
Heart Problems

A baby born with tetralogy of fallot gets to have an open-heart surgery as a treatment for his or her heart defect. 

           I wish there’s a surgery indicated for a broken heart. I wish there’s a prophylactic treatment for one sided love. I wish there’s pace maker for a heart that refuses to beat for somebody else. Sadly, there is none. So here goes my heart, hurting barely beating.  I don’t blame anyone but myself. It’s this stupid heart that is stupidly beating for a stupid person.

“Oppa!” I called out to Tae Min. He just got back from the dorm, he only comes home once in a week so it meant an infinity of darkness, of cold winter. Seriously, his smile healed everything, the curve on his lips could stitch back the sliced pieces of my heart. Even if he’s the one who used the knife.

“Oppa? We were born on the same year babo; it makes me feel older”. –* I’d call you jagiya but that would be un-sister like.

“You’re three months older”

“Blame my mom for not with holding her for four more months, I’d love to call you my noona”

I suddenly thought of their song “replay”, well it wouldn’t be that bad to become a noona. The only reason I’m hugging him right now because I can’t kiss him. Damn! every time I see those lips, it says to me “kiss me, kiss me hard”. Korean skin ship, it should apply to siblings as well.

“I missed you, you should come home more often oppa”. *-You can totally crash in my bed Lee Tae Min, you don’t even need to ask. My bed needs you, longs for you. The coldness of my mattress is freezing my heart; it seriously needs your warmth to melt the frost that had enclosed it.

He hugged me back, “If you’re not my sister, I’d mistake you for a erted fan girl”. -*Of course I’m a fan girl, I had been before we became siblings.

“Yah! Why would I fan girl over the person who screws around with my boyfriend?”

“Right, for all I care you get wet from reading 2min fan fics, ert!” -*Shoot. How the hell is he aware of that huge fat fact? Before I could shot back an excuse, my dearest fake boyfriend emerged behind my delusional boyfriend. Okay so there is no doubt that Choi freaking Minho is smoking hot but my hatred for him is like wild fire compared to his flaming charisma.

“Tae-baby, Shinye raeding ? I doubt if she even knows what that mean. Stop smearing her innocence.”-* Yeah right. I lost my innocence the moment I saw you giving him a . God, I hate Choi Minho more that I hate cancer.  Minho went beside Taemin who instantly back-hugged his hyung. They live in a dorm for Christ sake, I bet all they ever do is cuddle ( I don’t want to imagine them doing anything else that I want him to do with me). Can’t they just keep their hands off each other even for a day? Why is this frog even here?

“I’m not innocent jagiya”, I brushed my hands to Minho’s tiny face, and leaned for a kiss on his cheeks”.  I had to do it with Tae Min still back hugging him so I looked at Tae while I did it.  Tae Min was shocked that he withdrew from the hug.

I turned to Tae Min “Merong”.- *Okay so I kissed my supposed to be boyfriend, what’s the big deal? I just wanted to know how Tae Min would react. I know that Tae is a lot prettier as a girl than I am but I had to give it a shot right? He glared at me. Is it because I kissed Minho or because Minho had been kissed by me?

-------At the hospital----------

“Shinye”, Gail my chinggul called out. “I forgot my BP ap. , lend me yours neh?”

“Neh, my brother is at home; I just want this duty to be over so I can…….”

“That explains your good mood. I don’t know what’s worse, being a fan girl who deals with distance or being your bias’ sister, who deals with…. Well your’e not blood related but still”

“ Knowing that he’s gay and using you as his boyfriend’s girlfriend to avoid fan death. I don’t really see what I shall be grateful for”

“I know! Being this mystery girlfriend of Minho. Fan girls are letting it slide because this girl friend is supposed to be Tae’s sister not knowing that you’re not really related. Also that I'm not a Shawol. G Dragon is my everything".

I looked forward to coming home; to the person who is unconsciously turning me into a person I was always scared of becoming. A person who gets giggly with his angelic laughter, who is too blind to even notice his anorexic body built, who doesn’t mind being used just so she could spend more time with him. Lee Tae Min was impeccable before I met him, yet he was able to surpass my expectations when he said “anneyong dong-saeng” in flesh two years ago. I nearly cried at the sight, hell I did when I was finally left in my new room.

But nothing, N O T H I N G can beat what my field of vision is offering me at the moment. Lee Tae Min lying , because an equally Choi Minho was giving him a .



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YoungMiPark #1
New reader here ~
Chapter 7: oh mah gah update fast!
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D