Minkwang- Minhyuk 'Oppa' Plans a Date

BtoB Love Stories (boyxboy)

Minhyuks POV

I'm awake first thing in the morning, before any of the other members. I sit up sleepily and rub my eyes in an attempt to wake up fully. I had a good dream last night. It involved my new boyfriend. ;) A smile forms on my face at the memory of it, and I glance down at Eunkwangs sleeping form on his floor bed. He's so cute when he's sleeping! I let myself admire him from afar for a few moments until I start to get jealous of the pillow he's hugging. Slowly and silently, I climb out of my bed, and into his so I can cuddle up to him. 

All of the other BtoB members are in a deep sleep, so I can risk doing this without anybody seeing. 

It's been a few days since Eunkwang and I started dating, but we decided not to tell the others yet. We don't know how they will react and we don't want them to start acting differently around us... 

So, for now we're a secret couple, and we have to try our best to act like we don't always want to be in each others arms. 

It's difficult! I shouldn't have to control myself so much! 

But even though we can't show our affection in front of the others, we still have our moments when we can be alone. And it's especially lucky that I have my own apartment that only I have a key to! Ehehehehehe.  

After a few minutes of just laying next to him, listening to his even breathing, I attempt to wake him up. 

"Eunkwangie.... Wake up." I whisper in his ear, and he moans sleepily in response, and cuddles closer to me. Awee, he's even cuddly when he's asleep! 

"Eunkwangie..." I pause, not quite sure what I was planning on saying.  

And then something comes to mind. 

".... Saranghe..." My voice is barely a whisper, so I could barely even hear myself, but Eunkwang mumbles something in response. My breath catches in my throat... Is it possible that he heard me?? I lean closer and rest my forehead on his. 

"Hmmm? What did you say?" It feels a little bit strange talking to a sleeping person as if they're awake... 

"Mmmm.... Minhyukie?" He responds again, in his weird mumbly sleep language. 

"Yes? Did you hear what I told you?" My heart is beating rapidly in anticipation. I want him to have heard... But at the same time I'm nervous. Sure, we've admitted that we like each other, but that's it. Nothing more. 

I love him... I didn't know if I did at first, but now I realize that I really really love Eunkwang. 

I'm just not sure if he loves me back. And I don't want to find out if he doesn't. 

Well, I guess I just did kind of tell him. In a way... 

"Minhyuk.... Oppa~~" Eunkwang mumbles and a sleepy grin appears on his face. 

What the hell kind of dream is he having???? Why did he call me oppa??? 

I'm a little bit creeped out.... But then I just find him cute so I kiss his cheek randomly. 

"Oppa wants you to wake up." I whisper right next to his ear. He stirs slightly, but doesn't open his eyes. I sigh, he's cute but he's really not making this easy. 

I need to find a way to wake him up without waking up everyone else as well. Hmmm what shall I do? 

Well.... Kisses usually solve any problem. So I'll do that... 

This might feel a bit awkward. But. I really want to do it. 

For some strange reason... 

I stare at him for another moment. And then I kiss Eunkwang full on the lips. 

He just keeps sleeping, not reacting at all. 

Ouch, that hurts... I'm disappointed so I start to pull away, but then his eyes suddenly fly open in surprise. 

My eyes widen in surprise as well and I continue to pull away, but my boyfriend grabs the front of my shirt to keep me there, and starts kissing me back. I smile against his mouth. It worked perfectly! 

We kiss as silently as we can, afraid of waking the oblivious members. Eunkwang shoves the pillow he was hugging away from us and wraps his arms around me instead. I show my thanks by cuddling even closer to him and his soft hair. As far as our kisses go, this one is pretty tame. When we're alone at my apartment, we pretty much just make out the whole time.... But right now, since we're being discreet, our kisses are slow and passionate, and I find myself liking it more than even our first kiss.  

Well, our first sober one anyway. 

To me, first kisses have always been the best. They seem to hold the most emotion, and they're fresh and new and exciting. But now I'm being forced to rethink that... 

Eunkwang pulls away for air, far enough that our lips are separated, but not so far that his presence isn't overwhelming every single one of my senses. 

In between breaths he whispers, "That was probably the best wake up I've ever gotten." 

I giggle and give one more quick kiss on his lips before I start to untwine myself from my boyfriend, and get off of the bed. Once I'm up I grab his hand to help him up, and we walk out into the main living room together, fingers intertwined. 

Once we're safely out of the bedroom, and away from anyone who might suddenly wake up and see us, we're back in each others arms. Just standing there in the middle of the room hugging each other and gazing into each others eyes. 

I'm sure we must look silly... But I really couldn't care less! 

"So, what are we gonna do today?" Eunkwang whispers, his eyes flicking down to my lips, and then quickly back to my eyes. I ignore his suggestive action and tell him my plans. 

"I was thinking we could go on our first official date." I grin as I watch his eyes widen in excitement, and a huge, goofy smile spreads across his face. He's radiating excitement and he even starts to bounce up and down like a little kid. I laugh and join him in his happy dance, not letting go of him the whole while. 

"Let's go get ready!" He whispers, in a super excited tone. We break apart from our hug, but keep our hands held together as we walk back into the bedroom to quickly get dressed and grab what we need to go out for the day.

Eunkwangs POV

After we're ready, and we have our disguises on (so that we don't get disturbed on our date), Minhyuk and I leave the dorm and take a taxi to a place for breakfast. 

I've never been here, but Minhyuk has and he told me that it's the absolute perfect place for our date. Any place he picks would be perfect, but as we enter the small building, I can see that he was right. It's a little cafe, with dim lighting and secluded little booths everywhere. Even though its small, it doesn't seem cluttered or crowded, and the booths are hidden from each other, just enough so that you feel like theres nobody else in the room. The atmosphere is perfect. 

Minhyuk and I sit across from each other in a booth in the corner and order our food from the waitress, who thankfully doesn't recognize us.  

"This place is perfect!!" I exclaim as I look around us in wonder. It's so romantic... But not in a fluffy pink, girly way... Thankfully, since we are in fact, both guys... 

That's still a little bit weird to think about. Minhyuk and I are both guys, who like each other, and are dating. I've liked him for a while... Almost from the very start of BToB's formation. I thought that he would never feel the same way, and I should just keep it to myself and let the feelings pass. 

But they never did. My dumb feelings of wanting to kiss Minhyuks perfect lips every time I saw him haunted me night and day... Until a few days ago of course. Even though I still constantly want to kiss him, now i can actually do it! I smile at the memory of that first drunken night, and I gaze across the table at my perfect boyfriend. His eyes find mine and we just sit there staring at each other until the waitress comes with our food... And that is when the fun begins. ;) 

"Eunkwangie~ my hands hurt too much to use the chopsticks~" Minhyuk pouts and feebly pokes at his food with his loosely held chopsticks. 

Of course I know that he's just making an excuse, but I play along anyway. 

"Oh no! How will you eat???" My expression radiates concern, but I'm sure that my eyes are giving away that I'm actually laughing on the inside. 

"I don't know...." He pouts some more and then suddenly his head snaps up and he leans towards me over the table and makes a puppy dog face. 

"Will you feed me? ^_^." He pleads with all of his being, and I melt a little bit at his innocence. 

Even though I know that he isn't actually innocent. 

He's very good at getting what he wants.... But that's okay, because I don't mind giving it to him. 

"Only if you return the favor." I eye smile and Minhyuks innocent expression disappears and is replaced with naughty satisfaction at the success of his ploy. 

I pick up some food with my chopsticks and move it towards Minhyuk, who closes his eyes and opens his mouth to receive the delicious food. But... I happen to really like this food... I can't give it up so easily!!! At the last second I change my mind and pop the food into my own mouth instead. 

Mmmmm, it's delicious! :3 

My eye close in satisfaction; nothing's better than good food! When I swallow the bite of food I open my eyes to find Minhyuk staring at me. He looks so pitiful... His eyes are wide in sadness and disbelief and his mouth is pouting slightly. He's just acting again... But he's very good at it... 

I stare back and smile evilly as I take another bite of food. His eyes follow my chopsticks, from the plate, up to my mouth... And linger there.  

Then they shift back up to my eyes. He taps his lips in a silent plead, asking for food.... Or something else. 

But I like my food to much to give it up... So... 

I quickly glance around to make sure nobody is looking, and then I lean across the table and give my boyfriend a quick kiss on his lips. I pull back reluctantly, and watch as Minhyuks hand automatically goes up to touch his lips after my kiss. I don't really know why but I find the action flattering... It's as if he like my kisses so much that he wants to touch them to try and keep them with him. 

Or that could just be me being over interpretive. 

In any case, it's cute. He's cute. And he's mine. Life is perfect. 

"Well I have to say, that was better than any food could ever be... But I'm still hungry!" Minhyuk says, breaking me out of my thoughts. His hand is falling away from his face and a grin is forming on his lips. I smile back and pick up some food with my chopsticks. He looks at it expectantly, so I decide to be a good boyfriend and feed him. 

I put the chopsticks in front of his mouth and he eats the food off of them. I watch my little squirrel put the food in his cheeks as he eats it, as usual, and vaguely wonder if he even knows how cute it makes him look. 

We continue to laugh, joke and eat, trading bites here and there, after that little moment. When we're finished out food and we've paid, we start heading towards the door to leave and I notice that all of the waitresses are acting weird... 

They're all staring at us and giggling as they whisper to each other. 

My first though is that they recognized us... BtoB has become known already, so it's likely that they are fans. But all of them? There has to be at least 7 of them, all staring at us... And some of them are middle aged looking, and probably wouldn't be fans of a rookie kpop boy group.... I stare back at them in confusion, still walking towards the door with Minhyuk. I glance at him, but he doesn't seem to notice the weird behavior of the waitresses, and he just smiles at me when he sees me looking. 

"Awwwww!" I hear whispered from one of the girls.  

What is going on????  

Minhyuk and I reach the door and just as I take a step through it, I hear another whisper behind us. 

"Such a cute couple..." The other waitresses all agree with the one that spoke and they all giggle again. 

My thoughts all freeze, and my eyes widen in shock. How do they know that Minhyuk and I are dating??? Did they see the kiss??? I stop in the middle of the doorway... Too shocked to move. Minhyuk stops too so I glance at him.... His face tells me that he heard what they said as well, and he gives me a concerned look. I know what he's thinking; if they recognized us, our careers are over... We will become outcasts. 

He grabs my hand, and we run, all the way to his apartment.


Minhyuks POV

That was close... Way too close. I was so scared that they would recognize us, that I knew we just had to get out of there as fast as possible. I don't even care if they saw Eunkwang kiss me, or if they saw me grab his hand a we ran. I just care about keeping us a secret. 

About keeping Eunkwang mine. 

We run all the way to my apartment, up the stairs, into the room, and then collapse on the floor in exhaustion. We lay side by side, trying to catch our breath while still holding hands.  

Eunkwang looks scared... And I'm sure that my face reflects his. 

I could have lost him. If we had been recognized as BtoB members then our relationship would have been exposed and everything would have been over. 

The thought fully hits me, and I can feel tears start to well up in my eyes. Eunkwang reaches up to wipe them away, and I smile weakly as a thank you. 

As soon as I catch my breath enough to speak, I say the one thing that's going through my mind.  

"I love you." Its only a whisper, but the words seem loud and powerful. The tears spill over. I close my eyes to try to stop them, and I feel Eunkwangs arms go around me and he pulls me against his chest. I cry silently, with my eyes closed, not wanting him to ever let go... 

"I love you too... And I always will." Eunkwang whispers in my ear, and I finally open my eyes. His face is right by mine, and I can see tears in his eyes as well. 

Then his words fully sink in, and I'm overcome with an overpowering happiness. So I kiss him. My tears won't stop, but now they're happy tears. 

Eunkwang is mine. Eunkwang loves me. 

We kiss passionately, on the floor, both overcome with different emotions. Then my phone rings and we break apart in surprise. 

I don't want this moment to end but I pull the annoying phone out of my pocket to check the caller ID. As much as I hate to answer it right now, it could be important. 

It's Sungjae calling. 

Grr, maknae! If I could I would scold him for this... 

I give Eunkwang an apologetic look as I sit up to answer the call. He smiles in return; he fully understands. 

"Yoboseyo? Sungjae?" I speak into the phone, my tone slightly annoyed. 

"Hyung, there's something wrong wih Hyunsik. I don't know what to do!" Sungjae sounds panicked. Oh no... I start rambling off questions to the poor maknae... Oh no oh no... 

Eunkwang sees that something's wrong, so he scrambles to his feet as quick as he can, knocking over a nearby end table in the process. I hand the phone to him and he takes it and begins asking Sungaje what's wrong. 

He glances at me and we communicate with our eyes. 

We have to get back to the dorm. 

"We'll be right there!" I hear Eunkwang yell before hanging up. 

Without even speaking, we both bolt out the door, and run to the street where we catch a taxi, almost getting run over in the process, but not really noticing.  

All thoughts about ourselves are forgotten as we worry about our fellow member. 

As the mommy of BtoB, I naturally worry about my children, and Eunkwang is the leader so he naturally worries as well. When you get us both together in a crisis, we're just one big worrying mess. 

Don't worry Hyunsik! We'll come save youuuu!



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KaiVee #1
Chapter 11: THIS IS KILLING ME. /Giggling/
PenJae. <3
nice story ^^
iamandie #3
Chapter 11: aw..so fluffy! love it!
Chapter 11: KYAAAAAA OH MY GOSH. That Penjae moment at the end!!! I CAN'T. XD
This fic is seriously giving all these crazy feels!!! The Ilseob couple is just too adorable and Minkwang is just so adorable as well and idk but I feel Penjae will be more of a silly and playful couple but they'll also be adorable and HYUNSIK STOP BEING MEAN AND JUST FIND YO MAN AND APOLOGIZE AND THEN BE HAPPEH AGAIN. ;A;
Lol sorry about my rambling xD
I really really REALLY hope you update soon because I am totally loving this story!! :D
Plz update soon
Youngminkwangmin #6
Chapter 9: Please update!!!! I cant wait 2 c what happens well if there is going 2 have an update.
chAOsXxx #7
Thank you for not putting Ilhoon and Hyunsik together *_*