Scarier Than Stylist Noona

One in the Crowd

"Where are you going?" Zelo asked as he helped me to my feet. 

"Uh.. I-" Stylist noona hit my head and cut me off. I dashed off towards the end of the hallway and took a left. I didn't stop running. I took a bunch of turns until I found myself completely lost. I wandered helplessly some more, thinking I would find my way back, but it just made it worse. Instead of being in the usual white hallway, I ended up in a really big room that was decorated nicely and had a velvet red floor. I looked around, but I bumped into someone.

"OUCH! Excuse you!" a lady screamed in my ear. I turned around and bowed.

"Oh, uh. Sorry!" I stood back up and looked at the lady. Her hair was bright blonde and she wore heavy eyeshadow and lipstick. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!" the lady pushed me into the wall and grabbed my wrist harshly.

"Uhm. I-"

"Wait. Are you a fan?" she suddenly went soft. I shook my head. I had no idea who she was. 

Her face turned bright red and she slapped me right across my face. "HOW COULD YOU NOT BE A FAN OF THE BELOVED CICI?!?!" She yelled it so loud, I bet Stylist noona could hear it from Zelo's dressing room.

"I-I'm sorry, b-but-" I was cut off again by the door opening.

"Yah! Why is there yelling in here? I was loo-" Zelo barged into the room to see me and Cici. "Oh. There you are!" 

Cici backed away from me and started fangirling. "OH MA GOD! ZELO!! ZELO!! I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN!! I'M YOUR NOONA!!  OHMAGODD!!!" Zelo smiled and nodded. He then turned to face me.

"Anyway, uhm. The meet and greet is coming up. We just have to wait for Himchan hyung," he quietly said.

"Oh. Okay!" I nodded and saw that he had changed clothes. He was wearing a plain t-shirt, a pair of black shorts, and a snapback that, in white font, said OBEY. He didn't have any makeup on, and he looked so tired, but he still had a bright smile on his face.

"UM. WHAT MEET AND GREET?!" Cici interrupted. Dang. She had such a loud voice.

She gave me a deathly stare, waiting for and answer. "Oh. It's nothing." He looked back at me and waved. "And see you soon!" Zelo left the room and Cici pinned me towards the wall one more time.

Behind her teeth, she threatened, "I SWEAR if you touch my little cherry tomato, I WILL HURT YOU."

I giggled a bit and replied, "I can't promise anything." I walked out the room, then Cici shut the door loudly behind me. Zelo then peeked his head from behind the corner. He was smirking.

"Scary, isn't she?"



AYO. I am in Texas right now and I'll be back on the 18th. Hope you enjoyed~. Like I said, I won't be able to post frequently. When I get back, I hope to get in an extra 3-4 chapters for you guys! I'm tired now because I just went swimming, so I'm gonna take a nap soon. OH, WAIT. I forgot to say how much I thank you all for reading! I plan on finishing this story when June finishes (or whenever I can't think of stuff ((I'm FULL of ideas right now, just so you know))). Okay... KTHXBYE.



(And isn't Cici scarier than Stylist noona? lol)

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Sorry, guise! It's just like I expected. :P No chapter today. Maybe tomorrow, maybe not. Sorry!


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Chapter 5: Haha scary noona xD