Ilseob- A Plan

BtoB Love Stories (boyxboy)


(Ilhoon and Changseob)

Chanseobs POV

I'm listening to his rap, as he records his voice in the studio. Our new album is well underway and every member of BTOB is excited for its release in a few weeks. Currently, I'm writing a random rap as I wait for my turn to record. I'm designated as a vocalist for BTOB but I actually really love rapping as well, and I'd say I'm pretty good at it too. When Ilhoon, our designated rapper, is finished recording he comes out and sits on the couch next to me. I don't look up from writing my rap, but I say to him, "Good job." And give a thumbs up with the hand that isn't writing. He doesn't answer and I'm aware of him leaning over to read what I'm writing. He's silent for a few seconds as he reads it over and I find myself feeling slightly nervous. I put my pen down and slowly look up at Ilhoons face, expecting to recieve a frown and some criticism. 

When I look though, I see a big smile and his eyes meet mine and he says evenly, "This is really good." I can tell by the intense look in his eyes that he's not just saying that, he actually means it. My nervousness is replaced completely by a warm fuzzy feeling of satisfaction. I can't help but grin at my friend, as he is still smiling at me. 

Hyunsik comes into the room and laughs loudly. Ilhoon and I both turn in his direction, wondering what he's laughing at and we're surprised to see him pointing at us. In between laughs he says, "You guys look like a love struck couple!!! You're staring into each others eyes...." 

He continues to laugh uncontrollably. 

I shake my head in dismissal, but I grin slightly at the ridiculousness of Hyunsiks weird thoughts. I return my attention back to Ilhoon, prepared to make a joke about it, but I stop short when I notice the look on his face. It's brief, since he changed it when he noticed me looking, but it was definitely there.... 

I had expected him to be shaking his head and laughing, as I had been, but instead he had been looking down at his hands in his lap.... And there was a slight blush across his cheeks. 

I'm not dumb, or dense. I can definitely tell that Hyunsik's words had struck something in Ilhoon. 

And I think I might know what it was... Although I dont quite want to admit it. 

As I'm pondering this, Ilhoon suddenly snatches the paper from my hands and stands up. He begins rapping the lyrics I had just written, and I find myself momentarily dismissing my previous thoughts. 

I stand up as well and start rapping along with him. It turns into a rap duet and we time our lines perfectly, without even planning it out. 

This is amazing.... 

After we finish the rap, we collapse back onto the couch, my arm around Ilhoons shoulders as we continue to beat box with swag. 

My thoughts return to Ilhoons look from a few minutes ago... 

I dont have much time to dwell on it though because soon it's my turn to go record.

After recording, we all head to the practice room to practice the dance for our new song. The choreography is tough, and requires a lot of attention and effort. We're all tired and sweaty at the end of practice, but we're happy that we finally got the dance perfected. We go through the routine once more and since my body now knows the moves on its own, I find my mind wandering and my gaze travels to Ilhoon in front of me. 

I allow myself to ask the question. 

Was that look before because he likes me? Is he attracted to me? 

There. I thought it. Now I won't be satisfied until I find out the answer. 

The choreography makes us switch places, so now Ilhoon is next to me on my right. I sneak a glance at him and find him looking at me as well. He looks embarrassed and quickly looks away. 

This is completely not like Ilhoon... Something is definitely up... 

I start to formulate a plan in my head.

When practice officially ends my plan is complete. We were all planning to go out and get something to eat together, but I tell them that I'm too tired and that I'm just going to go back to the dorm to rest. They complain a bit, but eventually let me go. 

Okay, phase one of my plan. Will Ilhoon follow me? 

I hear him speaking to the others as I'm walking away... Then I stop and look over my shoulder as I hear footsteps running towards me. 

It's Ilhoon. 


Wait, should I be happy about this? Or should I be worried?.... Or disgusted even? 

I don't know yet... 

"I'll keep you company, I'm on a diet anyway." He explains as we begin walking together out of the building. 

Pffft, diet? Really? He's so skinny and perfectly fit already that he definitely doesn't need to be dieting. 

Was it just a quickly thought up excuse then? 

We eventually reach the dorm and walk inside together. It's a small dorm, but its comfy and its home. We both head to the dressing room to get changed out of our sweaty clothes. 

Phase two begins... 

I take my shirt off... Carefully watching Ilhoon from the corner of my eye to see how he reacts. He finishes pulling a t-shirt over his head and I catch him look my way as I reach into my wardrobe for a clean shirt. He doesn't know I'm watching him...  

He's not just absent mindedly staring into space, I can tell by his eyes. He's looking at me. At my almost-but-not-quite fit body. 

For some reason I feel satisfaction. My plan is working wonderfully. 

I pull the shirt over my head and walk toward the door.  

"Fooood!" I say as I head towards the kitchen. Ilhoon follows behind and he's acting normal again. 

"Hyung, make me food too!" He whines and flops down lazily onto the floor. 

"What?! Pffft, you don't deserve to be fed." I scold mockingly. But I get out enough instant noodles for 2 people.  

We sit down cross legged on the floor and eat our noodles. He's still acting normal, and we talk and laugh like we usually do. 

Then I decide to initiate phase 3. 

"Ilhoon, can you see us being a couple like Hyunsik said?" I laugh and smack my knee like I just make a hilarious joke. 

He makes the same look as before. This time though, I notice that one side of his mouth is pulled up in a half smile. So he likes the thought of it. 

So far all phases of my plan have been successful... And I still don't know what to think about that. 

"Can you?" He laughs as well as he replies in the same joking manner as me. In BTOB we always make weird suggestive jokes to each other so this is nothing new. Although I don't recall ever making them with Ilhoon about each other... And now I know why. I'm almost positive he's attracted to me. 

The only question remaining is, am I attracted to him? 

I'm not afraid of these kinds of things. I accept other people's odd preferences, so I can be open minded about my own as well. 

At least I think so. 

I begin formulating a different plan... This one will be more difficult. And possibly could get awkward. 

"But seriously... Can you imagine it?" I suddenly turn serious and I can tell Ilhoon gets nervous by the way he stiffens and wont look me in the eyes. 

"Of course not... Quit talking nonsense...."  

He says this, but its halfhearted and he still won't look at me, even though I'm sure he can feel my gaze. 

I push my noodle bowl away from me and slide across the wood floor on my , over to Ilhoon. 

"Are you sure?" I press the matter. 

He doesn't answer. He looks nervous. 

I find it cute. 

I lean closer towards him and wait to see what he'll do. I wonder if I've always been this brave to do things like this. He still doesn't move... So I just wait. 

Suddenly he looks up into my eyes, and the emotion in his overwhelms me. They are filled with an emotion that I can't completely recognize, but the intensity of that emotion is huge. I'm so completely shocked that all I can do is stare at him. Then he moves closer. 

And closer. 

And then his lips are on mine. 

And I don't pull away. 

He begins to kiss me, hesitantly. And I kiss back, telling him its ok. We're both stiff and awkward, sitting apart on the hard floor. He doesn't seem to mind in the least. 

And I realize that I don't mind that we're kissing. With that in mind, I slide closer to him, still testing him to see what he's willing to do. He responds by hesitantly putting his hands on my waist. I don't remove them. We're still kissing and Ilhoon starts relaxing. He deepens the kiss, and pulls me closer. 

I still don't stop him. 

This test on Ilhoon has turned into a test on myself. Now I've confirmed his feelings for me, so I have to confirm my feelings for him. I put my hands on the back of his head and our kiss turns more into making out. My whole body is tingling and my face is getting hot. My hands find their way to Ilhoons face and I find that his is warm as well. In the back of my mind I wonder how we look from an outside perspective, and then I find myself not caring because I like this. 

I like kissing Ilhoon. 

The realization fully hits me and a wave of lust suddenly flows through me. I want him so much it's almost overwhelming.... My body starts to shake and I can't stop myself from pushing him down onto the floor so I can get closer to him. His leg slides up so his knee is propped up between my legs and another shock courses through me. Now we're frantically making out and I need to stop to gasp for air. We lay there, in the middle of the living room floor, in an awkward yet comfortable position and I come to the final conclusion that I really like this. 

"Ilhoon.... I think I like you." I say breathlessly and then I begin to laugh nervously. I actually said it... Out loud. 

He sits up slightly and looks straight into my eyes. The firey emotion is still there, and I wonder if I have the same one in my eyes. 

"I know I like you." He says evenly. "And I will make you know you like me." Then he smiles and I smile and I get lost in the fact that he is extremely adorable. How had I never noticed before??? Now it seems completely obvious that I would be attracted to him. 

I want to kiss him. We seem to have the same thought because we both move towards each other at the same time, and then we're kissing again. His lips are soft and warm, and his body is firm and muscled under my hands. My fingers find the hem of his shirt so I slide them underneath of it. He stiffens slightly but then relaxes and mirrors my actions. We both have our hands up each others shirts. I like touching him... And I like the feeling of him touching me. It's not a super erted groping session, just plain old hands-on-waist kind of thing, but it sparks feelings within me that I didn't even know I had. I deepen our kiss even more and savour the feeling of our synchronized lips. It's almost like dancing, the way lips can move together to the same rhythm. 

Ilhoon is the one who becomes lustful now, because he rolls over so he's on top of me and he moves up and sits in between my legs, straddling my waist. 

Dirty, dirty Ilhoon. I grin against his lips. That seems to encourage him because he starts to move his hips from side to side and grind closer to me. 

I'd be lying if I said it didn't intensely . 

Instead of feeling hot I now feel almost cold because I'm shivering so much. I pull the shirt he just put on over his head, and throw it across the room. My arms wrap around his shoulders and bring him down closer, which I didn't think was even possible, considering our already very close proximity. This is all new to both of us so we don't really know what to do.... But that's okay because even just doing this much is good enough for me. We separate our now swollen mouths for much needed oxygen and I take this opportunity to remove my own shirt as well. 

"You almost have abs." Ilhoon comments breathlessly. He sits up and inspects my chest with his fingertips for signs of abs. 

I laugh and say proudly, "That's what I've been aiming for." 

He smiles and then looks into my eyes again.  

"You're succeeding." He says, and his words make my face flush and my heart skips a beat as I realize once again that this boy on top of me likes me, and I'm pretty sure I like him back. 

But then he's frowning, and I panic. Did I do something wrong? Did he decide that he doesn't like this after all? He stands up. And I'm officially scared. Then I'm mad at myself for building up my expectations so much. 

Ilhoon turns around and starts to walk towards the door. When he's about halfway across the room he turns around and says, "Aren't you coming?" He smiles suggestively and flashes a wink. 

Oh... My eyes widen in realization. I grin as well and shakily get to my feet to follow him towards the bedroom.

(And now the rest is left up to your own imaginations) ;)


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KaiVee #1
Chapter 11: THIS IS KILLING ME. /Giggling/
PenJae. <3
nice story ^^
iamandie #3
Chapter 11: fluffy! love it!
Chapter 11: KYAAAAAA OH MY GOSH. That Penjae moment at the end!!! I CAN'T. XD
This fic is seriously giving all these crazy feels!!! The Ilseob couple is just too adorable and Minkwang is just so adorable as well and idk but I feel Penjae will be more of a silly and playful couple but they'll also be adorable and HYUNSIK STOP BEING MEAN AND JUST FIND YO MAN AND APOLOGIZE AND THEN BE HAPPEH AGAIN. ;A;
Lol sorry about my rambling xD
I really really REALLY hope you update soon because I am totally loving this story!! :D
Plz update soon
Youngminkwangmin #6
Chapter 9: Please update!!!! I cant wait 2 c what happens well if there is going 2 have an update.
chAOsXxx #7
Thank you for not putting Ilhoon and Hyunsik together *_*