
BtoB Love Stories (boyxboy)


Peniels POV
I honestly have no idea what to think right now. Hyunsik just stormed out of the dorm in an angry rage, and 4 out of 7 BtoB members have come out as being gay, and dating each other. That means that there are now 5 gay members in one boy group. Maybe all boy groups are like this, but we haven't been in the entertainment business long enough to know, I guess. I've been gay since before I can remember. It's not something that you choose after all, you just are or aren't. I've kept it hidden from my fellow members because I know that Koreans don't have the same views on homouality as Americans do, and I didn't want to make them uncomfortable. It seems I was wrong, evidently most of BtoB is not uncomfortable! It's a good thing, it means that I can tell them, finally! It's weird to be around people for so long and have to keep such a huge thing from them....
But.... Judging by Hyunsiks reaction... Maybe I should still keep it hidden? I don't want to make him any more upset. He seems to be a huge homophobe... It makes me sad, because I care about him so much, yet he's against something that's a part of me. It's okay, I guess. I don't blame him... 
All of us, except for Hyunsik who is nowhere to be found, are sitting in a circle in our living room. We arranged ourselves like this so that we could talk about what just happened. But nobody has said a word yet. Everyone seems to be lost in their own thoughts, just sitting there staring at the floor. I hear Ilhoon sniffle, so I look up to see him collapsed in Changseobs lap, tears streaming down his face. Changseob is whispering into his boyfriends ear and his hair to try and calm him down. They really do make a great couple, now that I see it. Before, I never thought of the possibility of any of us together as couples... Despite reading a few fanfics....
Uhmm. Yeah, never again... Those things are scarring.
(Although some do have some pretty good tips...)
I look at the other new couple next: Minkwang. I actually probably should have seen this one coming. They're just so... Couple-like. Even now, they're both staring at the floor, lost in their own thoughts, but they have their fingers intertwined and their bodies are oriented towards each other in a couple-like manner. It's like if one of them moves, the other moves with him. And it's always been relatively like this.
The only odd one out now is Sungjae. The not-so-innocent, innocent maknae. I look at him last, and I'm surprised to see him rocking back and forth, his head tucked against his knees. I didn't think he took it so hard! I'm about to place a hand on his back and comfort him, but I stop when he suddenly stops rocking and snaps his head up. The look on his face is one of complete determination. I can't help but gape at the sudden transformation.
"Guys, I have something to tell you..." Sungjae addresses us all, his voice strong.
Eunkwang, Minhyuk, Changseob, Ilhoon and I all turn our complete attention to our maknae. I wonder if he knows something about Hyunsik? Maybe what happened to make him harbor so much hate for gay couples... But it's doubtful.
"I- I'm......" Sungjaes voice wavers and he stops to gather his wits. It's not everyday that we see Sungjae struggling to say something. It's so unusual, so none of us try to interrupt him. Ilhoon crawls out of Changseobs lap to stare at Sungjae, his eyes still filled with tears, but curiosity as well.
Sungjae speaks again, this time not faltering with his words, "I'm pretty sure I'm gay too."
Sungjaes POV
I said it. I finally said it out loud. A strange mixture of horror and relief washes over me. That took an insane amount of courage. But knowing that I would without a doubt be accepted by everyone was enough to make me desperately want to tell them. I look into each of their eyes, trying to read what they think. They all look happy, warm, accepting. Good! I look at Peniel last, because his opinion means the most to me. He looks completely surprised... but he smiles at me when I look at him.
"Well this is starting to get kind of out of hand. I am too." Peniel says, speaking to everyone but looking at me the whole time.
Is he serious??? If he is... This means.... We can.... Maybe--- my dreamy thoughts are cut off when Changseob bursts out laughing. He falls over, clutching his stomach, and Ilhoon stares at him in horror.
"HEY! Don't laugh at their confessions!" Daddy Eunkwang comes to our defense and slaps the back of Changseobs head.
Ilhoon stands up to face Eunkwang, "That's my job!!", he yells at him before he hits Changseob as well.
"Hey! Seriously, you should know me well enough by now..." Changseob grumbles as he tentatively touches the back of his head to inspect the damage. A laugh escapes me as I watch them. Of course I know that Changseob wasn't laughing to be mean. He's just Changseob... he's random.
It's hilarious how we can go from being completely depressed to joking around within a few minutes! But this really isn't the time for jokes.
I clear my throat to get everyone's attention, "Guys I'm worried about Hyunsik. We have to go after him. Find him and shake sense into him... Something other than sitting here being useless!" I attempt to get everyone motivated. Peniel stands up, "You're right. Especially about the fact that we're all useless. But yeah, let's go get Hyunsik!"
Everybody else stands up as well, looking no less sad, but a little less completely devastated. Mommy Minhyuk drags Daddy Eunkwang towards the door saying, "Lets go get our baby!" Not to be outdone, the Ilseob couple grab each others hands and follow closely behind Minkwang, exclaiming something about how Hyunsik was their baby.
I chuckle at them as they rush through the door, and I'm just about to follow but a hand on my shoulder stops me. I turn around knowing exactly who it is, but when I turn and see his eyes gazing into mine I can't help but gasp in surprise. Peniels expression is so warm as he smiles at me almost shyly. I can't say anything; I'm lost in his eyes.
"Did it hurt?" He says softly.
"What?" I breathe, not fully paying attention to his words because I'm too fascinated with watching his mouth shape them.
"When you fell from heaven... Did it hurt?" He smirks, and I finally realize what he's said. I laugh at how random he is.
"I can't remember how I was supposed to react to that one." I say, referring to the skit we did together for Peniels second vlog. The one where I was the "woman" and he used all of his stupid pickup lines on me. Back then it was all just for fun, but now if we had to do that again I think I would probably melt into a puddle.
"You're supposed to slap me I think..." Peniel says, wincing jokingly at the thought of being slapped. I laugh again, all sad thoughts from moments before replaced by pleasant ones of this dork in front of me. I extend my hand out as if to slap him, and as I bring it closer to his face he squeezes his eyes shut to avoid the "pain". Right when my hand is next to his cheek I slow down and change the "slap" into a simple placement of my hand on his face. Before he can react I put my other hand on his other cheek and pull him towards me, kissing him before I can think twice about it.
"Umm. Sorry to interrupt but we should go find our depressed friend now..." Changseobs voice interrupts our little moment.
"Yeah.... And we really didn't need to see that." Eunkwang scrunches up his nose in disgust. Minhyuk peeks his head out from behind his boyfriend to add, "I'm glad you two are happy though! But yeah, try to keep the public making out to a minimum."
I sigh. Why did they have to interrupt?! Aaarg, I shall kill them all.
"Speak for yourself! I had to see that between you two last night!" I retort, defending Peniel and I.
Minhyuk gasps and ducks behind Eunkwang once again to hide. "Ohmygosh, you saw that???"
"Unfortunately.." I shudder at the memory.
"I saw too." Peniel adds. During all of this everyone's attention has been switching in between Minkwang and I, all of them clearly amused with the situation. But once Peniel speaks up and my attention is turned to him I realize how close together we still are. Our faces are literally an inch apart, and my hands are still positioned on either side of his face. I look into his eyes in pleasant surprise, momentarily dumbstruck by our close proximity.
"Hi there." Peniel says, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. I continue to stare for another moment, debating something in my mind...
"Aah, screw what they think..." I've made up my mind. With that I lean forward, closing the remaining inch between our mouths. Peniel wraps his arms around my waist, crushing our bodies together as we enjoy our second kiss. Squeals of disgust can be ears behind us by the door, followed by hurriedly retreating footsteps. I smile against Peniels mouth, joy overtaking me. But then I remember Hyunsik....
So I pull away, although reluctantly. Peniel makes an adorable noise of protest, but he lets me go. He looks into my eyes and I can tell that he understands.
He takes my hand, "Lets go get our friend." He says before planting one last kiss on my cheek, and then leading me out the door.
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KaiVee #1
Chapter 11: THIS IS KILLING ME. /Giggling/
PenJae. <3
nice story ^^
iamandie #3
Chapter 11: fluffy! love it!
Chapter 11: KYAAAAAA OH MY GOSH. That Penjae moment at the end!!! I CAN'T. XD
This fic is seriously giving all these crazy feels!!! The Ilseob couple is just too adorable and Minkwang is just so adorable as well and idk but I feel Penjae will be more of a silly and playful couple but they'll also be adorable and HYUNSIK STOP BEING MEAN AND JUST FIND YO MAN AND APOLOGIZE AND THEN BE HAPPEH AGAIN. ;A;
Lol sorry about my rambling xD
I really really REALLY hope you update soon because I am totally loving this story!! :D
Plz update soon
Youngminkwangmin #6
Chapter 9: Please update!!!! I cant wait 2 c what happens well if there is going 2 have an update.
chAOsXxx #7
Thank you for not putting Ilhoon and Hyunsik together *_*