Cherry Tomato

One in the Crowd

"Ha ha! Yeah," I laughed back. Zelo placed his hand on my right shoulder and walked with me on my left side to go to the meet and greet. It was like he had his arm around me. 

"Hey, can I ask you something?" he asked.

"Sure, what is it?" I shyly replied, knowing that my face was slowly going red. 

"Well," he sounded as if he was getting shy himself," I never got your name."

"Uh, oh. Yeah, it's.. um..-" I was cut off by Miyun bumping into me. 

"Oh. HAI," Miyun smiled. She looked at me, then back at Zelo. "Oh.. did I interrupt something?" I shook my furiously and so did Zelo. Miyun smirked and pulled me to the nearest bathroom.

"Yah! Miyun! Why did you do that?!" I scolded. This time, Miyun didn't do her puppy face.

"So! What is goin' on between you and little Junhongie?" Miyun was on the edge of bursting out laughing. I hit her shoulder. "Ow! Hey! What was that for?!"

I gave her the death stare, then walked out. Miyun followed after me and eventually we got lost again. I really should stop wandering off thinking I would just find my appointed destination. I've always been told I have no sense of direction.

"Oh! Yah! Cherry tomato!" someone called after me. Junhong grabbed my shoulder and turned me around, with Miyun softly laughing.

"Cherry tomato? Seriously?" 

"Yeah, because you always turn red! You are my cherry tomato!" He was smiling brightly.

"Well then," I started to blush," I guess I have a new nickname."

"See! You are showing why you are a cherry tomato!" Zelo was poking my cheeks, and as usual, Miyun was in the corner laughing her face off.



I AM BACK. YES. Well, not from my trip (I leave tomorrow), but from my overly long break. I've been traveling a lot and it has been hard to find internet. Anyway, feel free to follow my instagram account (my kpop account, not personal :P): kpop_is_jjang. Like I said before, I really do thank you for reading my fanfiction. I have brand new ideas for other fanfictions and I can't wait to actually write them out. I actually write as I go, so I might have some repetitive ideas. Also, I've noticed that I put a lot of dialogue in my stories. OH WELL. 





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Sorry, guise! It's just like I expected. :P No chapter today. Maybe tomorrow, maybe not. Sorry!


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Chapter 5: Haha scary noona xD