Makeover Time

Love's First Spark

∞∞∞∞∞Melinda POV∞∞∞∞∞

I woke up to the beautiful smell of eggs in the morning. I rolled out of my bed and walked into the kitchen. Theresa was making omelets. Hey, just because I live in Korea doesn’t mean I can’t eat American food!

“So! What are we doing today? Any plans with Taemin?” asked Theresa. I looked up and stared at her face with the best poker face I could manage.

Theresa gasped, ”Shut up! You already had plans to go see him leaving me all alone?” I smiled weakly at her and nodded. My mind flashed back to the conversation with him last night.


Taemin: so… doing anything tomorrow?

Melinda: nope

Taemin: do you want to go eat somewhere tomorrow?

Melinda: Sure! Is dinnertime okay?

Taemin: Yeah. I will pick out the place for us to eat.

Melinda: Okay, where will we meet up?

Taemin: How about I meet you at the Han River at 6:30? There’s a little park next to the river.

Melinda: Oh, I know that place. Sure! See you!

Taemin:  :)


My hearted started beating faster with excitement about meeting Taemin. I can’t wait to see him. Taemin sounds so nice over chats. Will he really be my prefect man? The one I have always dreamed of?

“So when are you going to meet him?” asked Theresa.

“At 6:30,” I answered. Theresa jumped out of her seat and pulled me up.

“WHAT?! At 6:30! We have to plan out your outfit. Do your makeup and hair! I have to give you dating advice!” shrieked Theresa.

“I could just get ready at 3o’clock or something,” I said.

“No way! This is your first date with your perfect man! It needs to be perfect in every way!” said Theresa, ”Now go change into some outside clothes! To the salon we go!”

I went to my room and changed. Then I walked to Theresa.

“Isn’t this outfit fine for the date? It’s not like prom or anything,” I said.

Theresa rolled her eyes and dragged me out of the apartment. We walked into the nearest salon with Theresa pulling me into the shop.

“Annyeonghaseyo! How may I help you?” asked the store lady. Her name was Jina. I checked.

“My friend needs the perfect makeover for her date. Do anything you can!” said Theresa. I stared at her because my best friend just spoke Korean fluently.

“What? I have to study Korean if I’m going to stay here for a while,” said Theresa innocently. I raised my eyebrows. “I studied when you were sleeping, okay?”

Jina pointed to a chair and turned me away from the mirror. I must have had a confused look on my face because she said, ”I turn my customers away so when they see themselves, it’s a beautiful surprise.”

I nodded. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared. Jina had a glint in her eyes similar to a mad scientist.

“ Anything you want in particular?” Jina asked kindly.

“Um..I don’t really know,” I said.

“Do you a trim?” asked Jina. I nodded. “How much? All of it?”

I shrugged.

“Psh! Over my dead body Melinda!” said Theresa.

“Go away! It’s my hair,” I said.

“And look at the treatment of your hair so far,” said Theresa.

Jina coughed in between us breaking the tension. “So ladies, what will it be?”

“Cut her hair three or two inches but nothing more then that,” said Theresa,” Um…Do you think layers would look good on her?”

“I think so,” said Jina while inspecting my hair.

“Okay, give her that and maybe some low lights in her hair,” said Theresa. She stared at me more. “Give her a wash too with conditioning.”

“Theresa?” I said.

“Yes Melinda,” Theresa answered.

“Why are you controlling my life?” I asked.

“Because I love you!” said Theresa as she stuck out her tongue.

I rolled my eyes. Typical Theresa.

“Okay Theresa. Out of my makeover room. You get to have a surprise too,” said Jina. Theresa skipped out and blew a kiss to me.

Jina ushered me to the sings and began washing my hair. I closed my eyes and let my body relax.

“So, who’s this person your friend was screaming about?” asked Jina.

“He’s my date for tonight,” I said.

“Oh a lucky man to date a beautiful young lady,” said Jina. “At least you are more realistic then my other customers.”

“Hmm? How?” I asked.

“These girls are obsess over this Shinee,” said Jina.

My eyes popped open. “Shinee?”

“Yes, this famous kpop band that has been around for a while now. I don’t know why they are in love with this person that don’t even know that they exist!” said Jina. My wash was done and she lend my to chairs.

Jina was a monster during my makeover. She was running all over the place, collecting hair products, bobby pins, an extra comb, and water for her stand. Jina cut and sniped my hair while her assistant curled and straightened it. There were so many things going at once that I felt like I was losing calories just watching them. Finally my hair was done.

“Let me get a good look at you,” said Jina as she twirled my around. “You look gorgeous! Your hair is not too thick or thin and it has no unwanted hairs. Come on! Let’s do those nails.”

I shook my head. “I didn’t order to do my nails though.”

“It’s on the house! You were a very nice customer to work with in a long time,” smiled Jina. She pointed at my hands.

I showed her my hands and toes.

“This is a very nice color that goes well with your skin tone! It’s called pearl aqua. Black is too dark for summer time so I thought a light blue would go nice,” said Jina as she was painting my nails. “Wow! This looks amazing. Who knows? You might make this the new black.”

Jina twirled me around some more and put on the last finishing makeup touches. Will Taemin like me with this look?

Jina looked at me and said,” don’t worry. No man will resist falling for you after you step out of this salon.”


Here was the reaction when I stepped out of the room where Jina locked me did her magic.  Theresa’s mouth fell to the ground with her eyes popping out. This lady in the waiting room gave me this dirty look full of jealousy. I also think this man paying in the front, stop breathing. It was dead silence when I walked out.

Wait a minute…I didn’t even look at myself yet. I turned around to a mirror and my breath was taken away. My hair turned from this dry black to a rich dark chocolate color. It was now wavy with brown highlights on the bottom. The amount of mascara was the perfect amount with a small bit of blush to make it look natural. My lips were plump with this pale pink color making me look sophisticated. I looked like-

“-A goddess. You’re freaking gorgeous! Even a blind man would turn his head to see you!” said Theresa.

I laughed and turned to leave. “Thank you for this new look Jina.”

“You looked beautiful already!” said Jina. “Come back soon!”

I waved bye to her and looked at Theresa. She had an evil smirk on her face.

“Now…it’s time for the dress up,” said Theresa.

I groaned. “No!”


“Yes!” said Theresa. All around her was outfits waiting to be picked.

“Why couldn’t we eat first for lunch? I’m starving,” I whined.

“Calm your face. I bought you teokbokki on the way here,” said Theresa.

“Hello Melinda! How may I help you?”


Jina smiled and waved at me.

“I thought you worked at the salon? Do you work here too?” I asked.

“Yes and yes,” answer Jina. “I own these two stores and run back and forth between. I love making people look beautiful!”

“Good. You know what she needs then,” said Theresa.

“Of course! I’m not called a beautifier for nothing,” said Jina. She pulled me into the store. “What’s your date going to be like?”

“We’re eating at this restaurant,” I answered.

“So where are you meeting? Or is he picking you up?” asked Jina.

“I’m meeting him at the Han River,” I said.

Jina snapped her fingers as if a light bulb went off.

“I know just what you need,” she said. She handed me a short floral dress and a demi jacket. 

“Now go change!” said Jina. She pushed me into the changing room.

I took off the clothes I had on now and put on the dress. It was really cute! It made me look nice without showing too much skin.  The flowers was shattered around the dress but crowded around the bottom. With the demi jacket, it balanced the outfit perfectly making the dress look stylish but simple.

I stepped out of the changing room and hugged Jina.

“It’s perfect! Thank you!” I said.

“Anything for you dear!” said Jina.

“Sorry to breakup this hugging moment but Melinda, do you know what time it is?” asked Theresa.

I looked at the clock and my heart stopped. It was 6o’clock.

“You better get going princess! Your prince awaits you,” said Jina. She pushed me out the door. “Fighting!!”

Theresa walked me a block and stopped me.

“Good luck on your date!” said Theresa. “Just be yourself and smile. Taemin will love you for who you are.”

I nodded and headed toward the Han River. Every step got heavier and heavier while my heart beat faster. What will Taemin be like? This is the first time I’m meeting since we chatted. What if this was just a mistake? Thousands of questions filled my head as I reached the side of the river.

The water calmed me down as the sunset went down.  The river was really beautiful to look at. Just then a wind blew in so I turned away. As I turned away, I saw a man walking towards me. I didn’t know how to react so I just stood there. He kept on walking until he was a foot away from me. He bowed down and held out his hand.

“Hello! Are you Melinda?” asked the man. I nodded.

He smiled and said, “I’m Taemin.”



Hope you like this chapter! I had a lot of fun writing it.


remember when they debuted?

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taekai4ever #1
Chapter 9: what will happen? i hope they will keep on dating though! update authornim!
kpopcraves #2
Chapter 9: this is soooo good! update soon! I want to see how Taemin reacts to Melinda knowing.
Blackjack27 #3
Chapter 8: Ok?... Thanks I am looking forward to the next chapter though! :)
Chapter 5: Aw. It's so nice to indulge in an innocent maknae romance fanfic:) I can't wait for their first meeting!
continha_troll #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^