The Start

Love's First Spark

∞∞∞∞∞Melinda POV∞∞∞∞∞

“Oh!! What’s that?” That’s my best friend Theresa. “Looking for dresses to go on a date?”

I closed the magazine I was holding. “Shut up Theresa. Why can’t a girl just look at clothes?”

“Because you need to go on a date! Feel free for once. Go in a club or something!” said Theresa.

“Please, the last time I went to a club. I threw up on a guy because you made me drink,” I said. “Anyway I need to act like I’m actually working so…..” Theresa got the hint and left.

I work for a part-time job at my parent’s music store, Music World & More.  The rest of my time is me at my college or at home making songs. It’s the life that I wanted: a quiet life with no troubles.

“Melinda? I’m here for my shift so you can go home now,” said my older brother. His name is Brandon and is super annoying, but I love to bits!

“Thanks Brandon!” I said while walking out the exit. I walked home to the delicious smell of my favorite food. Korean barbeque! I entered the kitchen and dropped my bags.

“Hello umma!!” I said. My mom turned around and smiled.

“Hello sweetie!!” shout my mother as I walked upstairs to my room. “Melinda!!”

I stopped at the top of the stairs. “Yes?”

“We are having some people over for dinner so clean up nicely okay,” said my mother. I nodded and went to my room. I took out my guitar and started strumming the strings. I love music so much. Sometimes I just want to relax, doing anything I want without anyone telling me what to do. Well summer is just around the corner so yay!

I looked at the clock and saw it was almost time for dinner. Knowing my mom, people coming over means wearing a dress or fancy clothes. I took out my favorite floral dress and demi jacket.  While I was brushing my hair, Brandon came into my room and sat down.

“Excuse me Brandon but you can’t just walk into my room without knocking,” I said.

Brandon rolled his eyes. “Whatever sis. Why do you think mom is even having people over?”

I shrugged, “Maybe because of promoting for his shop?” Brandon shook his head. “Family friends?”

“Maybe,” said Brandon.

“KIDS!! Come down for dinner!” said my mom through my room speaker.

Brandon and I walked down the stairs and I saw a family at the bottom.

“Kids, I want you to meet Mike,” said my dad,” We were best friends in high school and when I saw him, I knew I had to invite him over.” We smiled politely and waved.

“Meet Mike and his wife, Emma,” said my mom,” and this is their son, Justin.” My mom finished with a small smile on her face. Oh no. That smile usually means, “Here’s a cute boy Melinda. You should go date him.”

My parents lend them outside at our patio. Plates were already set with the yummy smell of meat floating around. The adults sat on one side of the table while the “non-adults” sat on the other.

“Yo! My name’s Brandon,” said my brother. He held out his hand. Justin returned the gesture.

“My name’s Justin, but you already know that,” said Justin. My brother laughed.

“Having fun you guys,” asked my mom as she was serving out side dishes. She glanced at my annoyed face and frowned. “Justin, did you know that my daughter here plays the guitar and got honor roll for her high school?”

“Mom,” I grumbled, but she didn’t pay attention.

“She also was nominated prom queen for her senior prom,” rambled my mother.

Justin chuckled,” I bet, she’s really pretty.” I ignored the blush rising on to my cheeks.

The dinner was about my mom bragging about me while Justin was flirting with me. It was soooo annoying. I just want to find my perfect boyfriend on my own. After Justin’s family left, I had a little chat with my mom.

“Mom! Why did you do that? You know that I don’t like being set up!” I said. I was furious!! This was probably the fifth time all year!

“I’m sorry honey but you’re out of high school, almost turning twenty, and never had a boyfriend! I just can’t see my little girl be lonely in the future,” said my mom. I soften because I knew my parents were worried. They didn’t want me to be like my aunt Heather who died thinking that no one loved her.

“I’ll find someone that I will love my way okay umma?” I said. I walked up to my room and laid on my bed. Should I get a boyfriend? I mean, I don’t want my mom to worry about me never being loved. I sighed and closed my eyes. Just then, a crazy idea popped in my head. I was probably crazy, but I was desperate!!

I went on my computer and went into the search engine. I typed in words and clicked on the first website.

Welcome to

If you are looking for your soul mate, this is the perfect website for you.

Please make an account to get started!

I sighed. I know, pretty crazy huh. This is probably the quickest way to get a boyfriend so…

Please Fill in the Following Information Boxes:

First Name:

Last Name

Birth Date:

Your Gender:

Seeking a:

Where are you from:



Additional Info:

After you filled out all the boxes, just click done. By clicking “Done” you are agreeing to our terms. Thank You for applying!

Okay everyone. Finding my soul mate starts now. I filled out the information.

First Name: Melinda

Last Name: Smith

Birth Date: August 15, 1993

Your Gender: Female

Seeking a: Male

Where are you from: United States of America

Email: [email protected]

Password: ●●●●●●●

Additional Info: Music is my life! I can’t survive with out it. I’m an average girl so there’s not much to say. Well, I’m half English-Korean that was born in the U.S.  That’s all you need to know!

I reread my information and checked if I said anything weird. Well here I go. I clicked send and stared as my screen said,” Thank You! We will find your match soon! Remember that love takes time!”

I just have a nervous feeling at the bottom of my stomach. Who knows what I got myself into.


Hi!! I had so much fun writing this! It's interesting to write something on a new topic

Hope you enjoyed it! I will update soon!!


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taekai4ever #1
Chapter 9: what will happen? i hope they will keep on dating though! update authornim!
kpopcraves #2
Chapter 9: this is soooo good! update soon! I want to see how Taemin reacts to Melinda knowing.
Blackjack27 #3
Chapter 8: Ok?... Thanks I am looking forward to the next chapter though! :)
Chapter 5: Aw. It's so nice to indulge in an innocent maknae romance fanfic:) I can't wait for their first meeting!
continha_troll #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^