A Chance

Love's First Spark

∞∞∞∞∞Melinda POV∞∞∞∞∞

I’m at the Han River all dressed up for my date with Taemin. Instead of going into a skirt and shirt like Theresa told me to, I went into a casual style, which defines me for me. I wore my favorite dark blue skinny jeans with a red V-neck. Unfortunately, I forgot to check the weather forcast so I’m standing by the river shivering while the wind is laughing at me. I know, I should have gone back to my apartment to get a jacket right? But I left my home really late, so I didn’t want to keep Taemin waiting.

“Hello,” said Taemin as he turned around.

“Hey,” I said. “Are you going to tell me where we are going?”

Taemin chuckled. “You’ll see when we get there. I guarantee you will love it there.”

I pouted. Boo. He didn’t tell me. Maybe aegyo will work.

“Oppa. Please!” I said.

Taemin smiled at me and leaned in toward me. “Just wait and see.”

I froze when his face was an inch away from mine. How can his looks affect what I do, but I can’t do anything to him? He looks so handsome in his clothes. He wore a striped white and blue shirt with a white jacket on top. I could have just fainted right there.

Taemin took my hand and took me in a taxi to the place we were going. This is the second time I have seen him and skin ship already? Ahhh! I’m jumping silently in my seat.


I turned toward him. “Yes?”

“To make it a surprise, can you close your eyes?” said Taemin.

I hesitantly closed my eyes. I felt the taxi stop and a hand guide me outside. The sun warmed my skin and the air felt so fresh. It was he perfect day to be out.

“Okay, you can open your eyes now.”

I slowly opened my eyes while adjusting to the light. What my eyes set on made my lips form a smile. It was a surprise, a really good one too.  In front of me was a gigantic amusement park. I turned to him still smiling.

“You like the surprise?” asked Taemin.

“Are you kidding? I love it!” I said. Taemin chuckled at my reaction and went to the ticket line. It was really long and crowded so we held hands to not get separated.

“Wait here okay?” said Taemin. “I’ll go get the tickets. Save your energy to go on rides.”

“Here let me pay for mine,” I said. I opened my bag but it was quickly closed due to Taemin’s hand.

“No, let me pay for it. You can pay next time,” said Taemin. Before I could argue back, he walked away.

I sighed and sat down on a nearby bench. Wow, there are a lot of students today, especially girls.

“Are you sure he’s here today?” 

“I’m sure he is. People sent pictures of him on the Internet. He was in a taxi with some person heading toward this park.”

Oh my gosh. Why are these girls so loud? I looked toward them. Wait a minute, I seen two of the girls before. Where have I seen them? I now I remember! They were some fan girls over this person also named Taemin. Yuni and Sohee right? Is their Taemin here too? Cool! Maybe I could see a kpop idol today! How lucky!

“Are you ready?”

Oh, Taemin is here. He held out his hand and I took it. We walked toward the entrance for the park. Taemin was acting really strange by pushing his hat down lower to cover his face. Is the sunlight bothering him?

“Hey, can you hand this to the ticket taker please?” whispered Taemin. I took them and handed it to the ticket person. Taemin brought me a ticket so I should do something for him.

We got in easily, pasted all the loud girls and mean security guards.

“So what should we do first?” I asked.

“How about we go to the gift shop and buy some of those funny masks and hats?” said Taemin.

I nodded and lead us to the gift shop with the help of the park map. This amusement park was huge. Anyone could get lost in here.

In the gift shop, there were so many items to choose from! There were t-shirts, globes, masks, and even phone cases.  This one hat caught my eye. It was like a headband with cat eyes. It sort of looks like the hats they have in Disney World with the mouse ears.

I picked out a white one with a light blue outline to it. When I put it on, it looked adorable!!

“Looks nice”

I turned and smiled. “Thanks!” However, my smile went away quickly because that comment did not come from Taemin’s mouth.

It was from this tall schoolboy (judging from his uniform) who was smirking at me.

“You look really cute in that. Did anyone tell you how beautiful you look?” said the boy.

I backed away. “Y-yes” I turned my head to look for Taemin.

“How can a hot girl be here alone?” the boy said. “Are you with anyone?”

“Yes. With me.”

Behind the boy was Taemin in a new hat. He had a cold glare on his face that could if looks could kill, the boy would be gone in a second.

The boy  gulped and ran off to his group of friends.

Taemin put on a smile. “Sorry I left you. Was he bothering you?”

“Its fine. He just started talking to me when you came over,” I said.

Taemin nodded and pointed at my hat. “Nice cat ears.”

“Same to your dog ears,” I said.

Taemin flapped his dog-ears around.  “Ruff ruff!”

I giggled. Taemin grinned and took me around the park. 

“Look!” I shrieked. “Let’s go on that!”

It was the longest and biggest roller coaster in the park. You could feel the excitement in the air and even hear the screams.

“You sure?” said Taemin. “You’re not scared?”

“Of course not!” I said. “What’s the point of going to a park without going on the best rides? Let’s go!” I grabbed his hand and lead us into the line.

The good thing about rides are that they are so much fun to go on. However, the bad thing was that the line was so long. We have to wait forty-five minutes to go the roller coaster.

Forty-five minutes of just standing in line doing nothing. Think Melinda. Don’t make the same mistake on your first date.

“So do you have a job?” I blurted out. I’m sorry! That was the first thing that came out.

“Um, I perform with my friends on stage,” said Taemin quietly.

“Really? Wow!” I said. Taemin sounds so talented. “ What do you play?”

“Sometimes I play the guitar or the piano. Other times I dance or sing,” answered Taemin.

I stared at Taemin with wonder. He could play instruments and even use his voice! Dancing too! He has so much passion in music.

“Hey doesn’t he look familiar?”

“Yeah. His face has this aura to it. Where have I seen that face before?”

“Wait! Isn’t he in Shinee? You know that boy group in SM?”

“Yeah he does!”

“Is it really him?”

“Call out to him and see if he answers!”


Whispers erupted around us and looks were thrown. This idol named Taemin is here? Where?

“Hey Taemin. There’s an idol named Taemin here too,” I whispered.

Taemin pulled out his cap and pushed it down. “Oh really?”

“Yeah! Do you know him?” I asked.

“I guess,” said Taemin.

More talking appeared and some people were even pointing. 

“Who’s that girl with him?”

“I don’t know! I never have seen her before.”

“Good, she’s not an idol then.”

“Is Taemin dating her?”

“Ohhhhhh! This is going to get good.”

“Shut up! We don’t even know if it’s really him yet!”

Taemin tugged on my army. “It’s our turn for the ride.”

Finally, my turn to scream all I want with nobody caring.

“What seats do you want?” asked Taemin.

“I don’t really care where I sit,” I said.

“Okay, let’s sit in the front then,” said Taemin. He took off his hat and sat down in the seat.

While we were putting on the seatbelts, I asked him a question. “Do you like the front?”

“Yes,” answered Taemin. “It’s because we have a clear view of the ride. Also no one gets to see my face while I’m screaming.”

I laughed at his reasoning. That’s so true! I would be so embarrassed if someone saw my screaming face. It’s not very attractive. 

“Oh! Oh! The ride is starting!!” shouted Taemin. He looked liked he had a mind of a five year old inside of a twenty year old guy. That was probably the cutest thing I have ever seen.

“Omigod! Omigod! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!”

I started screaming when we went down. The rush when the roller coaster falls and does its loops and turns!!  You should hear Taemin right now.

“AHHHH!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!! WOW!!! I LOVE IT!!!”

Does anyone think that it’s funny because he was speaking English during the ride?


Why is Taemin so adorable?


“Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked.

“I’m fine,” said Taemin. Fine, tell that to your green face.

“That was so much fun Taemin,” I said. That was the truth! I don’t even remember I had fun like this. My heart was racing and my face hurt because I was smiling so much.  

“Yeah it was,” smiled Taemin. He put his arm around my shoulder as we were walking home.

“Do you want to meet up tomorrow?” I asked. Taemin’s face went glum.

“I’m sorry Melinda. I have to start practicing again. This month was my free,” he said.

“Awww,” I pouted. “I’m going to miss you. When will we see each other again?”

“Soon,” said Taemin. When we reached the Han River, I turned around to Taemin and looked into his eyes.

“See you soon Taemin,” I whispered as I hugged him.

“I’ll miss you too,” said Taemin. He broke the hug and then the most shocking. He leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the lips.

I like you Lee Taemin. I really do.


AHHHH!! Taemin kissed Melinda!! How will Shawols react?

you , the next chapter will come out soon!


ps. Here was the outfit I imagined Taemin in. Looks nice right?

Shinee's debut in Japan!

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taekai4ever #1
Chapter 9: what will happen? i hope they will keep on dating though! update authornim!
kpopcraves #2
Chapter 9: this is soooo good! update soon! I want to see how Taemin reacts to Melinda knowing.
Blackjack27 #3
Chapter 8: Ok?... Thanks I am looking forward to the next chapter though! :)
Chapter 5: Aw. It's so nice to indulge in an innocent maknae romance fanfic:) I can't wait for their first meeting!
continha_troll #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^