Chapter One

Forbidden Love


*3rd person POV*

It was a normal winter night. Minhee was walking back to home from work. But she decided to take the long way instead. The side she lived in the city doesn't have that much crimes as amuch as the slums, which is very far away from where she lived. She wore boots, a scarf, a beanie that kept her eyebrow-length bangs in place from the cool breeze, and a warm fuzzy coat. She always loved winter, especially when it was around the time it snows. It was snowing this morning, the streets and path were still covered with the white snow.

It was a full moon tonight and it was around 9 pm. The cafe closed an hour ago, but she always wanted to find a reason to stay out of the house. So she helped some of the workers clean up with them. Her mother would expect something from this from her youngest daughter. She knew Minhee always loved the outdoors, she even loved it when she was a child. She always went hiking with her father when he was still alive.

Minhee sighed to herself and looked up at the full moon. It was quiet beautiful and she continued to gaze at it while she walked. She remembered when her older sister would always tell her storied about werewolves, vampires, all those kinds of mythical things. Minhee didn't quite believe in them, although, she was curious at the same time.

Minhee broke her gaze and spotted something dark red on the snow. She frowned and walked over to the spot and realized it was blood. She averted her eyes upward and saw that there was a clear path of blood leading to the woods. She couldn't help but figure out what it was so she walked into the woods. She followed the trail of blood, not noticing she was walking deeper and deeper into the woods. Finally, she stopped and looked up, seeing that the trail of blood stopped to an animal. A white wolf.

It layed on the snow and she saw that the wolf was bleeding, which explained the trail of blood. The wolf had it's eyes closed, but it was breathing heavily. She didn't know whether to help or to walk away or not get hurt. She big her lip and decided to help, so she slowly walked up to it. When she was closer to the wolf, it opened it's eyes in alert and revealed crystal blue eyes. Minhee gasped slightly by it's mesmerizing eyes and immediatly stopped walking towards it. The wolf continued watching her but did not make a sound.

Minhee then slowly started walking towards it again. She finally reached the injured wolf and bent down, taking off her scarf in the process. She slowly touched the wound with her scarf and held it there, applying more and more pressure. The wolf whined quietly by the pain. She then remembered she had a first aid kit in her bag just in case, mostly for whenever she was with her older sister who always ends up being hurt. She quickly took it out and opened it. The wolf was watching her every move at the moment, never taking it's eyes off of Minhee.

Minhee applied gauze into the wound and looked at her scarf, which was soaked in blood. She sighed to herself and muttered,"Aw man. And I just bought that."

Minhee stood up and backed away from the wolf. The white wolf slowly stood up, fumbled back down a few times, but was able to get onto it's feet. It moved it's eyes to Minhee again when there was a sudden noise of wolves howling in the distance. It alertly moved it's head to the sound and then, howled back.

Minhee saw that the wolf took on final look at her and then ran into the woods. She bit her lip and turned back, heading towards her home. The image of the beautiful wolf never leaving her mind. It's crystal blue eyes. It's snow-white fur.

She smiled to herself."I guess...I finally have something to brag about to my sister." Her older sister, Yuri, is obsessed with wolves. But, Minhee is guessing Yuri has never seen a wolf as exotic as the one she just saw...

Something about that seemed...different in a way to her.


A/N: Hai! Sorry if this wasn't much, I promise the plot will kiconin at a few more chapters. So um, sorry for any errors and misspellings. Please COMMENT or SUBSRCIBE~~~^^


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Fairyluve123 #1
Chapter 1: Hey hey hey up up update
Chapter 8: Cool story! Looking forward in the next chaps!!!!! :))))
ILoveKDramas1 #3
Chapter 3: Who Is She Minhee...Is He A Vampire!! or A Wolf!!! Remember Wat!!
70th subscriber here~
0hSarahh #6
Chapter 7: Lool this chapter is surely funny. Update sooonn
0hSarahh #7
Chapter 6: I love it!!!!! Pls update faster
Chapter 5: This is really good! ^^ Not many werewolf stories are good, but I think you have a lot of potential. Not to be critical, because your story is great, I think you should make the chapters longer and with more detail and emotion. The more of the story you put out, the more it will appeal to readers. But that's nothing, you're doing a good job and I hope you update soon. ^^
0hSarahh #9
Chapter 5: Ah its still exciting so much ok.
JDHismine #10
Chapter 4: Update soon author-nim~ relax, your updates are great! :D