Going to You

Love's First Spark

∞∞∞∞∞Melinda POV∞∞∞∞∞

“Why are you so happy Melinda?’ asked my mom.

“Nothing mom!” I said. This conversation was asked every single day ever since I chatted with Taemin. I didn’t want to tell anyone because I knew that everyone would be asking me more questions and that would be so annoying.

I chatted with Taemin every night for a week. He is so much fun to talk too! I found out that he loves food, music, art, and sports just like me! We have so much in common but he’s more confident than me. He said that he performs a lot so that must be where his confidence grew. Taemin is so talented. All I do is freeze up on stage when I play my guitar. My life seems so empty now that I look back.

“Melinda, are you sure? I mean, you been humming when you do chores. I don’t think that is normal,” said my mom.

“I promise you, I’m fine. It’s just a happy day!” I said while I skipped to the car.


Taemin: lol. Really? That must have been so embarrassing!

Melinda: ikr? I was so scared!


I was chatting with Taemin while I was working the cashier. Shhh! Don’t tell my mom.


Taemin: Well you got up and faced the world.

            Be strong!

Melinda: lol ok.



I jumped and turned toward the voice. My heart dropped and I bet my face paled too. Right

Behind me was Theresa, reading my chat over my shoulder.

“What’s that?” asked Theresa. She tried to glance up higher but I blocked it with my back. “Please? Why can’t I see?” I was about to answer when she interrupted me. “I never EVER gave away your secrets. Remember when you ripped your pants on the bus? I never told you that!

“Shhhh! Be quiet!” I said. I looked at her face and sighed. She was right. I always trusted Theresa.

I sighed. “Okay. So I went on a dating website-“

“YOU WHAT?!?” shrieked Theresa.

“I said that I went on a dating website and I met this guy,” I said. Theresa’s eyes widen.

“A guy? Oh my god! Who?” asked Theresa.

“Um..his name is Taemin,” I said.

“So his Korean?”  said Theresa.

“Yeah. Here just look at his profile,” I said. I pulled up Taemin’s profile and clicked on his picture. 

“Oh! He’s cute! His sunglasses go well with his face,” said Theresa. “So when are you going to meet him?”

“What?” I shouted.

“I mean you are going to meet him right?” asked Theresa.  I shrugged.

“Come on Melinda! This is probably that first time I seen you excited over a guy since high school junior year!!” said Theresa. “You are going to meet him in the summer. I insist!” Theresa’s eyes flashed. “Wait! I know! I’ll go with you to support you!”

I sighed. “Umm… Sure, I guess. But I have to ask my par-“

“YES!!! Melinda going to get a boyfriend!! Yes!” shouted Theresa. She ran around the store and hugged the nearest customer. “This is the best day ever right?” The customer nodded weakly and ran away.

I turned around to the cashier helping a customer out. The only thought that ran in my mind was that I have to tell my parents. Wonder how they will react during dinner.



Well, there’s your answer. I told my parents over dinner and my mom started screaming this ^^. My dad on the other hand went into shock and started choking on his food.  This is way too much drama for me so I went to bed. I was so tired from the confessions.

In the morning I went to get breakfast when my mom popped up with two tickets. I promise you that those are not concert tickets.

“Here are your tickets to South Korea. I already rented an apartment for you and Theresa to stay over the summer. If you need money just enter this code to get it from the bank,” rambled my mom.

“Thanks mom,” I said while I hugged her. “So when do I leave?”

“Tomorrow!!” grinned my mom.

“What? But I have school!” I said.

My mom waved her hand. “Pish Posh! I told your school that you are doing a trip for education purposes.” I raised my right eyebrow. “I told your teacher that you will be incorporating Korean culture into your songs you will write.” I nodded. That seems reasonable.  I went up stairs to tell Taemin.


Melinda: I have a surprise!

Taemin: What?

Melinda: I’m going to Korea!!

Taemin: Really?

            Yay! I get to meet you.

            When are you coming?

Melinda: Tomorrow.

Taemin: I’m sort of busy tomorrow so I’ll see you some time this week!

            Gotta go! See you!


I got my clothes and started packing. My heart is beating with excitement! I get to meet Taemin for the first time! But dread filled me. What if he doesn’t like me?


HI!! Melinda is going to Korea!! Aren't you excited?

What will happen? Will Melinda have a great time with Taemin?


Why so serious?

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taekai4ever #1
Chapter 9: what will happen? i hope they will keep on dating though! update authornim!
kpopcraves #2
Chapter 9: this is soooo good! update soon! I want to see how Taemin reacts to Melinda knowing.
Blackjack27 #3
Chapter 8: Ok?... Thanks I am looking forward to the next chapter though! :)
Chapter 5: Aw. It's so nice to indulge in an innocent maknae romance fanfic:) I can't wait for their first meeting!
continha_troll #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^