Ilseob- No More Hiding

BtoB Love Stories (boyxboy)

Changseobs POV

After a very happy night (that ended way too quickly), I find myself in a very good mood the next morning. I wake up with a smile on my face, and a warm fuzzy feeling.

I am completely happy. And it's all because of Ilhoon! I look over at his sleeping form, and my smile grows even bigger. Today I plan on spending every second with him. I'm kind of afraid that if I don't, he might start to think that he regrets what happened last night. But that's not very logical since he's the one that liked me first. But still.... I'm allowed to be a little bit paranoid.

Hmm it looks like Minhyuk, Eunkwang, and Hyunsik are up already. Everybody else is still asleep though.... I grin evilly and silently creep toward Ilhoons bunk. It's time to wake him up! When I get to the edge of the bed I just stare at him. He's facing me so I have a perfect view of his adorable features. As I get closer, his eyes slowly open, without me even doing anything to cause them to. 

Awww, I wanted to wake him up...

"Good morning sunshine!" I whisper, and kiss his forehead. He smiles at me sleepily. His barely opened eyes squeeze shut again as he stretches, almost like a cat, and then they open fully and stare straight into mine. They have a mysterious sparkle in them, which I'm hoping is a good thing. Ilhoons smile widens, and then he leans in and kisses me.

Once, twice, then again,and again... And then I can't breathe so I rest my forehead on his, my hands cupping his face. I lean away to look at him, and I notice that I'm absent mindedly his cheek with my thumb. He seems to like it, because his eyes close contentedly and his hand comes up to rest on top of mine. A satisfied grin appears on my face in response to Ilhoons reaction to my touch.

I suddenly realize that we're doing this in complete open view of the other members, so I drop my hands away from his face and just sit there staring at him. If anybody woke up and saw us being so intimate they would definitely find it odd.

Well, it would only be odd for them. For Ilhoon and I it's normal, and I guess you could say it's simply... wonderful? Enjoyable? Amazing?

All of those work... Yet none of them seem to really describe exactly how I feel while I'm with Ilhoon. I think we need to invent a new word....

"What are you thinking about? You look zoned out.." Ilhoons whispering voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I smile at him sheepishly, slightly embarassed by what I was just thinking.

"Wellll... I was just thinking that I... Really, really like.... Food..." At that last word I swoop my hands in a dramatic gesture, as if presenting my statement on a silver platter.

Well, that sounded slightly ridiculous. But I couldn't tell him what I was actually thinking, because it would sound even more ridiculous.

Ilhoon starts to laugh. Loudly.... But then he catches himself and manages to suppress his laughter into quiet giggles and occasional snorts.

Oh, how attractive...

I'm serious actually, I find it insanely cute. 

I start to laugh along with him, and end up rolling around on the floor like an insane person in an attempt to control myself. Ilhoon slides from his bunk down beside me on the floor and sits on my stomach to still me. It works, and my laughing instantly stops as his presence completely overtakes all other thoughts. 

"We should do something today." He whispers while looking into my eyes. The strange gleam is still in his, and now I think I know what it means. I blush. Is he suggesting what I think he is? Ilhoon notices my cheeks turn pink and brings his hands up to cup them. He laughs softly and says, "Thats not what I meant! Dirty Changseob." 

My face turns a deeper shade of red and I grin sheepishly. 

"But we could do that if you want." Ilhoon adds, leaning down to whisper in my ear seductively. 

Aaah why is he doing this to me! My face feels like it's on fire and all I can think about is this boy on top of me. I can't even think of a decent reply. So I just grin like an idiot and stare into his eyes. He stares back for a moment and then looks away. Now he's the one who's blushing 

"Now who's the dirty one?" I finally manage to whisper to him. I'm slowly getting over the embarrassment so I can think again. 

"Both of us, it would seem." He winks at me and then gets up off of me. He helps me up and we proceed to get dressed for the day. It feels awkward.... I keep wanting to watch him, to touch him, but it feels weird. I don't want to be creepy, but at the same time I know that it wouldn't be creepy, considering what happened last night. 

Aaah, last night. 

I still can't believe it... 

My life has been flipped around in just one night! Before now, I never thought about Ilhoon in that way. I didn't think of ANY guys in that way. Hmm. Why did that change so suddenly? I allow myself to stare at Ilhoon. But now it's because I'm contemplating him... Not because I'm having erted thoughts like before. 

I suppose it doesn't really matter why.... It just seems like a question that should be asked. I find that I can't answer that question with any logic. It all simply comes down to the raging emotions that I've felt since last night. 

Ilhoon notices me staring at him, although he is now fully clothed, and he throws a wink my way. I wink back, not wanting to seem awkward. We walk towards each other, and I wrap an arm around his waist to lead him out of the room full of sleeping BtoB members. Now there's less risk of being seen, so we can be more intimate. Finally!!!! Although its not like we were really restraining ourselves a lot before.... 

Anyway, I'm not about to waste this beautiful opportunity, so as soon as we shut the door behind us, I pull my precious Ilhoon into a hug. He responds immediately by wrapping his arms around my neck and tucking his face against my shoulder. I kiss the top of his head, causing him to lift it and kiss me on my lips. He kisses me slowly, and I follow his lead, simply enjoying the moment. Then I feel one of his hands slide down my body and rest on my hip. Even though there is a layer of fabric between, my skin burns where he touches and my mind becomes foggy with lust for more. Almost as if it has a mind if its own, my tongue lightly traces along Ilhoons lips, causing him to give a small gasp of surprise. I seize the opportunity to slip my tongue into his mouth, earning a squeeze of his hand on my hip, which causes me to shiver at his slightly aggressive touch.

Ilhoons P.O.V

It's all a chain reaction, really. One touch leads to another, which leads to another, which leads to emotions ruling over the mind, which leads to the position that we are now in. At some point we managed to get onto the floor, much like how we were last night. Our tongues dance together as we hungrily kiss each other. I feel like I can't get enough of Changseob... His taste, his smell, his touch... I want more of all of it, and he seems to want to give it to me. From the moment I woke up to see him right in front of me, I wanted to resume where we left off last night. My hands travel all over his body. From his hair, to his waist, to his hips. And then, in a sudden act of boldness, they find his nicely shaped , and squeeze it. 

He yelps in surprise, breaking our kiss.... Or make out session to be exact. A naughty grin spreads over my now lonely lips. Changseob stares at me in surprise at my sudden action. 

"Ilhoon..... Who knew you were so naughty." He mumbles, a grin of his own forming. 

"I guess you bring out the best in me." I reply before snuggling my face against his chest, slightly worn out from so much activity so early in the morning. He just laughs and wraps his arms around me, massaging slow, gentle circles in between my shoulder blades. 

I breathe in his scent, trying to memorize it. 

"This feels so nice." I mumble. "I'm glad you figured out that I like you." My fingers grip his shirt, almost posessively. Finally, he is mine, and I am his, and it makes me never want to let go of him. 

"It's all thanks to my amazing detective skills!" Changseob says. I can hear the obvious sarcasm in his voice, but he's actually right. He was a pretty great detective! 

Or was I just super obvious? I thought I hid it well, but I guess not... Even Hyunsik kind of noticed! Except he just joked about it, so I thought that's all it was; a joke. 

I decide to just ask Changseob so I lift my head to look at him as I say, "Was I really obvious?" 

His gaze bores through me as he thinks for a moment before replying. 

"Yeah. I guess. I actually had no idea until yesterday when Hyunsik made that joke, you sure didn't hide your reaction very well!" He laughs and kisses my forehead to make me feel less awkward. It doesn't really work, but I appreciate the effort. 

"It's hard to hide it!" I whine, trying to defend myself. 

"I could tell!" He laughs again, and I pout. Gosh, he sure finds this amusing.... "But you don't have to hide it anymore." He finishes off his statement, and my pout disappears as I realize just how true it is. I'll never have to hide or suppress my feelings for him again!!!  

"Hehe, yep 'cause now you're mine!" I lunge at him and wrap my arms and legs around him. I resume my earlier position; cuddling into him and tucking my head against his chest. He's a great pillow. 

My pillow begins to move upwards, and I feel myself slipping downwards. Changseob puts an arm around my waist to position me in his lap as he sits up. 

I look at him questioningly, wondering what caused him to disturb my comfortable position. But he isn't looking at me. He's looking off into space, with a thoughtful expression on his face. 

"What is it?" I ask slowly. 

"Speaking of hiding things.... I think that Eunkwang and Minhyuk are hiding something from us...." His forehead wrinkles as he thinks harder and he looks down at me, his eyes twinkling. 

What is he talking about? What could they be hiding??? 

Oh wait... 

Oh... I remember now. My eyes widen in shock as I remember what I saw last night before I went to sleep. 

"You saw that too???" I burst out in excitement, and Changseob nods in reply. 

"Do you think they're a couple, like us??" I know I'm getting unreasonably excited but I can't help it. We're not alone! 

Changseob seems just as excited as I am when he replies with, "I'm not sure, but it looks like they are. They're always so touchy!" 

"And they're always looking at each other!" I add enthusiastically. 

"I bet I know where they are today..." Changseob says in a mysterious tone. He drums his fingers together like an evil mastermind, and I can guess what he's thinking. 

He's ridiculous so I laugh at him, but he continues to act strange. It's okay 'cause it's cute. ;) 

"Are we gonna go spy on them?" I ask, already knowing what the answer will be.  

"Yes. Yes we are." Changseob grins, and we both get up to begin our mission. 

Hehe, this should be fun!


Changseobs POV

If Eunkwang and Minhyuk are a couple, then I definitely have to find out. All of the evidence say that they are, so I have to investigate! I'm almost positive that they'll be at Minhyuks apartment, so Ilhoon and I are heading there to spy on them. After puting on disguises of course. We're not in a huge hurry though, so we're just walking and enjoying our time together. The streets don't have a lot of people in then yet, so we can risk holding hands without getting weird looks. 

"I think we should tell them." Ilhoon says suddenly. 

"Hmmm, tell who what?" I reply in a cheerful tone, just happy to be with him. 

"Should we tell the other members about us.... Being a couple...?" I notice he blushes so I pull him closer to me so I can . 

"Aww, you blush a lot!" I grin as I pinch his pink cheek playfully. He smacks my arm and pulls away as if he's annoyed, but I can see him fighting a grin of his own. I wish I could keep playing with him, but I should probably take his question seriously... 

"If you want to we can. I think they will accept us." And I do. All of us are really close, and we can tell each other anything. But Ilhoon doesn't look so sure... 

"What if they don't though..." He look up at me, with a distressed look on his face. I his hand with my thumb and lean closer to cuddle up against his cheek. 

"How about we just tell Eunkwang and Minhyuk? If they turn out to be a couple." 

Ilhoon hesitates for a moment before nodding and smiling, so I move away, satisfied that he's happy again. 

"Okay, then that's what we'll do!" 

We turn onto a different street, where there are a few more people than the streets before, so we tone down our affection. Just a notch though. We walk at a leisurely pace, still holding hands. I look away from Ilhoon for a moment as something in a store catches my eyes, and I feel a sudden light pressure on my cheek. It stays for only a split second, but that split second was enough to make my heart start beating uncontrollably again. I whip my head to the side to look at the grinning Ilhoon, who had just kissed my cheek. 

"Thanks hyung." He says. 

"For what?" 

"For.... Everything." He continues to smile at me, even while giving such a non-detailed answer. 

I smile back and nudge his arm affectionately, and then a sudden movement catches my eye so I look toward it. It's a person running down the street. I almost look away again but then I realize that the person is Hyunsik. 

"Hey isn't that Hyunsik?" I ask Ilhoon a I point in the direction of the running figure.  

"Yeah it looks like it!" Ilhoon says, surprise clear in his voice. 

I notice he's carrying a bag. 

"Oh it looks like he got groceries!" 

"Awwwe, that hyung is so thoughtful. Hey, Changseob, why don't you buy groceries?! Maybe I should go out with Hyunsik instead." I bump his hip playfully, instantly forgetting about the odd sight of Hyunsik running down the road. 

"I can do more than just buy groceries for you." I wink suggestively, not really knowing exactly what I'm suggesting. It just seemed like an appropriate response. 

Ilhoon laughs and then tugs on my arm for me to walk faster. 

"Come on, we might miss them if we don't hurry!" 

So I hurry, and soon we're almost at Minhyuks apartment.


We're almost right in front of the apartment building, and we're planning our 'spy mission' when we suddenly see Minhyuk and Eunkwang burst out of the building. They run right past us, not even noticing us standing there. We watch, dumbfounded, as they rush out into the middle of the street to wave down a cab. Cars honk at them and swerve around them, but they seem not to notice. As a cab pulls up I can hear Minhyuk yelling the address of our dorm to the driver. Why do they need to get back to the dorm so quickly? 

I look at Ilhoon in confusion, but his expression tells me that he has no idea what's going on either. But I can tell that we both know one think for sure; something awful has happened at the dorm. We have to go back. 

I grab Ilhoons hand and run up to the edge of the street, not wanting to be as dangerous as the other two had been. A taxi pulls up and we clamber into the backseat, and tell the driver where to go. Ilhoon squeezes my hand. He looks worried so I put my arm around his shoulders to reassure him. Truthfully, I'm worried to, but I don't want to show it and make Ilhoon even more worried. The taxi ride seems to take forever, but soon we arrive at the dorm. 

We didn't get a chance to spy on Eunkwang and Minhyuk, but that can wait. If something bad has happened to a fellow member, that takes first priority. We're all family and we love each other more than anything else.

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KaiVee #1
Chapter 11: THIS IS KILLING ME. /Giggling/
PenJae. <3
nice story ^^
iamandie #3
Chapter 11: fluffy! love it!
Chapter 11: KYAAAAAA OH MY GOSH. That Penjae moment at the end!!! I CAN'T. XD
This fic is seriously giving all these crazy feels!!! The Ilseob couple is just too adorable and Minkwang is just so adorable as well and idk but I feel Penjae will be more of a silly and playful couple but they'll also be adorable and HYUNSIK STOP BEING MEAN AND JUST FIND YO MAN AND APOLOGIZE AND THEN BE HAPPEH AGAIN. ;A;
Lol sorry about my rambling xD
I really really REALLY hope you update soon because I am totally loving this story!! :D
Plz update soon
Youngminkwangmin #6
Chapter 9: Please update!!!! I cant wait 2 c what happens well if there is going 2 have an update.
chAOsXxx #7
Thank you for not putting Ilhoon and Hyunsik together *_*