Chapter 10

What I Feel For You [editing]

-Sehun's POV-




“Pretty, pretty please?”

“I said no, and that’s my final answer!”


“No Chanyeol hyung. I won’t help you.” I felt a bit bad for him, having to do that confession all by himself. But this was all about Hana; I didn’t want her to be sad. Maybe I was selfish, but I really didn’t want to see her cry again. When Chanyeol abruptly told everyone yesterday about that girl he liked, he also spilled that he would ask her out tomorrow. The first thing I did after getting out if sight from the others was to call Hana and tell her to not come to school the day after. I refused to tell her why, but it seemed like she held her promise to not show up.

“But Hana is not here today!” Chanyeol whined and gave me his puppy face. I sighed.

“It’s not my fault that Hana is sick.” A small lie, just to protect her.

“Why is everyone so weird today...?” Chanyeol pouted and made his way towards the girl’s classroom.

This was exactly the moment that I had feared all the time. But maybe there was still time to change his mind.

I started walking towards the cafeteria, hoping that Kwang Hwi would reject Chanyeol. I saw the others and made my way over to their table.

“Hey guys!” I greeted them.

“How’s it going with Chanyeol?” Lay asked with a questioning look.

“What am I supposed to answer?” I asked him back. He smiled secretively and leaned back on his chair.

“Judging by the expression on your face, I would say bad. Very bad. Does that mean that Kwang Hwi probably will reject him?”

“The opposite, rather that Kwang Hwi will accept his feelings. That would be a catastrophe.”

“Why?” Chen frowned.

“Because then I would have ordered these really expensive couple shirts for nothing,” I said and held up two t-shirts. Both of them were light green, one of them said ‘I love Chanyeol’ while the other one said ‘I love Hana’.

 Lay’s mouth dropped and Chen’s eyes widened. The whole table gasped. Lu Han was the only one among them who was not surprised at all; he just sat there on his chair, looking at the other’s shocked expressions while smirking.

“Hana loves Chanyeol? For real?”

“Soon she will. Right now she likes him.”

Everyone stared at me in disbelief.

“You bought those? How much were they?” Lu Han continued, still smirking.

“About $50 each.” I proudly answered, as if it had been the best choice I’d ever made.

“You paid $100 for those?!” Kris almost choked on his coffee.

“Calm down hyung! Of course I didn’t pay for them with my own money; I got it from Suho hyung.”

“But you said you were going to buy that new book!” Suho exclaimed. “And where did those other $30 go?”

“Did you seriously think I was going to buy a book for $130?”

“You didn’t answer the last question.”

“Where the other $30 went? Right into my stomach! That bubble tea tasted great!”

“You spent 30 dollars on bubble tea?!”


“But you have your own money!”

“I know, but don’t you feel happy now when you have supported both HaYeol AND your dear dongsaeng’s health?”

Suho sighed.

“I’m not going to give you money again. Never-”

“Hi guys! Did I miss something?” Chanyeol’s smiling face suddenly appeared behind Suho, making him jump in surprise.

“Catastrophe it is.” Chen whispered in my ear and grinned.

“Yes, Sehun here just- mmph,” Kris began, but I hurried to cover his mouth before he could spill the important details, i.e. that Hana liked Chanyeol, and of course that I’d bought them couple shirts.

“What did she say?” I changed the topic. Chanyeol looked so happy that he could explode.

“She said yes! She’ll go with me to the party!”

My heart sank. This was totally not what I had been planning. Poor Hana.


-Chanyeol’s POV-


I was so happy. It felt like I could do anything now. The only thing that saddened me a bit was the fact that Hana wasn’t here to share my happiness. I hoped she was well and that she would accept Kwang Hwi as my girlfriend, if Kwang Hwi agreed of course. My thoughts trailed off to Hana again. What is she doing right now? Has she eaten? Did she think about me today? These were questions I would be asking myself, and then I would always grow worried about her. What’s happening to me? She’s my friend, not my girlfriend! The only thing I have to worry about is whether Kwang Hwi will accept my feelings or not.

At last I decided to call Hana anyway, but I would keep quiet about the confession for the time being.

Hello, this is Eun Hee speaking.

“Hey Eun Hee! Can I speak to Hana?”

“Yeah, she’s here. Wait a bit.”

I heard a scraping sound from the other side, and then Hana’s voice.


“Hana-ah! I missed you in school today!” I whined.

She giggled.

I missed you too.

“Can I meet you somewhere?” I blurted, not knowing why, but I needed to see her.

Um... There’s a café near the school...

“Great! Please come there as fast as you can!”

I’m coming!” she said and hung up.

I smiled the biggest smile I’d ever smiled in weeks. Then I thought of Kwang Hwi and felt a little guilty. But this was my best friend, I had to see her.


I reached the café before Hana did. I quickly chose a table and sat down to wait for her. Shortly after, I heard the door slam and suddenly she stood right in front of me. I immediately stood up and stared at her like I hadn’t seen her in years.

“I was only away from school today, don’t worry,” she said and laughed nervously.

We sat down and started talking. Sometimes our conversation was very deep, and sometimes we laughed so much that our stomachs were hurting. I really loved our conversations; it felt like we got closer for every word we said. It was only when I asked if she liked someone, she went very quiet and shyly nodded. I didn’t know how to feel about that; I guess I was happy that she had someone she liked, but at the same time, maybe I was a little sad that it wasn’t me. For a while I tried to make her spill the name of her secret crush, but she refused to say it so I gave up.


-Hana’s POV-


It was getting dark outside and you felt it was time to go home.

“Maybe it’s time to go home now. My parents will get worried,” you said at last.

“Yeah, I’ll walk you home.”

“Okay. Thank you oppa,” you gave him a thankful look before opening the door.

A cold wind ruffled your hair and there was a loud noise of rain. It was raining cats and dogs outside.

“Oh no...”

“Don’t worry, we’ll run,” Chanyeol tried to comfort your anxiety, not with much luck though.

You sighed and stepped outside.

“On the count of three! One... Two.... Three!” Chanyeol yelled.

And then you ran. You passed all the houses and the park and then the school. You ran towards the railway, down in a tunnel going below it, coming out on the other side. When you reached the stairs on the other side of the tunnel, Chanyeol started swaying, loosing his balance and then falling down on the ground with a thud.

“Chanyeol!” you yelled though the noise. You ran over to him and helped him sit up against the wall.

“Hana-ah...,” he said with a weak voice and stretched out his hand towards you. You took it in your hands and felt how warm he was. You put your hand on his forehead to check his temperature. He was boiling hot.

“You’re burning up!”

He gave you a small smile and closed his eyes. “I feel so tired.”

“No, Chanyeol, we’ve been in this before! You have to stay with me, please don’t leave me alone!” You felt huge teardrops leave your eyes.

“Shh, Hana-ah, I’m here, I won’t leave you.”


“I promise.”

You sighed in relief.

“Hana-ah... I’m so cold...”

You suddenly got an idea. You opened your bag and dragged out a small blanket.

"How did you figure out you should have a blanket in your bag?"

“Always good in emergencies.” You gave him a huge smile before giving him the blanket.

He nodded as thanks and swept himself up.

“Hey, you also need to stay warm, come here,” he said and lifted the blanket a little, signalling for you to sit beside him.

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure! Now come here!”

Hello everyone! Hehehe things are happening~ xD I don't know how many more chapters I'm planning to write on this story, but we'll have to see!

(sorry if you got a notification again, I was editing the chapter.. The new chapter will come soon)

Once again, I'm really happy for all your comments, they really makes me motivated to write! Thank you~

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shie_krai96 #1
Chapter 18: Awww,,,soo cute..gud job author-nim..
yeolli98 #2
Chapter 18: aawwwwwwww this is so sweettt!!! I really love it.
Aliah_exo #3
Chapter 18: This is so sweet awhhhh i want my life to be like this
Aliah_exo #4
Chapter 7: I love it¡¡¡¡
exo124 #5
Chapter 17: awwwww nice story!!!good ending and chanyeol is so cute in this story!
finally you updated! although i just found out this story todayㅡ im proud of you. it has been almost eight months since your last update and now you're back to continue writing. < 3 amazement suits the whole condition as of now because, as from my witness and all those research, most authors, once they got into a hiatus or writer-block, they tend to abandon their unfinished story which is just, useless, in my point of view. well, what i really want to say is that, welcome back and continue writing. < 3 i will always look forward to your new updates, nevertheless. the story plot is quite amazing and the story pace is all balance, which i liked from you, author -nim. all in all, i would upvote this though my karma isn't enough, just yet. anyways, i shall end my so called crappy comment here. ciao! o u o
Micassie #7
Chapter 15: Yaaaay I won't run over Chanyeol with a tractor, now that he's realized his idiotic antics by now. XD writer-nim, please update~
Chapter 15: Ne. Please update soon authornim. Asdfghjkl. <3
Chapter 15: idiot chanyeol xD
Chapter 15: Writerniiiiimmmm~~ update soon! Please~