Minkwang (The First Incident)

BtoB Love Stories (boyxboy)

Minkwang (Minhyuk+Eunkwang)

Minhyuks POV

I'm having a bad day.


I have a lot of bad days but today is definitely turning out to be one of the worst. People are dumb and I'm in a bad mood...

I have a feeling I'm putting off a really nasty aura, but the world is pissing me off so much that I get a sick satisfaction from the fact that I'm making people uncomfortable.

I'm on the bus heading home and the people sitting near me keep giving me nervous glances, and even the noisy little kids have enough sense to shut up. It's as if they can all sense I'm about to explode at the slightest pressure.

Which is true.

I just need to get home and get a drink. A nice burning shot of the magical substance called hard liquor....

Aah who am I kidding, it's definitely gonna have to be a lot more than just a shot.

The whole bottle is more like it.

Mmmm, I can already feel the hangover coming on.

The strange thing about feeling like , is that in order to not feel like an elephant just crapped on your pillow, you willingly induce another ty feeling.

Meh, that's life.

The bus comes to a halt and I groan as I pull myself into a standing position. I glare at the door as it opens, and silently curse it for being so slow. I step out of the bus and am instantly hit with a wave of wetness.

How lovely.

It's raining.

Too bad the puddles aren't deep enough to drown in yet.

My apartment is only a block away, so I begin trudging in that direction. My bad mood has passed the rage part and is slowing sliding towards depression.

As I go around the last corner before my apartment, I see a figure standing outside by the door.

It looks like a guy...

As I get closer I also realize that the guy is extremely attractive.

Ehehehehe, exactly what I need to cheer me up.

After a couple more steps forward the attractive guys face becomes visible and I realize that I know him! I also realize that he is holding a grocery bag with a bottle inside.

My good mood is slowly returning.

As I approach the guy turns his head and smiles at me as he holds up the bag of hopefully-alcoholic- substances.

"Mommy Minhyuk! Come drink with me!"

Ehehe, yep my mood is definitely better now

"Daddy Eunkwang! You read my mind! My day has been awful :'(" I run towards my fellow member of BTOB and give him a one armed hug around the shoulders.

"Let's go drown our sorrows." I say as we make our way through the apartment building door.

"Let's!" My fake husband yells, which makes me smile at his silliness.

We go up the 2 flights of stairs together and flop down on the couch in my small one room apartment. Eunkwang hands me the bottle of magical substance and I immediately open it and take a few gulps.

"Mmmm" I moan in pleasure and lay back to put my head in Eunkwangs lap. He reaches down around my head to grab the bottle from my hands. We probably look like a gay couple, but we're just really close friends with a bit of a bromance. The fans made up the couple name 'Minkwang' for us and personally I think it suits us quite well. I am the mommy of BTOB and Eunkwang is the daddy.

Eunkwang passes the bottle back to me and I chug the last quarter. I immediately feel the familiar burn as it travels through my body and begins to take effect. After a long, depressing day this is exactly what I needed.

I tilt my head back to stare up at Eunkwang. He's even attractive from upside down!

"Eunkwangie did you know you are insanely attractive?" I ask innocently.

"Why, yes of course! Did you know that you are even more attractive? Especially when you're drunk.." He winks at me and in my drunken state I find myself blushing.

"Are you blushing??" Eunkwang exclaims and fakes a super surprised face. Mouth in an 'O' with a hand placed girlishly in front.

I find myself giggling at this and my blush deepens.

"I can't help it! You're being cute!"

"Minhyukie, I thought we both agreed to both control our urges around each other." At this he makes a cute scolding face and shakes his finger at me jokingly.

"Pffft, those kinds of promises don't apply when one gets drunk." I reply boldly, the alcohol having already made all my common sense dissolve into the sea of raw feelings that has become my brain.

My husband looks thoughtful for a moment and then slowly bends down so our faces are only 2 inches apart and I can see the slight gold flecks in his otherwise deep brown eyes.

"Are you secretly gay?" He whispers, with a completely serious look on his perfect face.

"Hmmm... I don't know." I've never asked myself that question before, so I don't have an answer.

Somewhere deep down where I was still slightly sane I know that the answer should be no. For the sake of BToB's reputation if nothing else, I should be a normal 23 year old attactive male who likes girls only.... But is that actually how I am...? I do often think of other guys being attractive...

".... I don't know actually..." I admit to Eunkwang.

"Hmm, interesting." He looks thoughtful again and slowly leans back to a sitting position again.

I continue to lay there and wonder about my preferences...

Ugh I'm tired of thinking so hard!

"Eunkwa--" I begin to speak but my words are cut off by Eunkwangs lips suddenly pressing against mine. I don't feel shock, I just feel slightly confused. I don't respond for a couple seconds as I lay there with my head in Eunkwangs lap, and him bending over with his mouth on mine... Upside down. The only thing that seems to matter right at that moment is the fact that it doesn't feel quite right to be having an upside down kiss.

So I move to make it feel less awkward.

I slowly slide my head out of his lap, interrupting the kind-of-kiss. Then I decide that it would be most comfortable if we were as close as possible, so I move so that I am now sitting in Eunkwangs lap, facing him, with my legs going on either side of his waist.

"There, that's better." I say in satisfaction.

Eunkwang just laughs softy and tilts his head as he moves it back towards mine. This time I'm prepared, so I tilt my head as well and when our lips meet I kiss him back. My fingers twine into his hair, and the kiss deepens. One of his hands is on the back of my head and the other is supporting me at the waist. I'm hyper aware of his warm body under me and suddenly it feels like there is still way too much space between us. Eunkwang seems to have the same thought, because he begins to shift so that he can lean forward, so now I am on my back and he is over top of me. We break the kiss and both try to catch our breath as he holds himself up on his elbows and stares into my eyes.

"Have you decided yet?" He asks between gasps.

"What?" I ask, momentarily confused. All I can think about is how much I want to keep kissing him.

"Have you decided if you're secretly gay yet?" He clarifies, with a smirk spreading across his handsome face that I am currently staring at ersely.

"Ooh..." My eyes widen... Maybe this proves that I am slightly gay?

Ugh thinking too hard hurts! Drinking about half a bottle of alcohol does not help the brain to think clearly.

"For you at least." I can't stand waiting any longer so I grab his face and pull myself up so our lips meet again. I'm trying not to be too forceful, but I can't really tell if I'm succeeding since my senses are all messed up... Being drunk and all. Eunkwang doesn't seem to be annoyed though because he presses himself closer to me and kisses me back. Our lips move together in harmony and I am completely consumed with feelings of pleasure and pure lust. I wrap my legs around his waist and he is smushed closer against me. He moves his hips slightly against me and a shiver runs down my spine, making me arch my back and break the kiss. Eunkwang takes this opportunity to trail kisses down my neck, making me grip the cloth on his back tightly. As he reaches the collar of my t-shirt and stops kissing I get angry at the restricting cloth and remove a hand from Eunkwang to pull the shirt over my head.

There. Now the evil clothing is gone.

I can feel fingers trailing along my stomach, tracing the outline of my faint abs. Suddenly I realize that our mouths aren't touching anymore and I feel a slight annoyance at that fact. There is so much kissing to do, and so little time...

I look up to find Eunkwang smiling at me, and I decide that it's just so adorable that I have to kiss it. His smile transforms into a closed mouth grin and he attempts to kiss me back, but the smile just keeps coming back, making it difficult for him to respond to my eagerness.

Finally I pull away and I ask why he's so smily all of a sudden.

"Aah.." An embarrassed blush creeps across his cheeks and he smiles shyly.

"Let's just say that I've been waiting for this..."

Before I can give a reply, his lips are suddenly back on mine, and we take up the rhythm again. Eventually his tongue finds its way out, and mine welcomes his gladly.

I tighten my legs around his waist and grind my hips a little to see what kind of response I'll get from him. He grinds his hips as well and breaks away from the kiss slightly. I hear him let out a small gasp and I smile at the reaction that I induced. His hands travel down my bare torso and he moves himself upwards on me so that he is almost sitting on top of me. He leans towards me and puts his head face-down over my shoulder, beside mine as he tries to catch his breath. It tickles my ear and I giggle and then look sideways so I can kiss his cheek. Then I slide downwards underneath of him so my head is at his neck level. I begin to leave kisses down his neck and when I reach his shirt, it is swiftly removed so that I can continue. He responds to me by rolling onto his side slightly so that I can move easier, and I continue my trail of kisses down his chest. My hands find the waistband of his skinny jeans and I hook my thumbs in the edge of it. I'm unsure of what to do next, so I content myself with placing my head on his chest and listening to his rapid heartbeat. It makes me happy to think that I'm the reason for how fast it's beating.

"Minhyuk.." Eunkwang says softly and his hands close overtop of mine, that are still at his waistband.

"Eunkwang..." I answer. "What do I do next?" I'm feeling bold and lustful, but I know Eunkwang well enough to know that he is secretly conservative, so I don't want to force him into anything. I'm kind of unsure myself of how far I'm really willing to go with this.

After all, I'm drunk... How will I feel about this tomorrow?

"Umm.." Eunkwang says in a shaky voice.

"I-- I don't know....."

I realize that his hands are shaking so I put mine on top of his, so his are the ones in control of the jeans, and I can stop his nervous trembling.

After a few moments like that, Eunkwang moves my hands up away from the jeans and I look up into his face and am surprised to find tears glistening in his eyes.

"Eunkwang... Are you an emotional drunk??" I ask in surprise.

He just nods and hugs me close as the tears spill over and I can feel his whole body begin to tremble. I shift back upwards again so we are face to face, on our sides, squished together on the narrow couch. I hug him around his waist with one arm and around his head with the other. I instinctively kiss the tears off of his cheeks and gently rub the small of his back.

Motherly instincts maybe? Maybe I truly deserve the title of 'mother of BTOB'.

Eunkwang begins to sniffle adorably as tears stream uncontrollably down his face. My lust disappears in an instant and is replaced by patience. I find myself feeling content just to be holding him in my arms and kissing his tears away. We stay that way until his eyes are done spilling tears and all I can taste is salt.

We're both comfortable, so I'm reluctant to move. I just stay there and look at Eunkwangs face. His eyes are closed and his smile from earlier is gone.

"What's wrong?" It feels appropriate to ask...

"Hmmm..." He smiles finally and then continues, "Nothing.. Everything is exactly right." His eyes open and stare into mine. My drunken haze is still present... But for some reason it seems like his isn't. Hmmm...

I decide that thinking too hard isn't worth it... I don't want to ruin this feeling.

Whatever it may be...

Our lips meet for the hundredth time that night, and we kiss... Slowly and perfectly. It's exactly as Eunkwang said, everything feels completely right. With that thought in mind, and Eunkwangs body pressed comfortably against mine, I drift off to sleep.



(A.N: yes he falls asleep while kissing... How awkward for Eunkwang!)

Not M rated right? It's pretty innocent....

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KaiVee #1
Chapter 11: THIS IS KILLING ME. /Giggling/
PenJae. <3
nice story ^^
iamandie #3
Chapter 11: aw..so fluffy! love it!
Chapter 11: KYAAAAAA OH MY GOSH. That Penjae moment at the end!!! I CAN'T. XD
This fic is seriously giving all these crazy feels!!! The Ilseob couple is just too adorable and Minkwang is just so adorable as well and idk but I feel Penjae will be more of a silly and playful couple but they'll also be adorable and HYUNSIK STOP BEING MEAN AND JUST FIND YO MAN AND APOLOGIZE AND THEN BE HAPPEH AGAIN. ;A;
Lol sorry about my rambling xD
I really really REALLY hope you update soon because I am totally loving this story!! :D
Plz update soon
Youngminkwangmin #6
Chapter 9: Please update!!!! I cant wait 2 c what happens well if there is going 2 have an update.
chAOsXxx #7
Thank you for not putting Ilhoon and Hyunsik together *_*