The Match

Love's First Spark

∞∞∞∞∞Taemin POV∞∞∞∞∞

I woke up with excitement running through my body. Will I find my match today? I quickly logged on and quickly checked, but got some disappointment. I had to take a quiz to find my match with his interest. Well, if this is what it takes to find mu soul mate, I will take it.  I clicked on the quiz and answered the following questions:

Here is your match test!

After this, we guarantee you that we will find a perfect match for you.

Please answer the questions and let the magic begin!!

1.  What are you?        A) Female       B) Male

2. How would you describe yourself?            A) Straight             B) Gay/Lesbian         C) Bi

3.  Do you like to dance          A) Yes           B) Sometimes              C) No

4.Do you drink?         A) Yes             B) Sometimes          C) No

5.  Do you do drugs?               A) Yes             B) Sometimes              C) No

6. What do you want in the personality of your match?                   A) Smartness              B) Kindness   C) Delicate      D) Toughness

7. Describe your ideal date: A date at Seoul’s Namsan Tower

8. Religion: Catholic

9. Favorite Food: Everything! Especially meat!

10. Why do you want a match? I want a girlfriend because I never experienced love before and I want to share my life with her.

I click done and the website gave me the top three choices.

We found your match! Here are the top three choices:

  1. Boyun  Cho
  2. Melinda Smith
  3. Jinri Oh

I smiled and clicked on Boyun’s profile.

Boyun Cho

Birth Date: March 24, 1994

Additional Info: Hey! I’m a sporty type of girl and loves listening to music. My favorite color is pink. I love to eat! Food is so good and yummy! Lol What else do I have to say?

I read her profile and looked at her picture. She has white skin and pretty eyes. So I clicked on her chat box to talk with her. Is she the one?


Taemin: Hello. So you’re my match.

Boyun: …..Hi

Taemin: um…what do you like to do?

Boyun: I just have a question.

            Why did you say age doesn’t matter in love?

            Are you some freaky old guy pretending to be my age?

Taemin: No I am not.

Boyun: Send a picture of yourself for proof.


I froze when I read her message. Send her a picture? Couldn’t she just look at my profile picture of me wearing sunglasses? Sure my picture didn’t show a lot but that was because I didn’t want people to recognize him if they were kpop fans. If I send her a picture of him with a full on face, fans would find out that I is looking for a girlfriend and scandals would be everywhere. 


Taemin: Sorry. I can’t.

Boyun: Really? Then there’s no proof that you’re real!

            I won’t date some e or something!


I looked at his screen as it said, “Boyun Cho blocked you on”  Disappoint flooded into me when I read that. How could I talk to girls if I was too afraid?  When I was thinking deep in his thoughts, I didn’t even notice a chat box opening up.


Melinda: Hello Taemin. Nice to meet you!


∞∞∞∞∞Melinda POV∞∞∞∞∞


I stared at the screen as I typed in my message. I was so nervous! Did I too weird? Did I act to needy? I was practically sweating with nervousness when I saw,Taemin is typing…”


Taemin: Hi.

            Thanks, nice to meet you too.


HE ANSWERED!! I don’t know why but my fangirl energy is popping up.


Melinda: So tell me about yourself Taemin.

            p.s. that’s a nice name.  “great people”

Taemin: Well I’m just a person who lives in Korea.

            You speak Korean?

Melinda: Yes I do.

            I’m American half Korean girl. 

            So do you know English then? You are talking to me in English…

Taemin: No, I’m using a translator. Sorry.

            Can you read Korean? I could switch to typing in Korean now.

Melinda: No!

            It’s hard for me to type in Korean.

            But yes, I can speak, read, and write in Korea.

Taemin: Cool!

            Since you know Korean stuff, I’m your oppa.

Melinda. Okay oppa.

            I’m only about a month younger then you though… :p

Taemin: Please! I like being called oppa.

            If you don’t call me oppa, I’ll call you ajumma.


Melinda smiled when she was chatting with Taemin. He should so nice but at the same time, witty and funny.

“MELINDA!! MOM IS GOING TO KILL YOU IF YOU’RE LATE TO YOUR SHIFT AGAIN!!!” shout my one and only brother. I groaned. It was just like him to ruin the moment.

“OKAY!!” I shouted. I was so annoyed! Why did I have to have my shift now?  I ran down to get my jacket and my shoes.

“Why are you so happy?” said Brandon.  What? I lifted my fingers and felt my lips in a form of a smile.  Am I having feeling for this person I just met already?


HI!! I am so happy now!!! AHH!!! *fangirls*

I'll update soon!!



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taekai4ever #1
Chapter 9: what will happen? i hope they will keep on dating though! update authornim!
kpopcraves #2
Chapter 9: this is soooo good! update soon! I want to see how Taemin reacts to Melinda knowing.
Blackjack27 #3
Chapter 8: Ok?... Thanks I am looking forward to the next chapter though! :)
Chapter 5: Aw. It's so nice to indulge in an innocent maknae romance fanfic:) I can't wait for their first meeting!
continha_troll #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^