Twin Cellphones

One in the Crowd

We were taken down the stairs, and then I faced the the dressing room hallway. It looked different for some reason.

"Ah, uh. I have to go to the bathroom. Bye, bye [Y/N]!" Miyun shoved me forward and gave me the eyebrows. She ran towards the end of the hall and took a left. I laughed awkwardly.

"Ha.. haha.. uhm.," there was an awkward silence. "So! When is this meet and greet?"

"Oh! Ah," Zelo scratched his head, "after we change and stuff." It was so awkward. I wonder why.. it wasn't awkward before the concert, but here we are just uncomfortably standing next to each other. I tucked my head down (like Miyun does) and started shifting between my two feet. "Ah, uh. I have to go and get ready," Zelo whispered as he entered the dressing room at the end of the hall. I coughed and let out a sigh of relief. Without Miyun, I'm the shyest person ever.

"Man, Miyun.. You are just plain pitiful," I said under my breath. I went over to the wall and sat down. I took my purse off and placed it in my lap. I started to search for my phone. I literally turned my purse inside-out and I still couldn't find it. I checked my pockets and even my hood, though I didn't expect to find it there. I started freaking out. "Where?! Where could.. it be?" I started pacing back and forth. I started remembering that Zelo took my phone for a self video, but never gave it back. I guess I forgot. I went up to Zelo's dressing room and knocked on the door. Oddly, the door just opened. The dressing room was just a room with a big mirror, a lot of makeup, that stereotypical star chair, many bright lights, and a couch. It seemed that no one was in there.

"Ah, Sty-" Zelo walked from behind the door to big mirror with no shirt on. My face turned bright red and he turned to face me. "Oh. Hi!"

I shielded my eyes. "Can you, uhm, put on a shirt?"

He looked down on his chest and laughed. "Oh, yeah. Sorry." He threw on his undershirt and slowly uncovered my eyes. "Aw. My cute little jellie is a cherry tomato again!" I pushed him softly and just stood there. My heart was beating like crazy!

".. Do y-you.. have my ph-phone?" I managed to ask. My head was down, but Zelo held my chin and made me look at him. Not forcefully of course.

"Why don't you check my jacket. It's over there." He pointed to a red hoodie that had 96 on the back. "Oh, and watch over  this room, please. I'm going to go to the bathroom. Stylist noona might come, by the way." 

I nodded and he left. I closed the door and started searching through Zelo's hoodie. I found MANY things in the pockets. It went from fan letters to candy wrappers. After looking in the hood, I found two identical phones. "Aishh.. he HAD to have the same phone model as me!" 

Just then, a lady opened the door holding a large box. "Okay, Junh- WHO ARE YOU?!" 

She dropped her box and started to attack me with a makeup brush. I didn't have time to check which one was mine, so I had to guess. I grabbed the phone to the right and ran out. I tripped over the makeup box and fell into someone's grasp. "Where are you going?" the person said. I sighed. Yes, it was THAT someone. It was Zelo.



Ayoo. Sorry for skipping yesterday. My bro (the one who peeked >:\) graduated yesterday, so I was busy. So, here is your chapter! Maybe it's a bit too short and it isn't the best ending, but I was rushed today. By the way, I might not post anything this upcoming weekend because some cousins are coming over and I have an open house to go to. Maybe I might have time, but TRUST ME. They won't be good chapters. :P So, there is the plan ^^. Thanks for supporting this rookie X).


AJA! AJA! HWAITING! (/^o^)/ \(^o^\)


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Sorry, guise! It's just like I expected. :P No chapter today. Maybe tomorrow, maybe not. Sorry!


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Chapter 5: Haha scary noona xD