My Awkward First Date

Love's First Spark

∞∞∞∞∞Melinda POV∞∞∞∞∞

Oh my gosh… I can’t believe Taemin is in front of me. My “soul mate” as the website put it. He looks really handsome in person. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses, which went well with his blue shirt and black pants.

“So, do you want to head out now?” asked Taemin.

“Sure. Let’s go,” I said. We walked side by side on the sidewalk. I walked ahead first while Taemin caught up to me on the out side.

“Where are we eating?” I asked.

Taemin pointed to the restaurant coming up. “There. It’s the best barbeque restaurants in Seoul. I hope you like meat.”

“I love meat! My mom always has a barbeque at the end of the school year,” I said. Taemin smiled and looked ahead. Well this just got awkward. I want to leave a good impression for him on our first date. What subject should I bring up?

“What music do you like to listen to?’ I asked.

Taemin stopped in his tracks a bit but continued walking.

“I like listening to pop music like Michael Jackson,” answered Taemin.

“I love Michael Jackson’s songs! He’s an amazing dancer,” I said.

“Oh, do you like dancers?” asked Taemin.

“Most of them. The powerful and passion in the dancing is so cool to watch,” I said.

We reached the restaurant and the waiter nodded at Taemin. He led us to a private booth away from the other customers.

“Why are we in a private booth?” I asked.

“I just thought we should have a quiet place to talk,” said Taemin. He looked at me and noticed my confused face. “Does that scare you?”

“No no. It’s fine,” I said. Relax Melinda! Taemin’s not a weird ert or anything.

Taemin took off his sunglasses and placed them on the table. I got a really nice view of his face. His eyes were sparkling under the light. His lips were full and in a form of a smile. I didn’t realize I was staring at him until he asked me something.

“Melinda, what do you want to drink?”

I felt my cheeks heat up and said,” I’ll just have some coke.”

“Coke?” said Taemin. Oh, I forgot! They don’t say coke in Korea.

“Sorry, I’m have cola,” I said. Aish! Taemin’s going to think I’m so weird! I’m just an average American girl. What makes me special to date this handsome guy?

“So what do you do in your free time?” asked Taemin.

“I work at my parent’s music store,” I said.

“Do you like music then?” said Taemin.

“I love music! I try to compose new songs once in a while when I have nothing to do,” I said. “Playing any instrument is so much fun!” I stopped suddenly because I didn’t realize I was rambling.

Taemin was still smiling at me and looked down at my nails. “I really like that color. What is it?”

I looked down at my nails. What? I can’t remember what the color is. Oh yeah, now I remember. “It’s pearl aqua.”

 “Pearl aqua?” For a moment, I thought I saw Taemin’s face go into panic mode. “Oh, it’s a very nice.”

“Thanks!” I said. The food came out and we ate our food in silence. I am so inexperience in dating. Do you know how awkward this date feels? He probably thinks I’m weird or something and won’t see me again. 

After we ate, Taemin was walking me back to the Han River. I would occasionally glance at him but then look away when he would turn his head toward me. I sound really stupid don’t I.  

“Can I have your phone number?” asked Taemin. What? After this date he wants to still go out with me!

“S-sure,” I stuttered. We exchanged phone numbers and said our good byes.

I just had my first date and it was terrible. I need help. Perhaps some an experienced person.


“Please don’t grin like that.”

Theresa wouldn’t stop grinning when I asked for help. Her face basically said, “I told you so.”

“You should have asked me for help,” said Theresa as she was running around the room. She was getting her “notes” for dating.

“Here’s what you need to do. Smile but don’t smile too much or you will be a happy freak. Be yourself so he knows the real you. You should be outgoing so things don’t get to quiet or awkward, remember some guys are shy.  Relax yourself; don’t be too stiff on your date. If he’s going to be your boyfriend, don’t call him or text him too much because that’s just plain annoying,” rambled Theresa.

Now that she said her tips, it does make sense. I was smiling at him, but I was way to quiet. Taemin did seem like a shy guy so maybe if I made the conversation continue, the date would have been more fun. During the date, I was so worried of embarrassing myself that I didn’t act like me. If I’m going to date him, he needs to know the real me.

I quietly left the room while Theresa was still reading off her notes. That last I heard was, “ Don’t be too possessive.” Sorry Theresa.

I went on and I saw Taemin online. Suddenly I got really scared of talking to him so I went to log off. Just as I was about to click on the log out button, Taemin chatted with me.


Taemin: Hey

Melinda: Hello.

Taemin: Did you make it safe to your home?

Melinda: Yes. Did you?

Taemin: hahaha. Yes I did. My hyungs would kill anyone if someone tried to hurt me.

Melinda: You have brothers?

Taemin: I have a brother, but I live with my friends in an apartment. We are pretty much like brothers so…

Melinda: Oh I get it. My friend and I are close too. People thought we were sisters when we were younger.


I smiled. Taemin seems more open to me now. However, I wonder if we are just blocked my the internet wall so that it is easier to communicate.


Taemin: Are you busy tomorrow?

Melinda: No. Why?

Taemin: I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me again?


My heart stopped. Was he giving me another chance? Of course I want to go!! Okay, calm down Melinda. Don’t sound too desperate.


Melinda: Sure, I would love too.

            Where are we going?

Taemin: Should I tell you or surprise you like today again?

Melinda: Surprise me.

            Wait, can I have a hint?

Taemin: We are going to a fun place where many people go to.

Melinda: ….I sort of knew it was a fun place….

            Why would you take me there then?

Taemin: hahaha. Fine, tomorrow will be where you get to scream all you want while going to twist and turns.

Melinda: Is that it?

Taemin: You will see tomorrow.

Melinda: What time and where will we meet up?

Taemin: How about the Han River again? Around 12?

            The place is not that far.

Melinda: Okay.

            See you!

Taemin: Can’t wait.


I closed my laptop with the biggest grin on my face. I am going on another date with Taemin! I just hope I don’t weird him out on this date too.



Wow this first date is really awkward isn't it?

Well I'm not experienced in dating either so bare with me okay?

Anyway, hope you liked it!


Taemin in the Amigo era!!

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taekai4ever #1
Chapter 9: what will happen? i hope they will keep on dating though! update authornim!
kpopcraves #2
Chapter 9: this is soooo good! update soon! I want to see how Taemin reacts to Melinda knowing.
Blackjack27 #3
Chapter 8: Ok?... Thanks I am looking forward to the next chapter though! :)
Chapter 5: Aw. It's so nice to indulge in an innocent maknae romance fanfic:) I can't wait for their first meeting!
continha_troll #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^