
I hate you

"Does that mean that if Didi appears more girly so you'll notice her as a girl instead of little brother?"

Jaejoong can't fight the urge to ask more. He found the guy in front of him sighing, took a sip of his wine before he started to answer his question.

"Well, not entirely true. It just.. Maybe we've been too close. i guess i've already felt comfortable for our relationship now. Just like me and you, Junsu.. I can't picture us in romantic way, like i can't picture myself falling in love with you, Jae. But I do care about her.."

Jaejoong took a glance to Yoochun. He tried to hold back a smile to heard the explanation but he could see that the guy told the truth. 

"You know she has been so attentive and care for you, right?"

"It's part of her job. Right??" Yoochun started to feel annoyed for Jaejoong's repetitive question, but unconsciously started to questioning himself.

"You really don't feel any special feeling for her?"

"Jae, i don't understand why are u asking me this.."

"I.. Aah~ Ani.." Jejoong rolled his eyes and stuttered. Spotted for being too insistent. He hid from Yoochun's glare with sipping his wine all at once.

"Do you by any chance have a feeling for her?"

Jaejoong coughed and the wine spilled to his shirt. Yoochun stood up, gave him tissue while wrapping his mouth with his palm, tried to hold a laughter.

"You do??!"

"Yah! I want to ask her for a date. But i have to make sure that you won't kill me by doing that"



Yoochun dragged his slippers downstairs and found a set of breakfast on dining table. He smiled for seeing a bowl of bean paste stew with rice and a glass of red juice, that he couldn't identify the ingredients yet. Didi always forced him to eat and drink something healthy, to ballancing his unhealthy lifestyle she was saying. 

Something is not here.

Yoochun pouted. He lifted up the bowl, lifted the edge of the tablecloth, looked down under the table, but he couldn't find it. He then managed downstairs to the basement and found Didi behind her office desk.

She lifted her head, but then back to write on papers in front of her.

"I know, i'm your employee and this is your house. But a knock won't kill you"

"Eiii.. what a cold greeting. Where's my post-it?"

He sat at the table beside a pile of filesDidi looked at Yoochun, pretending that she didn't know what Yoochun meant.


"My post-it!" Yoochun whined.

"What post-it??"

"You always sticked a post-it with your cheering note in every my meals. But nothing today".

Didi sighed. She tried to continued her writing but she keep rolling the pen, suddenly loss concentration. Yes, she didn't give Yoochun any post-it, simply because she still mad of what she had heard last night.

"It's just a post-it, you still got ur meal anyway", she whispered.

"But you never forget before"

"Yoochun, is there anything else? I have a lot of things to do here"

The room became very quiet suddenly. She lifted her head up and surprised to see Yoochun's face was just a few centimeters from hers. She pulled back in relfex and looked away.

"Is there something wrong here? Why do you act so strange?"

"I don't"

"Yes, you do! What happen?"


"Why do i feel you're avoiding me?"

"I'm not"

"Yes, you are!"

"Oh, you think you know me so well?" Didi raised her voice.

"I do. You NEVER forget before. Except,when you're mad at me. Are you mad at me for something i didn't know? Arrrgh! You keep saying  nothing wrong, but i know there it is". He ruffling his hair in frustration.

"You dont need to worry about me" Didi whispered while she fake writing on a paper with hand-drawing in front of her. Yoochun's drawing.

Yoochun sighed and looked away.

"You always like this. Keep everything to yourself. Never let anyone help you. Never let anyone know that you're troubled. You stop people for knowing you better. Aren't you tired to keep pretending to be strong, pretending that everything okay, like this? Why don't you spill it out? You should be thankful that i'm worried about you"

For hearing the last sentence of his blabbering, Didi stood up, bitting her lower lips to hold his eyes from tearing.

"Well, i guess you've known me so well?? Now, look who's talking here"

Didi lifted up a piece of paper that she keep reading a whole morning. Yoochun's drawing of a tree.













"An anxious man, with a large potential energy, but very careful in the experiences and people you choose, feel barren, full of anxiety toward reality, having troubled in social relationship, insecure, self constraints to open up to people. Should i continue?" Didi blabbered, not caring anymore for what may come for her emotional interpretation of Yoochun's drawing.

"OH! You read me now?!"

"I did! That's my job!"

"Don't profile me and talk like you know me so well" Yoochun's voice raised in slight of anger.

"Oh, and do me the same favor, Park Yoochun, do not TALK like you ever know me, 'cause you don't!"

She threw the paper to Yoochun with teary eyes, and left him alone, stoning.





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Samantha24 #1
Chapter 8: wait wait.... im confused with didi's line of thoughts... Thanks. Waiting for the next update..
roughmetal2 #2
Chapter 8: she's going to attend the birthday party ....but with jae...what does it mean? and if 80% of her heart wants to be with jae, then could it be that she's not really into yoochun? how could one simply abandon "the love of her life" just because another hot guy came along? if didi is that kind of girl, then i wouldn't want her to be with yoochun anymore...
kimbap876 #3
Chapter 8: Yup, I'm still here-'been waiting and wondering when the next chapter would be posted. Thank you, dheeliciouz, and I'm looking forward to the next one...
i love the theme, Chunnie i too hate you much cause i'm madly in love with you ♥♥♥
roughmetal2 #5
Chapter 7: Oh didi, do you really need an answer to that question? You love yoochun and now that he wants to go out with you then better give the relationship a chance. Don't settle for second best when it comes to love. Go to where your heart is else everyone will just suffer in the end.
roughmetal2 #6
Chapter 6: Oh so did yoochun heard all of didi's musings? Does it mean he also likes didi or is he simply afraid to be left alone. I feel quite sorry for jae but then yoochun is my bias so of course i want him to get the girl :)
Samantha24 #7
Chapter 6: That is one cliff hanger update.. Hehehe.. Will chunie confess?^^ Thanks for the update.. ^^
kimbap876 #8
Chapter 6: Yehey-an update-thank you so much, author-nim!!!
kimbap876 #9
Chapter 5: Chunnie will be jealous, of course, so I think that will give him a jolt and maybe admit his feelings for Didi.
Samantha24 #10
Chapter 5: Im yoochun bias but yoochun needs to sort out his feelings for didi