Penjae- Depression

BtoB Love Stories (boyxboy)

Peniels POV

"Hyunsik.... Are you okay?" I knock on the bedroom door hesitantly, and await an answer. I don't get one, so I walk away and sigh in defeat. Sungjae is sitting on the floor so I collapse down beside him. He looks over at me, worry clear in his eyes.
"What do you think's wrong with him?..." His voice shakes slightly as he asks me what I've been wondering myself. My heart aches to see my friend so worried, but I can't answer his question so I just shake my head and put an arm around his shoulders as an attempted act of comfort. I know Sungjae likes skinship, so I'll do my best to comfort him with it. I can tell that it works when he relaxes into me and sighs loudly. I wish I could do more, but this will have to do until the others get here. I've never been very good at comforting people, so being alone with a worried Sungjae and a depressed Hyunsik is torture!
Actually I'm not even sure if Hyunsik is depressed. But it sure looks like it. When he walked in a few minutes ago I almost didn't recognize him. He looked awful! Very unlike the cheerful Hyunsik that I know and love. I really hope he's okay...

Sungjaes POV (Sorry guys.... Theres's not much I can do with Peniels POV and I'm not good at it!)

When Peniel puts his arm around me, I automatically relax. His touch seems to wash away all of my worries. I sigh in contentment and relax against his body. If I had to stay here forever I would be completely fine with that. In fact I would love it! Peniel is just so comfortable.... I wonder what it would feel like to sleep with his arms around me like this...
Um. Not that I want to do that or anything.
Do I?
No, of course not, that's weird to think of my hyung like that.
But he's so comfortable... And warm...
Damn me and my confusing thoughts!!!
Despite all of my strange and confusing thoughts, I still don't move away from Peniel. Who knows when I will get to feel his arms around me like this again. I like skinship with him, I always have... So that's all this is: me enjoying skinship.

I'm startled to my feet by the sound of the front door slamming open and two sets of running footsteps in the hallway. Peniel jumps up as well, just as Minhyuk and Eunkwang come rushing into the room.
"What's wrong??" Are mommy Minhyuks first words. His eyes are wild and the way he's standing shows how anxious he is. Peniel launches into the explanation about what happened, and Eunkwang hesitantly walks up to the bedroom door and presses an ear up to it.
"He won't answer when we knock... And we wanted to wait for you guys to get here before we went in." Peniel finishes explaining. Minhyuk nods, and joins Eunkwang at the door. He knocks softly.
"Hyunsik, what's wrong? We want to help." He waits for a moment, but there is no reply, yet again. He knocks again, harder and more urgently his time. There's still no answer...
"Just open it." Eunkwang says softly to Minhyuk, affection clear in his voice.
Agh... That's right, they're a secret couple. I really wish I didn't have to see that last night....
Later I will confront them about it. I'll tell them to be more careful about their affection so that other poor innocent souls like me don't have to witness anything that they don't want to.
Minhyuk opens the door slowly and sticks his head into the doorway. His eyes scan the room, and then he's suddenly rushing in and kneeling beside Hyunsiks bunk. Eunkwang follows close behind Minhyuk, and Peniel and I stay by the door. Hyunsik is sleeping... But it's obviously not a pleasant sleep because there are tears streaming down his face. Is he having a bad dream? Minhyuk presses a hand to Hyunsiks forehead, and then attempts to wipe away his tears. It's a vain effort though because the tears just keep coming. He must be really really upset. My stomach knots in worry and I instinctively move closer to Peniels side. He places a hand on my shoulder, but i almost don't notice... almost.
Minhyuk gives up trying to dry Hyunsiks tears, and Eunkwang kneels down next to him. I catch a glimpse of Eunkwangs hand moving toward Minhyuks... but I look away before I can see any more.
"Should we.... wake him up?" Peniel asks nobody in particular. Everyone in the room goes still, we're all unsure about what to do next. This is all way too strange...
"I think so..." Minhyuk mumbles and looks up at us for advice.
"Yeah." Is all I can manage to say. A lump is forming in my throat, making it increasingly more difficult to breathe, let alone speak.
"Why are we so afraid about this anyway? Hyunsik needs our help so why are we hesitating??" Minhyuk suddenly yells... His frustration with the situation reaching its bursting point. He reaches over to Hyunsik and shakes his shoulders to wake him, without hesitating anymore. I stand completely still as Hyunsik's eyes slowly open and focus on the BtoB members surrounding him like a herd of timid sheep.

Behind me, I hear the sound of the front door being abused yet again, and hurried footsteps approaching us. Changseob and Ilhoon appear in the doorway, both with matching looks of worry. We all turn to them as they burst in, including Hyunsik. Changseob stops in the doorway when he sees Hyunsik. A strange look appears on his face... One that I can't decifer. Ilhoon continues moving until he's beside Minhyuk on the floor, next to Hyunsiks bed.
"What happened? Are you sick? Should you go to the hospital??" Ilhoon showers Hyunsik with questions and affection. Seeing this, I finally feel a little less tense. This is how we need to take care of each other! With love and without hesitating! I have no idea why we all seemed so afraid of Hyunsiks condition, but seeing Ilhoon take action has made me see that we had nothing to worry about. The other members seem to come to the same conclusion as me because Eunkwang smiles and sits down next to Minhyuk, and Peniel joins them. Everyone except for Changseob has finally relaxed... But that's normal. Changseob's just generally an awkward person.
Ilhoon continues his rapid questioning and cooing over Hyunsik, who is just sitting there staring off into space. Or is he...? I follow Hyunsiks gaze and realize that he's looking across at the doorway, right where Changseob is standing. Hmmm he probably is just staring off into space after all. I can't think of any reason that he would be staring at Changseob with such a scary look...
But then why is Changseob staring back? This situation just keeps getting stranger! I turn my attention back to everyone else just in time to witness something completely unexpected. Ilhoon, in his weird caring state, places a hand on Hyunsiks forehead to check his temperature, only for it to be smacked away. Hyunsiks scary gaze is then transferred from Changseob to Ilhoon, and the tense atmosphere is back. Ilhoon stares dumbfounded at his friend who just rejected him. I feel like I should do something.. But what?!? I have no idea what's going on! Changseob suddenly snaps out of his scary transe-like state and rushes over to kneel next to Ilhoon and gently grabs his hand to inspect the damage. It's all red... Hyunsik must have hit him really hard.
Changseob pushes Ilhoon behind him and stares down at the shell of a person on the bed.
"What's wrong with you?? Why did you have to hit him??" He yells at full volume. The person turns his face to look at Changseob with an expression that you would reserve for your worst enemy. If looks could kill this one would be a slow and painful, brutal murder...
The person on the bed finally speaks, in a hoarse voice. "What's wrong with me, huh?" He scoffs, and a wicked smirk appears on the face that never has any expression other than a friendly smile.
"What's wrong with you and that girl behind you? I sure hope that's a girl anyway... It kind of looks like a guy. But you wouldn't hold hands with a guy, would you? And you definitely wouldn't kiss a guy, would you?!?" With every word his voice increases in volume, until he literally screams out the last few words. We're all standing again... Completely shocked at what is happening in front of us.
"Wait, what?? You guys kissed?" Peniel asks slowly.
"Are you guys going out?" Eunkwang joins in the questioning.
"Eunkwang and I aren't the only ones??" Minhyuk practically bursts with joy, and grabs Eunkwangs hand as they both perform a little happy dance.
"Is it true?" I ask Changseob and Ilhoon. They glance at each other, and then they both nod slowly.
"Haha! I was right! About all of you!! Wow, I must really be good at reading people!" I jump around in my own happy dance at my triumph. I can't believe I was right!
"Are you all insane?!? Aren't you disgusted at yourselves?!? You're all guys!" Hyunsik explodes on anger and practically hurls himself off of the bed and our of the room. On the way out he plows right through Eunkwang and Minhyuk, ripping their hands apart and pushing both of them to the floor. Silence ensues yet again, as we all stare out the door after our clearly outraged friend.
"It looks like we've got a lot to talk about." Peniel finally breaks the silence. I nod in agreement. The realization about what this all means finally soaking into my mind. This doesn't all just mean that I was right... It means that more than half of BtoB members are gay, AND going out with each other to top it all off.
Well, hell. I feel so left out....
Once again, my gaze drifts over to Peniel, and my mind is filled with the type of affection for him that wouldn't normally be felt for a hyung. Maybe, just maybe... It's okay to accept that?

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KaiVee #1
Chapter 11: THIS IS KILLING ME. /Giggling/
PenJae. <3
nice story ^^
iamandie #3
Chapter 11: fluffy! love it!
Chapter 11: KYAAAAAA OH MY GOSH. That Penjae moment at the end!!! I CAN'T. XD
This fic is seriously giving all these crazy feels!!! The Ilseob couple is just too adorable and Minkwang is just so adorable as well and idk but I feel Penjae will be more of a silly and playful couple but they'll also be adorable and HYUNSIK STOP BEING MEAN AND JUST FIND YO MAN AND APOLOGIZE AND THEN BE HAPPEH AGAIN. ;A;
Lol sorry about my rambling xD
I really really REALLY hope you update soon because I am totally loving this story!! :D
Plz update soon
Youngminkwangmin #6
Chapter 9: Please update!!!! I cant wait 2 c what happens well if there is going 2 have an update.
chAOsXxx #7
Thank you for not putting Ilhoon and Hyunsik together *_*