Chapter 7

Forbidden Love
Sehun's POV
It's been three days since I last talked to Minhee. Three days since I told her to stay away from me as a favor. But the truth is, I don't want her to stay away. I actually want Minhee and I to grow closer. The only reason I told her to stay away was that I might hurt her. As cheesy as that sounds but it's true.
School was over, the gang and I walked past the gates of school and headed to our home that we share. Suho and Kris are the only ones who graduated already so it's just Kyungsoo, Kai, Lay, Chanyeol, Luhan, and I. Kris is the one who takes care of us at our home, the home Suho bought with his money. Suho is the son of a CEO of a huge company so he's pretty rich. Suho lives in his own house and since he thought we needed someone to keep us in check, Kris decided to volunteer. So Kris moved out of his apartment and lived with us ever since.
As we were walking, I caught a glimpse of Minhee with her friend. Vicky? Victoria? I don't really know her that much. Minhee waved goodbye to her friend and went their separate ways. I'm guessing she's going to work at that cafe I've seen her at once. As I was watching Minhee, someone smacked me in the back of my head.
"Quit staring you creep." It was a familiar deep voice that only belonged to Chanyeol. Kai and Luhan laughed while Lay and D.O only chuckled. I gave Chanyeol a glare.
"You're so lucky I'm not in a bad mood today." I said in a harsh whisper.
We finally reached out home which a two story house. Kai opened the door and everyone barged in expect for Luhan and I. Kris was in the living room watching TV. Kai jumped on the couch."Kyungsoo! Food now!"
Kyungsoo looked at him with a frown."You're not the boss of me."
Kai smirked at him."But you are the one that cooks well out of all of us so that makes you the one to cook food for us."
Kyungsoo was about to speak until everyone interrupted him. Chanyeol sat on the floor, his back against the sofa and was watching TV."Yeah, Kai's got a point."
Lay sat down on a couch chair that was near the sofa and leaned back."I agree with the both of them."
Luhan sat on the floor next to Chanyeol."Yeah, you are good at cooking Kyungsoo."
Finally speaking since we arrived, Kris spoke up."I'm hungry anyways so go make food."
Kai looked at Kyungsoo again, who had wide eyes."Looks like I win."
Kyungsoo made a 'tch' sound."You guys are unbelievable." He walked to the kitchen leaving everybody laughing a bit at how angry he was. I sat down next to Kris and rubbed my temples. Yup, I live with these idiots. When it doesn't come to serious business, they all play around. I still wonder how I managed to deal with them everyday.
Kris finally left his eyes from the TV and looked at us."So how was school?" He said in a bored tone.
Chanyeol glanced at him."Please, as if you care."
Kris rolled his eyes."What? I can't care what you guys did at school now?"
Kai joined in."Well Mr. I-Suddenly-Care we did nothing at usual." He mumbled the last part.
Lay spoke up from where he was sitting."Oh, so you're not going to tell Kris about the F you got in-"
"Do you want to die?!" Kai yelled, cutting Lay off. Chanyeol suddenly threw his arms in the air as if he was celebrating while Luhan's face looked as if he wanted to punch someone in the face.
Chanyeol hit Luhan's arm."Pay up!"
Luhan crossed his arms."I'll pay you later!"
Kai looked at the both of them with shock and anger mixed in one expression."D-Did you guys...make a bet about me?"
Chanyeol smirked."Yup, since we knew you had a test Luhan and I made a bet if you passed or not. Obviously I thought you were going to fail since you are an idiot."
Luhan stood up and looked down at Kai."I had faith in you man." With that he walked to the kitchen leaving a now angry Kai.
Kai balled his hands into a fist."I'm not an idiot." He said in a harsh voice.
Chanyeol rolled his eyes and looked at the TV."Yeah, well tell that to the F you got on the test." I cracked a smile and tried to surpass a chuckle, which failed. Chanyeol heard me and pointed his finger towards me."You see, Sehun thinks you're an idiot too."
Right as Kai was about to speak, Kyungsoo opened the door."Food is ready." He said in a bit of an aggravated tone. Everybody got up quickly, even Kai who was mad just a second ago. Well, it is food so I'm not surprised.
We were all sitting in the dining table still even though we finished our food. Everybody was talking about the day and other topics. I just listened and dozed off sometimes, what they were talking about didn't catch my interest. Kai turned to me and punched my shoulder."So Sehun, what's up with you and the girl?"
I gave him a look meaning for him to shut up, but it was too late. Kris looked at me with a frown."What girl?"
Kai studdered."Um, t-this girl in our-"
"I wasn't speaking to you. Sehun, what girl?" Kris said more sternly. This is bad. The atmosphere suddenly changed and everyone looked worried. I looked at the table, not making any eye contact with him. I guess it's time to tell Kris about Minhee."This girl I've been...having weird feelings towards..."
Kris scoffed."Weird feelings? Please, it's not like you're in love. Even if you do love her, it'll never last."
Now I made eye contacts."What do you mean?"
Kris smirked."She'll never be with you, a wolf out of all things."
My fist connected with the table. Everybody looked at me with concern while Kris's smirk slowly disappeared. I spoke in a cold voice."You don't know that."
"Why are you so defensive about it, huh Sehun?" Kris asked. I blinked a few times, why was I? I don't even know if what I am feeling is love but...something in me snapped when he said she wouldn't love me back. Kris spoke again."You are pathetic."
He continued."Even if you do love her, you'll eventually kill her. Either that or she would run away from fear, leaving you. It always ends the same. Death of the one you love or you left with a broken heart."
"I won't kill her!"
"Yes you will Sehun,"Kris's voice suddenly rose."Just face reality! She will end up dead!"
I stood up, slamming my fists onto the table again."I won't allow that to happen!"
It was quiet for a few minutes. I knew everybody felt the tension in the atmosphere as I did. Nobody dared to speak. Kris slowly stood up, putting his hands on the table and leaning towards me a bit. He spoke in a normal yet shaky voice."Why must you be so naive? Listen to me Sehun, you don't know anything about this. I knew wolves who have fallen in love with a human and they have all killed them. They couldn't control themselves and the same will happen to you."
"You don't know that." I said in a whisper."I will never hurt Minhee."
"And why is that Sehun? Tell me." He commanded.
I breathed deeply."Because...I love her." My heart skipped a beat right after I spoke those words. So this was it, the feeling I've had along. The feeling of love yet I just kept doubting it. All those feelings of wanting to protect her, to make her happy...all from being in love with her. Always trying to make sure she wasn't hurt in the slightest. Ever since I laid my eyes on her, love in first sight. So it is true.
Kris chuckled darkly."And you think that'll stop you from killing her. They told me the same. But look now, the one they fell in love with was killed by them. I'm telling you Sehun, the same will happen to you."
I shook my head."It won't, watch me." I said and I left the dining room, leaving everyone still dazed from the argument Kris and I had. "Where are you going?" I heard Kris ask but ignored him. I walked out the door, the cold air hitting my skin. The sun was setting, leaving the sky a mixed color of pink, orange, and red. I need to see Minhee, I need to protect her. I need her to be close to me.
Now that I've discovered my true feeling towards Minhee, nobody is going to take her away from me.
Minhee's POV
"Good bye Dara!" I said and waved. Dara waved back and continued cleaning the counters again. My shift was over, thank god. I walked out the cafe and turned my head to see Sehun standing right next to me. I jumped."Sehun?!"
Sehun smiled slightly."Did I startle you?"
I nodded and placed my hand over my heart. I felt it beat quickly from the scare."I bit, yeah. I didn't expect you to be there. What are you doing here anyways?"
He bit his lip."I wanted to ask if I can walk you home."
My eyes widened slightly. Walk me home? Didn't he want me to stay away from him three days ago and now he wants to walk me home. This guy sure is unpredictable. Yet again, it made my stomache twist into a knot.
Don't make a fool of yourself.
I nodded once."Um, sure I guess."
He smiled again, and we both started walking towards my home together. I guess things are turning out better now, right?
A/N: HELLO EVERYONE I HAVE RETURNED! I'm sorry I hadn't update in months, school ya know, I'm trying to have good grades ;-; but I'm back. Sorry if this isn't much of a chapter but I'll try updating as soon as I can okay \(^_^)/
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Fairyluve123 #1
Chapter 1: Hey hey hey up up update
Chapter 8: Cool story! Looking forward in the next chaps!!!!! :))))
ILoveKDramas1 #3
Chapter 3: Who Is She Minhee...Is He A Vampire!! or A Wolf!!! Remember Wat!!
70th subscriber here~
0hSarahh #6
Chapter 7: Lool this chapter is surely funny. Update sooonn
0hSarahh #7
Chapter 6: I love it!!!!! Pls update faster
Chapter 5: This is really good! ^^ Not many werewolf stories are good, but I think you have a lot of potential. Not to be critical, because your story is great, I think you should make the chapters longer and with more detail and emotion. The more of the story you put out, the more it will appeal to readers. But that's nothing, you're doing a good job and I hope you update soon. ^^
0hSarahh #9
Chapter 5: Ah its still exciting so much ok.
JDHismine #10
Chapter 4: Update soon author-nim~ relax, your updates are great! :D