Chapter 6

Forbidden Love


Sehun's POV

Minhee suddenly collapsed and I managed to catch her before she hit the ground. I stared at her; Did she faint? She must have been exhausted from all that running from those men. I sighed and picked her up bridal style, her scent hitting my nose. I sighed, and I tried to stay away from her. Well that didn't work out well.

I need to take her to her house, let her rest. I at least know where she lives, not that I stalk her. Well...I did follow her once but she was very sick at the time and I wanted to make sure she got home safely from school. It's reasonable to me.

I started walking the way to her house, carrying her firmly. Her head rested on my shoulder, strands of hair falling on her face. I wondered what those men would've done to her if I haven't have found her. All I heard was men shouting and then the scent of blood, her blood, hit my nose. I knew it was hers, and I thought those men probably had something to do with it. It angered me. Luckily I had self control that I didn't rip those men to shreds. Although, I did hurt them a bit, maybe I gave one a broken nose. Not like I care. Then they just ran away in fear.

That's when I found her, hugging her knees near a tree. She looked frightened and it stung my heart. I wanted to embrace her tightly and tell her it was okay but I knew I couldn't do that. I just couldn't...

She was afraid.

She was hurt.

And I didn't have the courage to comfort her.

Am I really that afraid that this feeling I have is love?

Was Luhan actually right?

I was already out of the woods and was in her neighborhood. It was dark and the only source of light was the moon and the lights from inside the other houses. I suddenly stopped in my tracks and looked at her.

Her hair perfectly framed her face and glistened under the moon light. I looked at her lips, remembering all those beautiful smiles she had with those pink lips and the laugh that seemed to sound so angelic to me.

I shook my head and shut my eyes. Sehun, quit getting distracted and take her home.

I opened my eyes again and started to walk again. Why must everytime I look at her, I just seem to be in a trance? I just can't look away, and everytime I can't look away she always seems to catch my gaze.

I finally made it to her house after what seemed like 10 minutes. I knocked on the door, but made sure I still had Minhee in my arms as I do so. After I knocked, I waited. I looked at her again. Ever since I layed my eyes on her-

I heard the door open and a short girl with short brown hair appeared at the door. She looked like Minhee, probably her sister. She looked at me with annoyance shown on her face but her gaze casted on Minhee. Her facial expression changing quickly to a worried one. Her eyes turned as big as saucers."W-What happened to her?!"

I shushed her, I hate it when people make such a loud fuss at night."She fainted, now stop yelling or else your neighbors will be annoyed," I said coldly, which is a usual way I speak to people other than the EXO members."Now would you let me in so I can set her on her bed?"

Right when I was about to walk past her, she blocked me. She glared at me."Did you hurt her?"

"No, be realistic." I said in annoyance. I wasn't lying.

She eyed me for a while and finally backed away, letting me in. I smirked and I walked in, I heard her close the door right as I did. I looked back at her."Where's her room?"

She leaned back on the door and crossed her arms, the glare never leaving."Upstairs, the first door to the right." She said firmly.

I suppressed a chuckle and walked up the stairs. Well, her sister seems nice. I made it to the second floor, the sound of someone rummaging though the cabinets we heard downstairs. I walked to her room and luckily it was opened, so I just walked in back first so Minhee wouldn't get hit. I closed the door a bit with my leg and I walked towards her bed, finally setting her on it and letting her rest.

I sighed and sat on the chair that was next to her small nightstand. I took off my beanie and set it on her nightstand. I noticed a picture frame so I picked to look at it. It was her and her family; Her mother, her sister, her father, and herself. She looked young, probably at the age of ten, and looked happy. I small smile crept upon my lips as I placed the picture back on the nightstand. I looked at Minhee again, examining her features.

Even when she sleeps she looks beautiful...

Thump. Thump.

There it is. That weird feeling. That feeling I can't explain.

The door flung open and in walked in Minhee's sister with a first aid kit. She sat on the bed next to Minhee and started checking Minhee for any wounds."Just in case, I'll never know if you're lying." She said, not glancing at me once.

I shook my head and mumbled to myself,"She sure is an idiot."

I watched her check on Minhee. I smelled Minhee's blood in the woods so I knew she was hurt somewhere.

"Aha!" Minhee's sister exclaimed, having Minhee's arm upwardstand showed a few cuts on her wrist and palm. Those few cuts that were deep enough to make her bleed a bit. There was dried up blood on the wounds, so Minhee's sister grabed a cotton ball and applied alcohol on it. She then started cleaning the blood away. She checked the other arm to see if there was any and there was, expect there was fewer cuts, so she did the same procedure on the other.

I sighed and leaned back on the chair,crossing my arms."So, are you her younger sister since you are short?"

"Just because I'm short doesn't make me the younger sibling ." She growled."I'm her older sister, Yuri."

I nodded once, looks like I was wrong about her being Minhee's sister. Just as I was about to speak again my throat suddenly started to burn.

No, not this.

My stomach twisted in knots and I grabbed my beanie, gripping it tightly as I fought the inner wolf inside me. I can't be in here.

I stood up quickly and walked out of the room, ignoring Yuri's questions and calls as I did. I ran down the stairs and out of the house. I closed the door loudly and I leaned against the door, breathing in the fresh air. Why do I always have to have the urge to bite her whenever I'm near her?

I ran my fingers through my hair and my lips. I still had the beanie gripped tightly on my other hand, so I put it on my head, a bit annoyed. I started walking away, putting my hands inside my pockets of my jacket.

What has she done to me?

Minhee's POV

It was dark. I couldn't speak, but I heard voices. It sounds like...Yuri. Where is she? It sounds like she's talking to someone but I can't hear who. After what seemed for a while in pure darkness, I managed to see but it was blurry. I blinked a few times, my vision being clearer. I heard my sister's voice downstairs and another. I listened carefully to recognize the voice...realizing it was Sehun's. What is he doing here?

Oh yeah, he found me last night...

I slowly sat up and stood up, stretching a bit first. I looked at the clock and it read 3:30 pm. I sighed, I missed school today. Victroia and Minah are gonna kill me with questions now. I walked towards the door of my room and opened it slightly, I could hear their voices a bit more.

"Look she's fine, why the hell do you care so much? She's not your sister." I heard my sister say, aggravated. Sehun spoke back but I couldn't quite catch what he said. I opened my door wider and walked down the hallway to the stairs. As I walked down the stairs I could see my sister and Sehun standing up, Sehun was wearing his school uniform and was towering my sister because of his height.

I step foot on the living room floor and spoke up."Sehun, what are you doing here?"

Yuri jumped and spun back and Sehun looked at me, wide eyed at first but his features relaxed and turned back to it's emotionless face. Yuri walked towards me and stood next to me."When did you wake up?"

"Just now." I said and bit my lip."I heard you guys talking so I came down to see what was going on."

Yuri nodded slowly and looked back at Sehun."See, she's fine. You can go now." She said coldly.

Sehun clenched his jaw but ignored her. He stared at me for a while which made me uncomfortable a bit. After minutes of silence, Sehun sighed and made his way to the door, not saying a word at all. He walked out, slamming the door shut. I'm guessing Yuri got him pissed off or something else maybe.

Suddenly as if my feet controlled themselves, I ran out of the house to speak to Sehun. As I was outside, I saw him barley walking pass the fence. I called him and walked towards him, he stopped and turned back to look at me. As I was a few feet away from me, I realized I didn't even know what to say.

At least thank him!

"Umm...I just want to s-say..." I studdered. Sehun raised an eyebrow at me and waited for me to continue. I bowed down slightly."Thank you."

"For what?" He suddenly asked in monotone. I straightened up and saw him with his eyebrow still raised.

"For last night. I'm guessing you're the one who carried me home..."

Sehun chuckled and then ruffled my hair. I blinked a few times, well that was unexpected. Sehun pulled his hand back quickly, realizing his action, and scratched the back of his neck.

"It's nothing really, just be more careful next time." He said with a sigh.

I nodded."Well, is there anything I can do to repay you?"

He frowned slightly and his bottom lip, which made my heart flutter a bit."Like what?"

I shrugged."I don't know. A favor? Lunch? Anything."

Sehun stayed quiet and looked around. I stayed quiet, god he is handsome up close. No wonder those fangirls go crazy. Finally, he looked back at me and put his hands in the pocket of his pants."I have a favor actually."

"And that is...?"

"Stay away from me."

My eyes widened a bit. Was he serious? Well, he was looking at me seriously. For some reason, those words stung my heart a bit. But the way he said it, it wasn't cold or rude. It was...almost like he was begging. Or maybe I'm just letting my imagination run wild. I didn't know what to say. Ask him why or just agree and walk away.

I nodded slowly and looked down."Oh...I see."

I heard Sehun sigh so I looked up to look at him. He wasn't looking at me, he was looking somewhere else and he seemed hesitant to speak."Look...don't take it the..wrong way. It's for your own safety." He said the last part in a whisper like tone.

"For my own safet-"

He cut me off."I have to go. My friends are waiting for me."

I bit my lip, which is a habit I do whenever I'm a bit nervous."Um, okay. I guess I'll see you at school on Monday."

Sehun nodded and started walking away, but he stopped and looked back at me. He was again hesitant to say what he was about to say, but at the end, he just smiled at me and started to walk away again.

I sighed, was he always like this.

"Stay away from me." "It's for your own safety."

He words rung through my head. What could be possibly mean by it's for my own safety? He doesn't seem...dangerous. Well, I don't know him that much to conclude that. I slowly walked back to my house. So I have to stay away from him now.

Who knew fate had other plans.


A/N: Hai guys \(._.)/ So I haven't updated mostly because my bias group F(x) is back /cries/

Yeah, they were bit of a distraction...hehe

Anyways, sorry for any grammatical errors, mispellings, etc. So yeah, hopefully I'll be able to update more often. I can do this!


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Fairyluve123 #1
Chapter 1: Hey hey hey up up update
Chapter 8: Cool story! Looking forward in the next chaps!!!!! :))))
ILoveKDramas1 #3
Chapter 3: Who Is She Minhee...Is He A Vampire!! or A Wolf!!! Remember Wat!!
70th subscriber here~
0hSarahh #6
Chapter 7: Lool this chapter is surely funny. Update sooonn
0hSarahh #7
Chapter 6: I love it!!!!! Pls update faster
Chapter 5: This is really good! ^^ Not many werewolf stories are good, but I think you have a lot of potential. Not to be critical, because your story is great, I think you should make the chapters longer and with more detail and emotion. The more of the story you put out, the more it will appeal to readers. But that's nothing, you're doing a good job and I hope you update soon. ^^
0hSarahh #9
Chapter 5: Ah its still exciting so much ok.
JDHismine #10
Chapter 4: Update soon author-nim~ relax, your updates are great! :D