Minkwang (The First Incident Part Two)

BtoB Love Stories (boyxboy)

(A.N- So this part comes directly after the first Minkwang chapter, but before the first Ilseob chapter... Sorry for the confusing order of chapters... I just went with my flow of ideas and it ended up like this.)

Eunkwangs POV 


I wake up. I can't recall where I am or how I got there.... 

My head aches. And my memory is fuzzy. So I guess I was drinking last night? Ugh... Why do I do this to myself? 

I groan as my senses return and I slowly wake up. I don't open my eyes yet... I know the light will hurt too much. 

First I am aware that My limbs are stiff. I must have slept in the same position all night. I try to move my arm up to wipe the sleep from my groggy face, but it won't move. Is it too stiff or is something holding it down? I attempt to sit up... I can't move. 

What the hell is going on??? Did I somehow paralyze myself last night??? 

My hangover makes it difficult to think clearly, let alone remember how I got myself into this state. 

My anger wakes me up a little bit more and I'm now aware of something else. 

I'm on a couch. And there is something next to me. And that something is warm and breathing. 

Whaaaat???!!! I jolt upwards and this time I manage to break free of whatever was restricting me, and I sit up. My eyes open and I manage to ignore the blinding morning light that tries to stab at my pupils. 

"Oh god..." I mumble. What the hell happened last night? I recognize the person beside me right away. I would recognize him anywhere, in any situation, so of course I know exactly who it is even with his face pressed down in the couch. I slowly survey the situation. 

Minhyuk is with me on a couch, sleeping. Our legs are entwined. 

His arms were around me and mine were around him. 

We were drunk last night 

Oh no..... 

Oh no! 

Memories suddenly begin to flood back into me. I remember everything. 

How could I be so dumb??? Of course I had always wanted to do that with Minhyuk, but I always knew that no matter what, I shouldn't do it. If people find out, things will get bad. 

I don't want to wake him up. I don't want to face him after what we did. It will be too awkward.... 

Or will it? We were drunk, but we both were willing. Will he even remember when he wakes up? I recall that he drank a lot... And the fact that he gets drunk easily anyway probably didn't help the situation. 

For now, I won't wake him up. I just lay back down beside my crush and try to remember fully what occurred last night. 

We kissed. A lot. And we both liked it. A lot. 

And neither of us have shirts on. 

I find myself smiling uncontrollably and I put my arms back around Minhyuk, and bury my face against his bare shoulder, as I wait for him to wake up. 

I don't know how long it took, but when he starts to stir I remove myself from my comfortable position and sit coss legged on the other side of the couch. I sit facing him so that I can see his reaction when he fully wakes up. 

He groans and his hands go up to rub his temples. He must have a worse headache than I do. Then his eyes slowly open into tiny slits and he notices me sitting there. 

"Eunkwang... Why do I feel like poo...?" He asks groggily as he rubs his eyes. 

"Well.... We were drunk." I choose my words carefully. I dont want to say anything about what I remembered, just in case he won't remember as well. 

"Ugh...." He moans in pain as he sits up.  

"That makes sense... I was having a really bad day.... And then you were here with alcohol." Suddenly his eyes open fully and he stares straight at mine for a few seconds, in shock. 

I think he remembered. 

"Umm... Eunkwang... Are my memories messed up... Or... Did we...?" He breaks off and squeezes his eyes shut as if in pain and bends over to put his head between his knees. I think he's trying not to throw up... 

I don't say anything until he's better again, and he looks up at me for an answer. 

I can't meet his gaze as I say it so I glance away. 

"Umm. I don't think both of our memories could be screwed up." I mumble. 

He draws in a sharp breath. 

"So... We kissed." Hearing it out loud makes it seem even more real. 

"A lot." I reply, mimicking my thoughts from before. 

"And... That's it?" He doesn't sound disgusted or angry.. So I decide it's safe to look up. Minhyuk is still looking straight at me, and he's smiling. 

"Yep that's it." I reply slowly. 

"And... I liked it." His smile grows after he says this, and then he's moving across the couch to sit directly in front of me. "And from what I remember, you did too." 

A smile forms on my face as well and I nod slowly. 

"And you cried." His expression becomes mocking and I punch him in the arm, only half joking. 

"I'm an emotional drunk, okay! I couldn't help it..." No matter how embarrassing it seemed like it should have been, it really wasn't. It was actually... Nice. 

"All I can taste is salt..." Minhyuk says before thinking. We both freeze in place and glance away from each other and blush as we remember why. 

"So.... You like me?" 

I laugh at how bold he is. And then my blush deepens as I try to think of a way to respond. 

Of course I like him. I always have. But how do I say it...? 

I decide to stop being an awkward chicken so I look straight at Minhyuk, and I say, "Yes." 

I'm not sure what kind of reaction I expect. And I'm scared to think about it too much. 

He doesn't respond... He just sits there with his face blank, so I can't tell what he's thinking. 

I can't take the suspense so I look away awkwardly once again. Maybe I shouldn't have told the truth... Maybe I should have told him that I only kissed him because I was drunk.... 

But that would be a complete lie and I would never be able to tell him the truth after that. Ever. So I'm glad I told him just now. 

"Well, that's a relief!!!" Minhyuk says and then starts to laugh softly. "Do you remember the question you asked me last night?" 

I remember. I asked him if he was secretly gay. Straight out, no beating around the bush. Wow, I must have been feeling realljy brave!  

I nod and he continues, "And do you remember my answer?" He blushes. 

I don't remember at first... But I think for a moment and then I've got it.... 

"You said that you were gay for me..." My face flushes completely and I let out a nervous laugh. I still can't look at him directly. I'm not drunk anymore, so any bravery that I had last night is now completely gone. 

Or at least I thought it was... But I find myself leaning forwards toward Minhyuk, almost exactly as I had last night. I stop when we are only a few centimeters apart, and I find it hard to stay there. I want to go closer. I want to be as close as we were last night. But I want to hear what his answer will be even more. 

"Apperantly I feel the same way when I'm not drunk." Minhyuk says finally. And then he smiles, and I can't wait anymore so I kiss his smile, and he kisses back. We aren't as close physically as we were last night, but we're closer emotionally, and that makes the kiss seem amazing. :) Who cares if we're both guys, and that what we're doing could potentially ruin our careers. As long as we keep it a secret, it will all be fine. 

And even better, we can keep kissing. And that's exactly what we do this morning, our hangovers are forgotten and we kiss each other like its the first time. My arms link around Minhyuks neck and my fingers play with his bed-head hair. Now that I'm fully aware, my actions are more thought out and less extreme. I hope Minhyuk isn't disappointed... 

We continue to kiss in that same position for a bit, and then he moves closer to me and hugs me around my waist. 

I can barely breathe... My mind is overflowing with emotion and I can't think clearly anymore. It's almost as if I'm drunk again, except this time I'm drunk on Minhyuk. We pull away from each other to breathe and I finally realize that my mouth tastes disgusting after drinking and then sleeping and not brushing my teeth. 

Yuck... I'm suddenly self conscious as I wonder if Minhyuk noticed that while he was kissing me. I'm about to suggest that we stop for a teeth brushing break, when Minhyuk-the-mind reader beats me to it. 

"I hate to ruin the moment but I really need to brush my teeth. They feel disgusting and it's driving me insane." 

Seriously, it's like we share a brain... 

"I was literally just thinking the same thing. Can you read my mind???" I leap back away from him and pretend to be afraid of him. He plays along and makes an evil face as he cackles and says, "Yes, and now that you've discovered my secret you must pay the price. MUAHAHAHA!" He suddenly lunges forward and attempts to tackle me but I jump off of the couch at the last second and laugh as he lands on his face. He growls in mock anger and leaps off the couch after me, our teeth brushing mission forgotten. As he chases me around the apartment I can't help but think that maybe I should let him catch me just so I can enjoy the feeling of him touching me again. 

I think I've become a ert. 

Oh well... It's fun! I pretend to trip and fall, causing Minhyuk to trip on me and he falls right on top of me. I groan in pain at the sudden impact, but I caused it so I can't really get angry at him. 

"Gaah! Did I hurt you??? I'm sorry!!" Minhyuk looks genuinely worried and he starts to get up so he's not squishing me. I grab him and pull him back down.  

"You caught me.. So what's this price I have to pay?" I smirk at the surprised look he gives me. 

"Hmm well that depends. You discovered my deepest, darkest secret so it's going to have to be a big price. Is your body too much?" His words don't surprise me, I think I was secretly hoping for him to say something like that. 

Yes, I have definitely turned into a ert. 

"Well that depends on what you plan on doing with it if I give it to you."  

"Of course I plan to cut you up into little pieces and then I'll have Eunkwang stew for dinner." 

I stare at him in shock for a few seconds and then we both burst out laughing uncontrollably. 

"Bahahahaha, you completely ruined the mood!!" I smack his chest and he rolls off of me, still laughing like a maniac. 

"And just what kind I mood was it?" He manages to say while still giggling. I blush and I can't think of a way to answer. 

"Umm well if your just gonna eat my body, then I'll have to come back from the dead and take your body for my own purposes." I say, trying to bring back the mood. 

"Eunkwang, since when are you this dirty minded??" He laughs at me and then he's suddenly on me again, straddling my waist. 

"Okay, here's my body, so you can do whatever you want with it." He winks at me and then pretends to go limp, as if he's completely submitted himself to me. I laugh at him, an I'm aware of my face heating up as I realize just what he's suggesting. 

"Now who's the one that's dirty minded??" My voice is shaky though, so it's hard to make it sound like a joke. He laughs anyways and his body shakes on top of mine, causing me to not be able to breathe. Again. 

I wonder if he did that on purpose, knowing what reaction it would cause... He is truly evil. 

"So, now you're mine." I say, just to say something. 

"Mmmhmm." Is the only reply I get. I glance down at Minhyuks face and I see that he has his eyes closed. His head is close to mine, so he snuggles into me as if I'm a pillow. I shiver as his hair tickles my face and I put my arms around him. I close my eyes as well and savour our close proximity. When he starts to feel heavy I realize that he's no longer pretending and he has actually gone limp and fallen asleep. 

He's adorable... I don't want to move, but he actually is getting really heavy, so I carefully move him off of me enough so that I can get up, being careful not to wake him up. 

I pick him up slowly and carry him to the small bed in the corner of the room. He really does fall asleep easily, I think, amused at how cute I find it. I decide that I may as well brush my teeth now, so I do, and I also change out of my jeans into some comfier sweat pants. Then, I decide that since the only thing I can think about at the moment is Minhyuk, I crawl into the bed with him and snuggle next to him. I watch him sleep, as creepy as that sounds, and then eventually I fall asleep as well.

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KaiVee #1
Chapter 11: THIS IS KILLING ME. /Giggling/
PenJae. <3
nice story ^^
iamandie #3
Chapter 11: aw..so fluffy! love it!
Chapter 11: KYAAAAAA OH MY GOSH. That Penjae moment at the end!!! I CAN'T. XD
This fic is seriously giving all these crazy feels!!! The Ilseob couple is just too adorable and Minkwang is just so adorable as well and idk but I feel Penjae will be more of a silly and playful couple but they'll also be adorable and HYUNSIK STOP BEING MEAN AND JUST FIND YO MAN AND APOLOGIZE AND THEN BE HAPPEH AGAIN. ;A;
Lol sorry about my rambling xD
I really really REALLY hope you update soon because I am totally loving this story!! :D
Plz update soon
Youngminkwangmin #6
Chapter 9: Please update!!!! I cant wait 2 c what happens well if there is going 2 have an update.
chAOsXxx #7
Thank you for not putting Ilhoon and Hyunsik together *_*