Chapter 2

Forbidden Love


*Minhee's POV*

There they were. Those same crystal blue eyes staring back at me from the darkness. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe but I only gazed back at them. The eyes didn't disappear, they were still there. No movement. Nothing. Suddenly, I heard a low growl but nothing more.

I looked around but I saw nothing but darkness. I looked back to the eyes but they were gone, but...replaced with red eyes. The color of blood. My breathe quickened and I tried to move, but I couldn't. The eyes starting moving foward and a brown wolf appeared. I clenched my hands. And suddenly, wolf lunged towards me.


I opened my eyes and sat up, looking around frantically. I was in my room. I was breathing quickly and tried to calm down. It was dream...just a dream.

I finally calmed down and ran my fingers through my hair. The sun was shining through my windows, I looked at the clock and it read 6:30 am. I sighed and got out of bed. I looked out the window and frowned to myself. I keep having that same dream ever since that encounter with the wolf. Everyday I wake up whenever the wolf lunges towards me. It always ends there. My sister Yuri thinks it's some sort of "sign" but it's Yuri. She always says weird stuff like that.

I got my uniform ready and took a quick shower. I finished getting ready, brushed my teeth and got dressed, and I walked downstairs. I made my way to the kitchen to see a note on the refrigerater. I grabbed it and read it.

I will be in work a little bit late, probably at 11:00 pm. Please make sure Yuri wakes up for school and be safe.

Love Mom.

I sighed and threw the note in the trash can. Of couse, my mother always works late hours to support us dad isn't here with us anymore. I shook my head to myself and walked back upstairs to wake up my sister, who always sleeps in. I reached her room and banged her door three times.

"Yuri! Wake up!" I yelled and I heard a muffled sound coming from her room. Suddenly, the door opened and bed-hair Yuri appeared. She was shorter than me by a few inches and had short brown hair with side bangs, which was all over the place at the moment. She looked like she was about to fall back asleep any moment.

"You didn't have to yell. Gosh..." She said and rubbed her eyes.

I shrugged."Whatever, just get ready. It's 7:00. School starts in an hour."

Yuri groaned."Fine." She grabbed her uniform from the closet and got out of the room to the bathroom in the hallway."Just don't bang my door like a maniac next time."

With that, she entered the bathroom and I rolled my eyes walking back downstairs to the kitchen. I made cereal for myself and sat on our small dining table. I began eating when suddenly someone started knocking on the door. I pouted to myself and got up, walking to the door. I opened the door and Victoria was standing outside with a huge smile. I smiled myself. Victoria waved frantically.

"Haihaihaihaihai!" She said energetically. I laughed and opened the door wider for Victoria to come in, which she did. She is my bestfriend since...well...since we were in diapers pretty much.

"You're here early." I said and walked back to my seat to finish my cereal. I sat down and Victoria sat across from me, resting her head on her hand.

"Yup, I just didn't want to see you walking to school with your sister, who you always argue with. It pains me." She said dramatically. I rolled my eyes and continued eating my cereal. Victoria then asked."So, did you sleep well last night?"

I flinched and stopped eating. I just stared at the bowl with a frown. Victoria sighed, she knew."Again?"

I nodded."Yup..."

"Well, maybe the dream really does mean something like your weird sister said." Victroia said. I shrugged and stood up, taking my bowl of cereal to the sink.

"Whatever, come on, let's go to school already."

Victroia nodded and stood up. We were about to get out when Yuri suddenly came rushing down with wet hair."Hey! Don't leave me!"

I opened the door."You can walk to school by yourself. You're a big girl now." I said with a smirk and walked outside. Victoria giggled and shook her head.

"Always fighting..." She said to herself. With that, we started making our way to school.


We finally reached the front gates of our school. Students were already here, chatting and laughing with friends as we walked by them. Victoria and I were looking for our other friend we hang out with, Minah.(A/N: From Girl's Day yes ._.) We finally saw her sitting on a bench talking with a random guy. Of course.

We reached to Minah and both Minah and the guy looked at us. The guy looked back at Minah and gave her a shy smirk."So...I'll see you around." He said and walked off. Minah sighed dreamily and looked at us.

"Isn't he cute?" She squealed. Victoria sat down next to her and I continued standing up. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"You dork." I teased."Always flirting with the guys. Minah, you'll never change." Victroia nodded in agreement and Minah just shrugged, a smile still plastered on her face.

"But still. Did you not see his smile like ugh." She said and sloped down on the bench."He's perfect."

Victroia pushed her lightly."There you go, falling in love instantly with a guy you barley met." Both Victoria and I laughed while Minah sat up and crossed her arms.

"Hey! I actually known him since school started." She said back.

My laughter died down."Suure Minah, we'll believe that for now."

Minah rolled her eyes and looked aggravated. This is always what we do every morning. Bug Minah. It's too easy and hilarious. Suddenly Minah's face looked amused. She looked at me."He's watching again."

Victoria and I looked at her with a confused expression. She told us to turn around and I did. There he was. Watching from the distance. Sehun.

Right when we made eye contact, he quickly looked away and looked at his friends, EXO they are known as. I bit my lip and looked back at Minah and Victoria, who were smiling at me. Victroia giggled."Aw, is Minhee blushing?"

Minah joined in."He's hot Minhee, I'm surprised he even acknowledges you."

I rolled my eyes and looked back. He was undeniably handsome. His features. His eyes. Everything. All the girls are after him and I wouldn't blame them. His smooth brown hair glistened in the sunlight and he had a bored face. Well, it was expressionless really. And then his friends EXO, who the girls fangirl about all the time as well. Suddenly, I saw Sehun look my way and I quickly spun my head back to Victoria and Minah. I felt my cheeks begin to heat up. Minah and Victoria laughed of course and started teasing me again.

I ignored them. The bell rang and the students began entering the school building to their classes. We began walking inside to our lockers to grab our books for our class. I opened my locker and Minah already went off to her class. Victroia closed her's and looked at me."So? Ready to face Mr. Kim, Minhee?"

I groaned and slammed my locker shut. Mr. Kim is my teacher for my class right now, History class. Let's just say, he's not my favorite. Always wanting everything perfect and on time.

"Shut up." I mumbled."I'll see you in lunch." I said and we said our goodbyes, then parted ways. I really don't want to go to class.



A/N: Yay! Sorry for errors, misspellings, etc. Anyways, please subscribe~^^

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Fairyluve123 #1
Chapter 1: Hey hey hey up up update
Chapter 8: Cool story! Looking forward in the next chaps!!!!! :))))
ILoveKDramas1 #3
Chapter 3: Who Is She Minhee...Is He A Vampire!! or A Wolf!!! Remember Wat!!
70th subscriber here~
0hSarahh #6
Chapter 7: Lool this chapter is surely funny. Update sooonn
0hSarahh #7
Chapter 6: I love it!!!!! Pls update faster
Chapter 5: This is really good! ^^ Not many werewolf stories are good, but I think you have a lot of potential. Not to be critical, because your story is great, I think you should make the chapters longer and with more detail and emotion. The more of the story you put out, the more it will appeal to readers. But that's nothing, you're doing a good job and I hope you update soon. ^^
0hSarahh #9
Chapter 5: Ah its still exciting so much ok.
JDHismine #10
Chapter 4: Update soon author-nim~ relax, your updates are great! :D