the back of the school building and well,"He pointed to his face."This happened."
I leaned back against the lockers, trying to take in all this information. The rogue wolves are in the school. They can be killing any student by now or looking for a new prey. "What about Luhan and Chanyeol?"
"They left the school to tell Kris and Suho about our encounter with them."
"Do you remember how they look like?"
Kai stayed silent for a few minutes."I...I don't remember. I couldn't really see one of their faces, it all happened quickly. Luhan or Chanyeol might remember how one of the looked like."
I walked past him."We need to leave. I need ask Luhan and Chanyeol about this."
Minhee POV
Our teacher was giving us assignment sheets the door opened yet again. I quickly looked to see if it was Kai and Sehun but it was an unfamiliar looking student. Mr. Kim walked over to him and he handed her a piece of paper which he examined for a few seconds. He then walked over to the desk and spoke."This here is a new student to this school. Please introduce yourself young man."
The new student walked in front of the class and cleared his throat."Hello, my name is Minhyuk. I am looking forward on having a class with all of you."
Have a happy New Year everyone!!!! (^----^)
As usual, sorry for any grammatical errors, spelling errors, etc.
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Fairyluve123 #1
Chapter 1: Hey hey hey up up update
Chapter 8: Cool story! Looking forward in the next chaps!!!!! :))))
ILoveKDramas1 #3
Chapter 3: Who Is She Minhee...Is He A Vampire!! or A Wolf!!! Remember Wat!!
70th subscriber here~
0hSarahh #6
Chapter 7: Lool this chapter is surely funny. Update sooonn
0hSarahh #7
Chapter 6: I love it!!!!! Pls update faster
Chapter 5: This is really good! ^^ Not many werewolf stories are good, but I think you have a lot of potential. Not to be critical, because your story is great, I think you should make the chapters longer and with more detail and emotion. The more of the story you put out, the more it will appeal to readers. But that's nothing, you're doing a good job and I hope you update soon. ^^
0hSarahh #9
Chapter 5: Ah its still exciting so much ok.
JDHismine #10
Chapter 4: Update soon author-nim~ relax, your updates are great! :D