
No More Control


Excited to see the rooms you and Ara barely contain yourselves, using what little self control you have left. Sunye unlocks the door with the card from earlier. You stand in shock, while Ara’s mouth is floors beneath her.   


Your eyes traced from the black marble floor to the bleach white walls and all the way up the tall ceilings.  Everywhere you look is spotless. You step into the apartment, immediately you see the 16ft tall open balcony windows, the white drapes flowing magically.  You and Ara both run over to the window as if in slow motion. You step out. You can see the whole city and all its bright lights, shining proudly in the night. Both of you are at a loss for words. You hear Sunye clear , breaking the silence and reclaiming her forgotten existence. 


"Sooo..." she starts slowly. "Do you like it?" she says looking at Ara. 

"Yes! This is...This is so amazing!!" 

"Oh Good!" She says letting out a long sigh, as if she had been holding her breath. "You both were so quiet...I thought you didn't like it. I'm so happy you do though!" She says with a big smile.  

"Should I give you a tour of the apartment?" she asks inquisitively. The young employee turns around, giddy off of both the reactions she got.


“Here is the bar, all on the house.” She says with a wink. “Over here,” She points to the side of the artistic mirror fireplace in the middle of the room. Its mosaic like pieces shined shades of blue. “We have a light dimmer,” She turns it down, perfect for setting ‘The Mood’.




She bursts turning the lights back up to maximum brightness. Blowing away all the haziness that fogged over you in the darkness. You turn around towards the cities brightness once more. You notice a spiral staircase in the corner of the room going up somewhere, but you are interrupted by,


“And! We have the kitchen and tv room this way.” She leads you both across the room, through an arched doorway. The room had no windows and was lit with candles all around the room. The flat screen tv embedded into the white wall across from the modern white couch had a bon fire crackling in an animated night. Amazing. You were truly amazed.


She shows Ara the bedroom and shows her how to turn on the faucet in the shower. Totally Ara. You laugh at the thought of Ara being all refreshed after her shower. Then she starts freaking out trying to turn it off, while water splashes in her face.


You yawn, completely wiped out. They return and Ara shows you both to the door.


“You sure that you will be okay without me?... I can stay if you want...” You say sweetly to her.

“It’s okay Y/N. I think I will be okay...” She yawns, causing you to yawn. You see out of the corner of your eye as Sunye tries to hold back her yawn. Contagious bastards. You smile.


“Can I text you if I can’t sleep...?” Ara says in a small voice.


“Of course.” You smile lovingly. She returns the smile ten times as much, and bear hugs you. My sweet Ara, heavenly dreams.


“Okay so where is my room...” You ask, while rubbing your eyes. The contact you put on in the cab shifts.


“Your room is on the top floor, floor 40.”


“Oh...Wow...The penthouse! What! How is that possible...”


“Like a dream, right?”


“Definitely...” You take out your phone...


Y/N!!! The water won’t turn off...UGH! in... the shower!!! Ahhh!


You struggle to keep in your laughs as she gets splashed with water. Called it. You grin evilly. You see Sunye daze out and stumble around as she walks. She reminds you of Ara. HA! Shes probably soaked her clothes by now... Oh dear.


“You know...Sunye, you can just give me the key and I will go up to my room. It’s okay.” You give her your winning smile.


“Really! Thank you!” She gives you a small hug. “You're so sweet.” She comments as she looks for the key card. “Here you go. You use this elevator.” She says pointing to your right. “Just don’t get lost okay? And if you do, there is always a button next to each elevator that calls the front desk, I can be there in just a few.” She smiles and walks away unsteadily.


Okay. A floor up from here. Right. You get into the elevator to your right. The doors are about to close when you see a hand slip though. The doors retrieve.


“Whoo! That was a close one!” Says a man walking in. Your contact shifts again, making it impossible to see him. You rub your eye, while giving him a small smile. The doors close right as your contact goes back into place. He has blue, pink, green, purple.....rainbow hair... He has a strong build and is wearing a suit. Nice. You look at your phone as you get a text from Ara. The refrigerator is possessed! It keeps hissing! Oh. Dear.


“Which floor?” The rainbow haired man says turning around. Omygod! You think to as you try for composure. He notices. .


“Um...Floor fourty, please.” You say smiling shyly.


“Sure thing.” He presses the the button without taking his eyes off you. You stand up tall, intimidated by his overpowering presence. The you feel a jolting stop and you fall forward.


“Ouch...” You start to stand. Right underneath you is the god who was beside you moments ago.

“Omo! Are you okay!” You say getting off of him.

“Yeah, I'm fine, Are you alright?” He says turning towards you, still laying on the ground.

“Um body made sure of that...”

“Thats good.”He slightly whispers, his eyes staring up into your own. You smell alcohol on his breath. He's buzzed. You get up and press the button for level forty again.


In a second you reach your floor. The screen above the buttons flashes:

AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED!!! You look at it questionably.


“You need a key for this floor.” He says smugly. “Do you have one?”

“Yes. I do.” You hold up your card. Irritated by his grin. That y grin. He looks surprised. You swipe your card and pass through the welcoming elevator doors. Turning around right as they are about to close you give him a winning smile.


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marlimacha21 #1
Chapter 13: love the new update, can't wait for more xD
Chapter 12: amazing. loving it too much... man i feel like im always the one commenting.. maybe i should give it a break? lol you're probably bored of just hearing comments from me XD
wildandyoung #3
Chapter 12: they are definitely fanboying inside.
Chapter 11: omg omg omg!!! EXCITING STUFF~!!! Im looking forwards t the next chapter~~~ haha its going to be such an epic scene when they meet again but her as manager XD hahaha
Chapter 9: more more more updates please. and it would be amazing if they are longer but have funnnnnnnn with your cousins!!
Chapter 8: Cant wait for the club scene. Ive been to vegas a few times that place was insane!
Chapter 7: keep update!!!