Chapter 5

Forbidden Love


Sehun's POV

It was a quiet night. Luhan and I started patrolling about an hour ago and we had no sight of the rogue werewolves Kris warned us about. Luhan was walking by me, wearing a casual black sweater and wore gloves. I wore a causal blue sweater as well and blue beanie to match with it. We didn't talk much, he would try to start a conversation but I wouldn't reply. My mind was too occupied...

"Sehun!" I jumped and looked at Luhan, who gave me aggrivated look. "What's up with you? You haven't answered me once."

I shrugged."Sorry...I have a lot of things on my mind..."

Luhan's facial expression changed to a teasing smirk."It has to do with that girl, huh?" I looked away, making it obvious. I heard him chuckle and felt a hand on my shoulder."By the way, you never told me about her. I am your bestfriend aren't I?"

I smiled and shook off his hand."A noisy bestfriend."

"Just tell me, Kai already knows." He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

I stayed quiet then sighed in defeat."Well...long story short, I have these...weird feelings, you can say, towards her."

Luhan suddenly stopped and I looked back, stopping as well. He was frowning to himself and seemed to be thinking."Weird feelings?" He asked.

I nodded, making him bit his lip and look down. It was quiet for a while, Luhan and I just standing in the middle of the forest while on patrol. Luhan crossed his arms and he finally looked up at me."Do you think these weird feelings"

I scoffed."I doubt it honestly."

The word "love" never made sense to me. Never felt that feeling, never fell in love. I also never believed in "love in first sight." Some say it's true, that it occurs when you meet your soulmate. There would always be stories about werewolves that fall in love in first sight...but those stories always ended tragically.

Luhan sat down on a nearby rock. He scratched the back of his neck and scrunched his nose."Well, if it's not that then what is it then Sehun?"

"Well...,"I my bottom lip and dug my hands in the pocket of my pants."That's the thing. I don't exactly know..."

Luhan sighed and got up from the rock. He walked towards my direction but eventually walked past me. I looked at him, he was walking backwards, looking at me. He shrugged."Well, hopefully you'll figure it out but we have to patrol at the moment. I don't want Kris to give me a lecture." With that he spun around and walked away, leaving me behind.

I sighed and looked around. Where now? I started walking towards a random direction. I just want this day to be over.

"Do you think these weird feelings"

Luhan's words echoed through my head. It can't be love, right? I can't be in love with her, she's a human. I can...kill her. I bit my lip, I need to stay away from her.

Minhee's POV

"Good night Dara!" I said and we waved good bye, going our separate ways. Dara and I finished cleaning up the cafe and locked the doors, since we were the last two people to leave. I was still in my work clothes but I bought a sweater since I knew it would be cold tonight.

I put my hands in the pocket of my sweater and crossed the street. As I was walking at heard a couple of men laugh loudly across the street. I glanced at them and looked straight ahead again. There were three of them and drunk. Not surprised since they were outside the local bar, which mostly closed in the afternoon.

Suddenly I heard one call out."Hey girl, where are you going?!"

"Where is a pretty girl like you doing out here?!" Another said and they all laugh.

I ignored them and picked up the pace. I don't want to deal with drunk low-lives. I heard footsteps behind me. I looked back to see the three men following me, beer bottles in their hands. I looked forward again and my breathing quickened. I suddenly felt a hand grip my arm tightly and pull me back. It was one of them men.

They surrouned me, staring at me like a predator would look at it's prey. One of them touched my cheek."Well aren't you a pretty one." He said, his breath smelling of alcohol. I closed my eyes, I felt his hand grip the zipper of my sweater and tried taking it off. I opened my eyes pushed his hands away.

His friend growled."Fiesty aren't we?" They tried grabbing me again but I luckily got out of their grip.

I in a breath and started sprinting. I heard them running after me."Get back here?!" One of them yelled out. I ran as a fast as I could, I don't want them to get a hold of me again. I was already tired and it was hard to breathe, but I kept running. There was a forest near by so I ran in the forest, trying to lose them.

I ran by the trees, deeper into the forest. I could hear them in the distance, maybe this is working. Suddenly, I tripped on my feet and fell on the snowy ground. As if that wasn't bad, I fell on a bunch of fallem branches which cut my hands and bleed a bit from trying to not hit the ground. I could still hear the men calling out for me. Constantly saying "Where are you?!" and "We won't hurt you!"

They're drunk, how would they expect me to believe them saying they won't hurt me?!

As the voices were getting closer and closer, I just froze. I couldn't move. I hugged my knees and lowered my head low.

Suddenly, the voices stop and it was silent. I felt a warm hand touch my knee and I shot my head up. Sehun was kneeling in front of me, slowly moving his hand away. He looked at me softly."Are you okay?"

I stared at him. He's...talking to me? Oh Sehun, the Ice Prince, is talking to me. After what seemed like forever I finally responded with a nod. He nodded back once and spoke again slowly.

"Were those men...trying to hurt you?" He asked in a low tone.

I responded in a shaky voice."Y-Yes..."

He nodded again and stood up. He offered me his hand and I hesitantly took it. I got up and tried taking a step but stumbled a bit. Before I can fall on my knees, Sehun caught me. He held my waist securely and was watching me. I looked up at him, his face so close to mine, and gave him a tiny, yet reassuring, smile. I gently pushed his hands off my waist and he removed them. The warm feeling of his hands dissappeared when he did.

As I was about to speak again, I suddenly felt dizzy. I touched my forehead and looked down.

"Minhee, what's wrong?" I heard Sehun ask worriedly. He knows my name...?

Right when I was about to respond, my vision was blurry and I out.

A/N: I feel like this a bit short and I feel like the scene was too rushed ;~; I'm sorry but I'm a bit of a paranoid author so please bear with me ._.

As usual, sorry for any grammar errors, spelling errors, etc.


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Fairyluve123 #1
Chapter 1: Hey hey hey up up update
Chapter 8: Cool story! Looking forward in the next chaps!!!!! :))))
ILoveKDramas1 #3
Chapter 3: Who Is She Minhee...Is He A Vampire!! or A Wolf!!! Remember Wat!!
70th subscriber here~
0hSarahh #6
Chapter 7: Lool this chapter is surely funny. Update sooonn
0hSarahh #7
Chapter 6: I love it!!!!! Pls update faster
Chapter 5: This is really good! ^^ Not many werewolf stories are good, but I think you have a lot of potential. Not to be critical, because your story is great, I think you should make the chapters longer and with more detail and emotion. The more of the story you put out, the more it will appeal to readers. But that's nothing, you're doing a good job and I hope you update soon. ^^
0hSarahh #9
Chapter 5: Ah its still exciting so much ok.
JDHismine #10
Chapter 4: Update soon author-nim~ relax, your updates are great! :D