Chapter 3

Forbidden Love


The bell rang and I quickly grabbed my stuff and walked out of the class room. Finally, just one more class and school will be over. Today was hectic. Pop quizzes everywhere and then I have to study for my finals that's coming up soon. I sighed to myself, just what I needed. More school work after I'm done with my part-time job at the cafe. I bet Victoria will force me out of the house anyways, making me go shopping with her. Well...mostly her, not me. I just carry the shopping bags for her and keep her company.

I reached my locker and opened it, putting in my recent class books in and grabbing the ones I need. My next and final is English, which I dread a bit almost everyday. Mostly because I have a certain person who has the same class with me. And that person is Oh Sehun.

Him and his other friend, also apart of the EXO group, Kai. Which is even worse. As if the fangirls aren't enough everyday in break and lunch. I have to deal with them in one room...trying to at least make one word come out of their mouths. Sad, isn't it? I wonder how Sehun feels, since Kai loves the attention since he is known as "the flirt". All I see is that expressionless face, just staring back at them. No emotion at all...

What the hell Minhee?! Why do you even care?!

I shook the thoughts out of my head and closed my locker. I started walking to my class room, which is two stories up. Ugh, I hate stairs. As I was making my way up the 2nd floor, I thought about Sehun again.

He was always...different from others and even his own group. Ever since EXO moved into town, Sehun always kept to himself unlike the others. Everytime a female student will have enough courage to talk it him, he would just blankly stare at her and walk away, saying nothing else. Which eventually breaks the girl's heart. But like Minah said, it is weird how he stares at me behind my back when he doesn't even try to look at the other girls around him, trying to make him notice them. Not like I'm interested anyways. Sure he is handsome but...I don't know. I guess I'm different too.

I finally reached the 3rd floor and to my class. I passed by the window that showed the classroom and there he was, Sehun and Kai surrounded by fangirls. My feet just stopped moving and I stood there, watching them. Kai was smiling and flirting with them, which made them giggle and blush most of the time. Sehun was leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed, completely ignoring the poor girl that is trying to have a conversation with him. He just gazed at his desk with the same emotionless face. Minah tells me they call him the "Ice Prince" and now I barley realize why he got that name.

In a split second, Sehun's eyes shot up and our eyes met. I blinked in surprise but I stood there, staring back. His dark brown eyes boring into mine but with that same expression on his face like earlier. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. Finally, I looked away, my cheeks turning into a light pink shade. I quickly walked into my class looking at my feet. I didn't want him to see me blushing and I can feel him staring. I sat into my seat, which was a few desks behind his, and I saw him gaze back at his desk again. I lightly face palmed myself.

What was that?! Now he thinks I'm a compete stalker or another fangirl! Great, just great.

I slammed my head onto my desk, not caring if some of the students looked at me as if I was crazy. I heard the person next to me giggle, Krystal, another friend that I have class with. I lifted my head and pouted a bit at her.

"I don't see anything funny here." I said. Krystal shook her head and continued laughing at me. She wasn't one of those fangirls, although she did find some of them attractive. She didn't scream and yell "Oppa!" like the other girls, which made us quick friends this year. I wonder how I didn't get to meet her last year.

Krystal poked my forehead."Someone was pretty embarrassed about what happened."

I rubbed my forehead from where she poked me."Y-You...saw that?"

She nodded."Yup, when you guys looked at each other. I'm surprised he didn't look away as quickly like he does to everyone else." She opened her notebook and started writing the agenda, but spoke again without looking at me."It's weird..."

I frowned."What exactly?"

"How he...keeps staring at you. Let me guess, do his fangirls give you problems everyday?" She joked and she looked at me after finishing writing the agenda down.

I sighed and rolled my eyes."You have no idea...They constantly ask me why he always looks at me. I mean, does it look like I know. Heck, I don't even know myself."

This time, Krystal sighed and she gave me a serious look."Well, I would be careful. They might do something else worse than that. You know how those girls are."

She's pretty much right. These fangirls of EXO....gosh. Especially some of them, who would kill anybody that lay their eyes on EXO. Luckily the girls in my class aren't as crazy.

Suddenly, Mrs. Han walked in and the girls that surrounded Sehun and Kai quickly went to their desks. Mrs. Han eyed them for a while and turned to the board and started writing down some assignments for us.

Just this last class Minhee and you're out.

*Sehun's POV*

The final bell rang and everybody started grabbing their books to leave class. I was waiting for Kai to grab his books, but he was too busy swooning the girls in our class. The idiot. Some of the girls were trying to talk to me, but I simply ignored them as usual.

They were annoying. Always trying to make me go out with them. Tsk, as if I would ever do that. Poor girls don't know what they would get themselves into if I did. I sighed since I was growing impatient of Kai then I looked at her again. Minhee.

She was talking to her classmate that sat next to her. Krystal, was it?

Minhee was so different from the other girls. She didn't swoon over everything I did like the others. She didn't do any of that. She was smart in class. She seemed kind. Everything.

Then I saw Minhee smile at her friend and I felt as if my heart skipped a beat. Her smile seemed like a real smile. She black hair framed her face and she looked beautiful at the moment. To me.

Suddenly something struck inside me.

Crap, not this again.

I quickly grabbed Kai's arm and spoke in a low, cracked voice."Let's leave." Kai looked back at Minhee quickly and he understood my sudden action. He smirked at the girls one final time, grabbed his books, and we left class. As we were going down the stairs, I felt as if weight was lifted off my shoudlers. I finally let out a relieved, shaky sigh as I didn't have that feeling anymore.

Kai placed a hand on my shoulder."Was it her again?" I glanced at him and nodded once. I heard Kai let out a sigh and continued talking."You know it's forbidden Sehun. I know you have that feeling know...biting her bu-"

I flinched and he saw. He stopped talking and we walked to the courtyard in silence. Like I said about Minhee being different, her...blood was different as well. Everytime I look at her, I instantly have the feeling of just biting her. Just the thought of me sinking my teeth into her...

I shivered by the thought. I would never intend to do that to her. I know the members have that feeling too, so I keep them in check at times. I don't even know why I have these weird feeling towards this girl I never spoke to. Ever since I laid my eyes on her. Ever since that-


Kai spoke suddenly which made me lose my train of thought. I glanced at him and looked forward."What?"

"Do you think she even remembers?" He asked.

I frowned to myself and didn't reply for a while. Does she remember? I always asked myself the same thing. If only she knew...

"I...,"I started off."I don't know honestly."



A/N: Sorry for the long wait you guys ;A;

Thank you for being patient and I'm out of school *celebrates by myself* Well...I was getting a bit distracted like F(x)'s comeback ((been waiting forever you just don't know)) 2ne1's comeback is next and, of course, BAP's comeback. And then there's BTS's debut. So much eye candy man, so much.

Anyways, sorry of there's an misspellings, errors, etc. Also please SUBSRCIBE and leave a comment~


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Fairyluve123 #1
Chapter 1: Hey hey hey up up update
Chapter 8: Cool story! Looking forward in the next chaps!!!!! :))))
ILoveKDramas1 #3
Chapter 3: Who Is She Minhee...Is He A Vampire!! or A Wolf!!! Remember Wat!!
70th subscriber here~
0hSarahh #6
Chapter 7: Lool this chapter is surely funny. Update sooonn
0hSarahh #7
Chapter 6: I love it!!!!! Pls update faster
Chapter 5: This is really good! ^^ Not many werewolf stories are good, but I think you have a lot of potential. Not to be critical, because your story is great, I think you should make the chapters longer and with more detail and emotion. The more of the story you put out, the more it will appeal to readers. But that's nothing, you're doing a good job and I hope you update soon. ^^
0hSarahh #9
Chapter 5: Ah its still exciting so much ok.
JDHismine #10
Chapter 4: Update soon author-nim~ relax, your updates are great! :D